Lin Luo never believed in catastrophe.

Now, he kind of believed it.

He watched the moment the lightning struck, and quickly dodged, but more and more lightning...

Lin Luo became anxious and said, "System, evolve quickly, I want to..."

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck his forehead, and he immediately smelled the burning smell of his hair.

However, Lin Luo felt something injected into his blood.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he understood immediately, and said: "This tm is not a catastrophe at all, but you are using lightning to change my genes, right?"


"Damn it!" Lin Luo yelled, watching the dense lightning strike from the sky, and said: "You just put a lightning rod here, and you charge me more than 80 million?"

Lin Luo was angry.

But while he was talking, he didn't scold any more, because there were indeed enough lightning bolts in the sky...

big enough.

And, it hurts enough.


When the thunderclouds in the sky reached a certain level of density, all I could see was a black, scorched mass on the ground.


It was nothing but Lin Luo.

Lin Luo directly wiped away the charcoal, watched more and more thunder in the sky, swallowed, and said, "It's not over yet!"

He was surprised.

Because every bolt of lightning really made him stronger.

His guess is true, this is not a catastrophe, but lightning is changing the genes in his body to achieve the effect of desolation.

Lin Luo watched those lightning bolts pouring down like a waterfall, he gritted his teeth and said, "Come on!"

"I don't believe in evil anymore!"

At the moment when the lightning rain fell, Lin Luo felt numb all over his body and almost lost consciousness.

But Lin Luo persisted.

He understood that the system would not harm him.

Just get no power for nothing...

Lin Luo thought so, but his consciousness became weaker and weaker.

At last, he felt that the lightning seemed to disappear and the sun came out.

And he...

Also fell down slowly.

At the same time, emergency evacuations were carried out in Wanmi centered here.

"What is Lin Luo doing?" Chen An hurried over.

Xia Qian said: "Maybe some kind of experiment is going on."

Chen An looked up to the sky

At a glance, after seeing that the thunderclouds were gone, I breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, I received a report from the Meteorological Department: "Just now a typhoon suddenly blew up from the ocean, and it came to Tianjing in an instant. It is very puzzling. ..”

"......" Chen An was speechless.

A captain of the Celestial Soldiers next to him asked, "Shall we go in?"

Chen An thought for a while and said, "No need, everyone is on holiday today!"

He was envious.

Lin Luo must have gotten stronger again...

Sure enough, just like his pets, they can become stronger without exercise.


When Lin Luo woke up in a daze, he stood up suddenly and raised his head first.

until he saw the moon.

It was only at this time that he noticed that he was naked. He was just about to find a piece of clothing to cover it up when he heard a voice from behind. Lin Luo immediately said:

"Male and female? The female should leave first."


A bear barked.

When Lin Luo heard that it was Dabai, he turned his head immediately. At this time, Dabai handed him the clothes in a very humane manner.

"Brother Xiong, you still understand me." Lin Luo patted Dabai's shoulder affectionately, and put on his clothes by the way.

At the same time, he said, "Dabai, have you seen it all?"

"Woo~~" Dabai sat down on the ground, it was very weak, from this angle, Lin Luo couldn't see the scorched hair on Dabai's back...

And Lin Luo is still immersed in the improvement of power, he said: "I don't know the level of prehistoric transformation."

While speaking, he closed his eyes abruptly, and shouted: "Principalization!"

At the same time, his pupils became extremely expectant...

However, there was no response at all.

"...." Lin Luo was speechless. He tried again, but there was still no response. Just when Lin Luo was about to consult the system, a gust of wind suddenly blew up...

At this time, Lin Luo felt that his body was wrapped in a layer of golden breath.

Lin Luo swallowed.

In the past, his genetic ability could see a faint luster, but now his genetic ability has become thick.

At the same time, it has also become extremely dense, and on the luster, there is an aura similar to that on the heavenly book in the cave in the center of the earth.

"Is this... the desolation?" Lin Luo took a deep breath, and he felt that it was really worth it to lose more than 90 million points.

this meal

Lei, it was not in vain.

When Lin Luo was about to take back the prehistoric transformation, he suddenly heard Dabai humming. When Lin Luo turned his head, he saw a small golden bell thrown out of Dabai's hand.

Lin Luo was astonished.

Dabai also brought this?

When Lin Luo took over the Donghuang Bell subconsciously, he saw that the Donghuang Bell exuded a fiery breath when it came into contact with the power of the primordial gene.

"This is..." Lin Luo regained consciousness.

He finally understood why Dabai didn't let him use the Eastern Emperor Bell before.

This is because without the energy of primordialization, this legendary super weapon cannot be activated at all.

Lin Luo raised the Eastern Emperor Bell with one hand, facing the moonlight.

At this moment, the Donghuang Bell was constantly spinning in his hands, then floated to the sky, and finally enlarged...


On the second day, it was Xia Qian and Xiao Jinlong who carried one person and one bear back to the bed.

She didn't know what happened to them, anyway, the bear almost collapsed.

After confirming that they were all right, Xia Qian also closed the door quietly. When she closed the door, she still saw the excited smile on the corner of Lin Luo's mouth who was lying on the bed soundly asleep.

And as time slowly passed, after several months of extremely fast flight, the emperor of star Alan passed through six star gates, and finally returned to star Alan.

"I want to see the emperor, I want to see the emperor!" The emperor shouted.

Standing next to him was a more senior official, who said, "Pellos, are you confused? The emperor is in retreat, so you can see him whenever you want."

"I must see him." The emperor shouted.

The senior emperor was taken aback for a moment, he seemed to understand something, waved the others away, and asked, "Did you find anything?"

"Blue...Blue Star! It's Blue Star!" The emperor quickly said, "The destruction of Barrett was the work of Blue Star!"

"What?!" The senior emperor was taken aback, and then said: "Impossible, what nonsense are you talking about."

"No." The emperor said in horror: "I have already confirmed that everything is done by Lan Xing!"

"They're back with revenge!"

"Barrett, he is dead!"

"They won't let us go!"

"What are you panicking about?!" The senior emperor shouted coldly, "Calm down! Tell me slowly and in detail."

"Blue Star is already a thing of the past!"

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