If you talk about the identity of this person, it's a long time ago.

There is only one person in this prison, and that is him.

In the past, he and Tian Daofu were the generals on the planet Alan, with one piece of paper and one weapon.

Tian Daofu is Wu.

And he is Wen.

His name is Erro.

The designer of the second galaxy circle, the former emperor master of this galaxy...

And the person who had a keen insight into the interests of the Blue Star War.

The reason why he entered here was to fight for the throne.

In the past, he even had a higher voice than Tian Daofu.

However, the army is in the hands of Tian Daofu, and this pair of former comrades-in-arms on the battlefield has also become old enemies.

El Luo became a prisoner, and Tian Daofu became Emperor Zun.

The guard couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and said, "We are about to win, as long as our main force arrives..."

"You wait until he comes." Erro said coldly: "Go and send a message to Tian Daofu, I want to see him!"

The guards ignored him.

He knew Erro had been big before.

However, they are a small prison guard, and they can't see Tian Daofu!


On the fifth day, more and more Alan star troops came to this small triangular star field.

The emperor guarding here is also more and more confident.

Even, they have already begun to arrange an offensive plan.

"...According to the current speed given by the various armies, we can gather the main force after waiting for seven days." The emperor looked at the blue star flag in the distance and said: "I can't wait to destroy them."

Several emperors beside him also smiled.

But at this moment, an Alan star ran over in a panic and said, "Something...something happened!"

"What's the matter?" the emperor asked dissatisfied.

"Kara star suddenly encountered a powerful Blue Star Legion..." the soldier said, "General Dowood asks for support!"

Hearing this, the emperor frowned slightly.

They are the closest to Carat Star, but the distance between them is not close.

Judging by the speed, it will take at least four hours.

Moreover, they had to face Yang Jun's offensive.

The emperor thought for a while, and said: "Let people from other planets pass by, it won't be our turn, right? Let's go, who will defend here?


"But..." the soldier swallowed, and said: "If people from another planet go, it will take at least double the time, and they are already falling!"

"What?" Hearing this, the emperor hurriedly said, "Isn't it just the beginning?"

"I don't know..." the soldier said.

So the emperor looks into the distance through the device at this time...

At this moment, in the field of vision, cooking smoke is curling up.

The Celestial Soldiers will hold a big feast at this time every day, as if they are winners every day.

Today, it seems to eat more abundantly.

The emperor pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "I always feel that something is wrong!"


Li Donglai and Zhang San are currently on the battlefield of Carat Star.

Yang Jun is leading the main force, and they are leading the elite troops...

The real elite.

In addition to the Yinlong Army, there is also the army led by Xia Qian, and the Dark Night Army.

The three armies converged to forcefully attack the carat star.

"Bah!" Zhang San said angrily while spitting on the ground.

"You were a lawyer with a high degree of education." Li Donglai stepped on the head of an Alan star who hadn't died yet, and asked while stepping on it.

"Md, I thought the person who designed this galaxy's defense line was a ghost, but I didn't expect to steal it from us." Zhang San said: "I was disgusted."

Li Donglai laughed.

There are a total of thirteen planets in the second galaxy defense line.

However, there are four planets that are abolished.

The so-called second galaxy circle is actually the Jiugong Bagua Formation.

The Jiugong Bagua Formation is a defensive system built around the main star.

What's more, the Alan star created an extremely huge mechanical planet with great generosity.

However, it is not they who have contributed money and effort to create this planet, but those sixth-level galaxies like Barratt.

However, the starry sky is really too big, and there is a huge loophole in the Jiugong Bagua Formation...

That is Carat Star.

At this moment, the distance between the planet and the planet Yang Jun attacked is the closest, but it is also remote.

The one closest to the other galaxies next to it needs at least eight hours of support.

The task given by Lin Luo is very simple...

Within eight hours, lay down Carat Star.

All of Yang Jun's attacks before were just to attract attention.

It's all about willpower.

The real battlefield is here.

"However, Lin Luo didn't lie to me this time..." Zhang San looked at the bloody battlefield below and said, "This is really a tough battle!"


On Carat Star, the charge horns of both sides continued to sound...

beep beep beep beep~~~

And the Alan stars also have their charge whistle!

In just three hours, they had launched as many as fifteen offensive horns on this planet.

But, as Zhang San said...

Before the war started, they were still able to achieve a 50-50 split, but the genetic ability of the Blue Stars quickly showed an advantage.

After breaking through the third level, the genetic energy of human beings has made a leap.

At the third intermediate level, it is another qualitative change. With the Black Dragon Saber, the supernatural powers of human beings are displayed in battle.

Their knives can finally turn the energy of genes into substance in an instant...

Some people began to awaken to their unique abilities, that is, skills.

For example, Yang Jun, what he himself awakened is the domineering fire attribute gene power. He created his own sword, which was ridiculed by Lin Luo as an old sword technique.

Because his knife is really slow.

However, the lethality is full.

And on this carat star, they are all third-tier intermediate genetic fighters!

For the first hour, they failed to shoot down.

The second hour, still nothing.

third hour...

The Alan army stationed on this planet is gone. Biqu library

They found that the Blue Stars not only became more and more fierce as they fought.

And, they feel very uncomfortable...

Obviously they have been on the road of genetic evolution for a long time, why the new civilization that has just awakened once again surpassed them.

However, it was not their turn to think.

The Blue Star army's attack became more and more fierce and fierce.

Obviously their army is several times larger than the Blue Star Army, and they are also capable of fighting.

But why do these blue star people seem to be not afraid of death at all.

Moreover, what makes them most uncomfortable is that their army hasn't arrived yet!

Dowood Norris who was stationed here looked at the distant planet and fell silent.

He has already understood the opponent's strategy.

"Defend until dawn, and we will win!" Dowood slapped the table and said the core.

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