When the emperor heard these words, he was not dumbfounded. Biqu library

but fear.

He wasn't stupid, and he didn't even ask who the other person was.

Besides Blue Star, who else?

He quickly said: "Gather all the troops and notify the main star!"


When the emperor spoke, he hurried out, but at this time he heard the sound of fighting outside.

Those fighters from Star Alan gathered urgently and rushed to the star gate.

Until, they saw the army above the star gate.

It's so dense, it's really scary.

And these urgent gatherings are only a few thousand people.

"I'll go up to play." Yang Jun smiled lightly, raised a black dragon knife in one hand, and rushed up directly.

A team leader from Star Alan saw that Yang Jun was still wearing a mecha, so he smiled disdainfully and said, "Is this the Blue Star? Are you still using this kind of broken machine?"

Yang Jun didn't speak, the team leader shouted in a cold voice, and immediately increased his speed.


Just when this Alan star thought that Yang Jun's head would be knocked off, he saw Yang Jun twist his head and dodge directly...

Even, a sneer appeared on the corner of Yang Jun's mouth.

Then the Alan star was stunned for a moment, and then felt a pain in his abdomen, he didn't even look at it, and when he retreated quickly, he saw Yang Jun's fist loosen.

How could Yang Jun let go of this opportunity, the Black Dragon Saber swung straight up.

The Alan star retreated while fighting, but was really pressed and beaten by Yang Jun. At this time, a golden light flashed above his pupils, and at the same time, his body began to reveal the golden yellow gene energy.


I can see the aura surrounding him, like dragon scales.

Lin Luo in the distance was not surprised to see this scene.

This is also in line with his original guess.

But Yang Jun looked at the other party and said with a smile: "It's very interesting!"

With a slash of the knife, the scorching red gene energy on the body spreads...

He swung his big knife, slashed at the opponent, and said, "I think this knife of mine can be renamed Tulongdao in the future!"

When the voice fell, the two collided violently.

The Alan star, with the powerful scale defense of the dragon gene, directly confronted Yang Jun, and even showed a little smile...

Every Alan star can awaken different dragon genes.



and many more.

And he is the awakened defense.

At the beginning of his awakening, he was a defensive genetic warrior with 63% blood power...

That's why he can be the captain of this planet Alan!

Ordinary people can't break through his defense!

Sure enough, when the Black Dragon Knife collided with Dragon Scale Gene Energy, there was a harsh collision sound...

"Let your ancestors come, maybe it can!"

This Alan star yelled angrily, gathering all the genetic power in his body, ready to fight back.

But at this moment, his body suddenly stopped, because he saw that Yang Jun

That knife cut right through his proud scales...

directly into his heart.

Before his consciousness disappeared, he only heard Yang Jun's indifferent voice:

"How can you use ancestors to kill chickens!"

"I... that's enough!"


"Urgent report!"

"Urgent report!!!"

On the main planet of Alan, it's all messed up.

The battlefield has not yet reached here, but fierce battles broke out on all the outer planets.

The sudden appearance of the Blue Star caught them off guard.

"They killed them?" The faces of several senior emperor officials who were in charge changed when they heard this.

They haven't killed yet.

The Blue Stars are here? !

"What now?" asked the correspondent.

"Don't worry." A calm emperor shouted coldly: "Mobilize the army!"

"The major armies are already mobilizing..." the correspondent said: "But many planets around us are insufficiently defended, and some have even lost communication. I don't know what's going on now."

Hearing this, the emperor frowned slightly.

too suddenly.

The situation is really too sudden.

Even now he hasn't come to his senses, Lan Xing really dares to kill him.

"Defense first, and guard the second circle." The emperor said coldly: "Before the order is issued, you must not be impulsive."

"Yes." These communications soldiers left quickly.

Turning around, these senior emperors hurriedly flew towards the Dragon Palace island above.

They came in a hurry and saw Tian Daofu feeding his pet.

It was a boa constrictor with gleaming black scales.

"Is something wrong?" Tian Daofu asked.

"He...they came to kill them." said the leading senior emperor official.

"Oh?" Tian Daofu was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "Blue Star?"

"Yes." The senior emperor said.

After Tian Daofu heard the affirmative answer, he paused for a moment with the hand holding the food, and the big snake left automatically at this moment.

Tian Daofu turned around, looked at the emperor and said, "What are you panicking about?"

Several emperors hurriedly knelt on the ground.

When Tian Daofu returned to the palace, someone projected the picture.

When Tian Daofu saw the Heavenly Soldiers for the first time, his pupils shrank.

"Sure enough, it's a Blue Star!" Tian Daofu's breathing became more rapid.

However, he is still calm.

"In the deep space, is there any news to respond?" Tian Daofu asked.

"Not...not yet." The emperor said.

Tian Daofu frowned slightly when he heard this.

Even if I hear a response now, it's too late.

He thought for a while and said, "Judging from their actions, they may be a new civilization. If it was the former Blue Star, we would no longer be able to chat here."

When the emperor and the others heard this, they became more sober.

"For an army of this level, I think we are enough." Tian Daofu said

Said: "How about the mobilization of the army?"

"Currently defending the second galaxy circle..." The emperor quickly said: "Most of the planets in the first galaxy circle have fallen..."

"Then just give up." Tian Daofu said.

"But...but there are many residents there." The emperor said quickly.

After the words fell, Tian Daofu's voice suddenly became cold, and he said: "I said give up, didn't you hear?!"

The emperor hurriedly knocked his head to the ground.

"Defend the second galaxy circle and wait until the army is assembled!" Tian Daofu said indifferently: "Killing this group of blue star people is more important than anything else!"


Several senior imperial officials panicked and retreated tremblingly.

And just as they were leaving, Tian Daofu who was sitting on top heard a dragon cry from below, and the Dragon Palace was trembling a little bit, Tian Daofu laughed directly and said:

"Did you see it too?"

"You want to go out and meet them?"

"Don't worry, we will use your power to kill all these people you once guarded!"

"You Blue Star people... are really brave, you dare to kill them!"

"You should congratulate me... maybe we can get a new power!"

"At that time, maybe we don't need you anymore!"

Before Tian Daofu finished speaking, the sound of the dragon chant suddenly amplified, and the Dragon Palace trembled even more violently.

However, Tian Daofu directly pressed the black talisman on the chair, and a black force directly suppressed the voice!


And in the outer galaxies, a killing is taking place.

Blue Star's sudden arrival caught the group by surprise.

Those Alan stars who were left on the top were crying and shouting, but no one would care about them.

When Lin Luo received Li Donglai's report that his attack was blocked, he already understood that the Alan people were planning to abandon the group of people from the outer planets.

"They should be gathering their troops!" At the same time, Zhang San also brought back news.

In the past, Li Donglai's old line of work was all done by the Dark Night Army.

"What should we do next?" Yang Jun asked.

But Lin Luo said: "This is their base camp, we can't just sit and wait for them to gather."

"I understand." Yang Jun got up, walked outside, and said loudly: "The main force of the heavenly army, come with me!"

Lin Luo, who was sitting inside, glanced at Wen Tiancheng next to him, and said:

"Empty all the planets we occupy! Kill what needs to be killed!"

"This scene, I want to show the Alan star people, Ye Yi and the others are ready, you go find them."

"Yes." Wen Tiancheng made a military salute and left quickly.

Lin Luo stood there quietly, looking at the main planet Alan in the distance, he could foresee that it would become very bloody here.

Alan Starman...

Are you ready to pay the blood debt with your life?

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