The sixth interstellar circle is the world of Alan star.

If you say that Barrett couldn't even send a signal to Alan when he died, it's really unreasonable.

However, the look on the emperor's face didn't look like it was faked.

Alan Xing and Butler really have a very good relationship.

This kind of goodness is not a friendship, but an agreement they signed during the Blue Star War.

After that battle, Barrett jumped from a small third-level civilization to a sixth-level civilization.

Moreover, the agreement says that he will always be protected by the legendary civilization.

as well as...

Become the leader of technological civilization.

As for the Alan galaxy, it only got one thing...


On the main star of Alan star, there is a huge floating island.

In terms of area, it is almost the size of Eagle Country.

At the four corners of the island, there are four small islands neatly arranged around the island.

In the center of this island, there is a huge palace.

The entire palace is made of gold, shining with golden light, and on the roof of the palace, there is a huge golden dragon horizontally.

Here, is the real Alan Star Emperor Palace.

It was also the place where Tian Daofu lived all year round.

At this moment, Tian Daofu is not above the palace, but underground at the entrance of a temple.

Tian Daofu is huge, wearing a dragon robe, and dragon scales can be faintly seen on his arms.

As for his hands, they can transform into dragon claws.

He looked ahead and said slowly: "It's been so many years, don't you understand?"

The voice fell, and a huge voice suddenly sounded.

In an instant, the earth trembled and the mountains shook.

But Tian Daofu was not afraid at all, he suddenly pressed a black talisman on the temple, and the huge black energy was entangled and separated...

Woohoo! ! !

At this time, the voice was even louder.

That's right.

This is Dragon Yin.

It's just that compared to Xiao Jinlong's baby voice, this dragon chant is full of domineering, unwillingness, and...


But unfortunately, under the touch of that black talisman, Long Yin became smaller and smaller, and finally only saw a huge golden dragon head appearing in front of Tian Daofu...

It opened its mouth, wanting to swallow Tian Daofu directly.

However, Tian Daofu stood there without any fear.

In the end, the dense black energy is like a cage, directly putting it

He pulled it back, and Tian Daofu smiled abruptly, and said disdainfully:

"Your power will be ours!"


A month has passed.

Ye Yi stayed on Jupiter for a month.

In order to dig out the Donghuang Bell, they have already tried their best.

But now they can't even get close.

They even thought about using energy to eject the Donghuang Bell from it.

It's just that the energy of the weaker version of Jade Immortal's Gate has not touched the Donghuang Bell, and it is gone.

When Ye Yi was worrying, he suddenly heard footsteps from behind, he turned around, was overjoyed, and said, "Sister Xia Qian, are you healed?"

"Yeah." Xia Qian said.

"Then you should take a rest, anyway, there is nothing to do now." Ye Yi said.

"I didn't want to come." Xia Qian said,

Ye Yi was taken aback, and at this moment, Ye Yi saw Dabai following behind.

Seeing Dabai, Ye Yi was also happy.

This person and bear have a very good relationship, and they can often sit together in a daze all day long.

"Dabai can't, I still have to work, so I can't accompany you for dinner today." Ye Yi said.

Dabai didn't speak, it walked slowly to the central command screen, and pointed to the screen above.

Ye Yi was taken aback, looking at Xia Qian who was behind her.

Xia Qian said: "It is because I saw the picture you sent back on Blue Star that I asked me to bring it here."

When Ye Yi heard this, he couldn't help being ecstatic. He had heard Lin Luo say it before.

Xiao Jinlong's divine power may be very powerful, but Dabai's future will definitely not be weak.

Dabai's origin is inherently mysterious.

The former Dabai could only compete with the sub-green beasts 50-50.

But later Dabai became stronger and stronger.

Xiao Jinlong occasionally runs, and understands that besides eating, he sleeps.

"Dabai, do you know how to get the Eastern Emperor Bell?" Ye Yi asked excitedly.

Dabai narrowed his eyes and nodded seriously. Biqu library

As soon as Ye saw this, his whole body trembled with excitement.


Several hours later, a group of heavenly soldiers saw this chubby bear standing in front of them.

As Ye Yi said just now, he understands that there is a way.

All of a sudden, a group of heavenly soldiers were talking about it.

"I only knew that he was General Manager Lin's pet, but I didn't expect him to be so intelligent."

"That's right, there's nothing we can do about it, not even Academician Ye Yi."


Don't talk nonsense, okay, I've seen Dabai's shot, it's amazing, didn't you see that it doesn't even need protective clothing? "

A heavenly soldier described it, and everyone was in an uproar, looking at Dabai with different eyes.

Feeling the adoring eyes of these humans, Dabai didn't change his expression...

As proud as it is, it only values ​​food!

It stared at the Eastern Emperor Bell in front of it, with a more serious look on its bear face.

It walked step by step until it approached the taboo area.

Ye Yiyi was in a hurry, and when he was about to speak, he saw Dabai stop.

Ye Yixin was surprised, because he had never told Dabai about this taboo distance.

Afterwards, he was overjoyed.

great white...

Sure enough, he knew the method.

"Could it be, what kind of supernatural power does it want to display?" Ye Yi's face showed ecstasy.

When the others heard this, they also showed anticipation.

And at this time, Dabai raised his fat hand...

Everyone's expressions moved together, and one person even shouted: "Stand back, so as not to accidentally hurt you."


They heard a plop.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Dabai directly kneeling on the ground.



It can be said that everyone was speechless.

It's not that they despise Dabai, but that in their fantasy, Dabai should be displaying great supernatural powers.

Xu Han was thoughtful when he saw this scene.

According to legend, Donghuang Bell is the weapon of Donghuang Taiyi.

Who is Donghuang Taiyi?

Single-handedly created the ancient heaven, suppressed demons, and defended the human race.

This period of history, although both Lin Luo and Xu Han think there may be discrepancies.

However, if a person is bad, then such a reputation will never spread.

Thinking of this, Xu Han felt like waking up from a dream. He knelt on the ground slowly, and the others knelt down one after another when they saw this scene.

Xu Han's kneeling was not just for the Donghuang Bell, but because he had already guessed something...

The former Eastern Emperor Bell must have collided with something here to protect the blue star and the solar system and fell here.

No one can move it.

Otherwise, those invading alien races would have taken it away long ago.

The only ones who can take it away are the Blue Stars.

Blue Star Human Race.

Those blue star human races it once guarded!

And when everyone knelt down, a golden light flashed, making people unable to open their eyes.

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