Tian Daofu's eyes turned cold, and the next second he was already moving.

It's useless to argue with words, it's time to get serious.

The golden scales around his body instantly transformed into a golden spear...

Lin Luo was slightly taken aback, but the next second the attack came with a golden light.

Lin Luo held the secret in front of him with both hands, and the materialized golden spear collided violently with the secret.

At this moment, a powerful yellow and red storm formed in the area centered on them.


In the rear, sand and stones were flying all over the sky.

Li Donglai, Zhang San and Yinlong Jun subconsciously speeded up...

Staying away from danger is a subconscious action of human beings.

"Why do we have such a tacit understanding?" Zhang San said.

Li Donglai looked back and said: "I really don't understand this kid. I have never seen him in the training ground. I practice every day, but I don't even have half of him. Who said that success is 99% sweat and sweat?" One percent talent."

Zhang San said with a smile: "Have you ever thought that maybe you don't have that one percent talent?"

"?" Li Donglai frowned into a line.

The Hidden Dragon Army in the rear subconsciously turned their heads and flew...

If Li Donglai had been called the Devil of the East before, Zhang San would definitely be lying on the ground.

"Just kidding." Zhang San coughed dryly, and then said seriously: "He is an exception, whether it is for Blue Star or the universe."

"It's true, not everyone is so perverted." Li Donglai breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a man wearing a black and yellow dragon army appeared in front of them, and they seemed to be planning to rush to the battlefield on Lin Luo's side.

"Let's deal with it." Li Donglai said, "I can't let Lin Luo suffer."

"I'll do it." Zhang San glanced at them and said so.

Li Donglai was taken aback, then questioned: "Are you serious?"

These few people didn't know how easy it was for those who dared to approach Lin Luo's battlefield.

And Zhang San, at first glance, is not the kind of person who is very strong in the front.

Anyway, this war did not see how Zhang San killed people.

Zhang San didn't answer his words, he glanced at the Alan star in front of him, and said, "Let's go."

Li Donglai and Yinlongjun were stunned. At this moment, they saw the black aura coming from Zhang San's body.

Li Donglai suddenly realized.

Since he was here to capture the king, how could Lin Luo bring a weakling with him.

For a long time, Zhang San gave people the impression that he is a person who is good at using mental power, and now Li Donglai fully understands what Lin Luo said to him:

"Just because someone wears slippers doesn't mean he has no money."

Zhang San belongs to

For the kind of low-key people.

In the past, he crawled out from the pile of dead people on the dream battlefield...

How can such a person be so simple.

Li Donglai turned his head, looked at Zhang San who was covered in black air behind him, and said: "It seems that what Zhang San said is correct, I may indeed have no talent."

Instead, the captain of the Yinlong Army next to him said: "Then we are not going to commit suicide?"

"?" Li Donglai was stunned, and then laughed, and the hidden dragon soldiers behind him also laughed, Li Donglai said: "Let's go, we also have our own battlefield!"

"The weak... also have a battlefield!"


At this moment on the edge of the continent, the battle between Lin Luo and Tian Daofu has entered a fierce stage.

Gravel flew around.

And Lin Luo's dark red aura flew across.

Tian Daofu does possess extremely high dragon genes, and his strong defense and domineering attack methods made Lin Luo feel unprecedented pressure.

However, Tian Daofu was no less shocked than Lin Luo.

Before starting the fight, Tian Daofu thought that after all, he relied on Ying Long to refine for so long.

And Lin Luo is just a newborn genetic human.

Even if he mastered the legendary power, how could he be his opponent.

It wasn't until after the actual fight that he was stunned...

From Lin Luo, he saw the shadow of the former Blue Star.

He knew that Lin Luo must die.

His potential is terrifying, God knows how far he will grow.

When his golden spear collided with Lin Luo's secret again, Tian Daofu quickly pulled away.

At this moment, his breath suddenly changed...

Lin Luo could vaguely see a dragon horn appearing on Tian Daofu's head.

"Since I started refining five thousand years ago, no one has ever pushed me to this point." Tian Daofu looked at the materialized energy in his hand, and looked at Lin Luo with contempt.

Now he is really strong.

Lin Luo frowned, the opponent's attack had already come.

This time, his speed is faster!

When Lin Luo raised his hand, the opponent's attack had already circled to Lin Luo's back.

Lin Luo turned around abruptly, the two of them just looked at each other, and Tian Daofu froze for a moment.

And Lin Luo's aura suddenly changed...

"The prehistoric change!"

At the moment when the prehistoric changes started, Lin Luo seemed to be a different person.

His powerful speed and strength did not give Tian Daofu any aspect in vain.

Only then did Tian Daofu realize that something was wrong...

Blue Star people, it's really scary!

Holding the golden spear in his hand, he jumped directly into the air.

He raised his right hand high, and the power of genes in his body was visible to the naked eye at this moment.

The speed is concentrated towards the golden spear.

Lin Luo's pupils trembled, he held the secret in both hands, and said coldly:


The next moment, two powerful forces completely disrupted the entire sky, and even Dabai in the distance led the little golden dragon to retreat for a certain distance again.



Tian Daofu shouted loudly, and threw the spear in his hand at the moment when the gene breath was fully charged.

He calls this move:

God's Leap!

In his opinion, this move will be his step towards becoming super strong.

Just as powerful as the Blue Stars back then.

And the moment the spear was thrown out, the whole world was colored by a golden aura, and the air was filled with an extremely stuffy aura...

Lin Luo watched the war spear flying towards him.

Like a huge golden dragon, hovering over.

The moment the genes in Lin Luo's body were emptied, the heavenly secret in his hand also burst into pure white light at this moment, and the powerful wind blade could no longer suppress it.

Lin Luo pushed the secret to his chest...

Like the old man in white.


In the next second, Lin Luo's figure disappeared.

Tian Daofu sneered.

God's Leap can lock the opponent's breath.

Unless you maintain this speed forever, which is impossible.

However, the next second he was stunned.

Because he saw that Lin Luo was not running away, but moving towards him.

He saw that his golden spear was shattered little by little under the collision of heavenly secrets.

The next second, he suddenly felt a figure appear behind him.

He's creepy!

I wanted to turn around, but found that my body had been broken in two.

"You lost." Lin Luo panted heavily, his face already turning pale.

This is the most powerful broken air he has ever used!

However, what is surprising is that Tian Daofu did not die.

His lower body had dropped, but his upper body remained there.

Moreover, his body is growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Luo felt his scalp tingling. Biqu library

He has a skill called Quick Healing.

He felt that this skill was already against the sky. Unexpectedly, this scene of Tian Daofu made him see the prospect of this move.

"Since I got Yinglong, I have bathed in dragon blood every day..." Tian Daofu laughed loudly: "On me, you have the blood of the blue star legendary dragon."

"How do you kill me?"

Lin Luo frowned.

He was not because of Tian Daofu's words, but because he felt that a powerful aura was recovering on the central continent.

This coercion made Lin Luo feel flustered.

"It's not dead!!"

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