
On the Alan star land below, the battlefield is still not over.

However, they also noticed a huge dragon hovering above the high-altitude continent.

Everyone on Planet Alan understood and was pleasantly surprised.

They are not like Planet Ballett, which maintains a high level of secrecy.

These Alan people are aware of the existence of Yinglong.

"It's over, it's over." They were ecstatic, and their fighting power soared...

And above the sky, Zhang San brought Li Donglai and the others to dive down quickly, Zhang San said to the communicator: "Who is the coach of the floating continent?"

"Yang Jun." When Yang Jun responded, he also looked up at the sky and said, "What's the situation now?"

"Let's run away." Zhang San said.

"Losing?" Yang Jun was surprised.

But Zhang San said lightly: "I don't know either, anyway... Lin Luo called."

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized, he shouted loudly: "The main force of the heavenly army, retreat!"

"Retreat quickly!"


How powerful are dragons?

It's not that Lin Luo hasn't seen it before, Xiao Jinlong has shown it several times.

However, the little golden dragon is just a young dragon after all, compared to the Yinglong who has existed for such a long time, it is naturally insignificant.

When Yinglong's eyeballs shone brightly, the surrounding wind also became huge...

Tornadoes are everywhere.

Doomsday sky.

And countless materialized black energy appeared on Yinglong's huge dragon mouth.

Lin Luo could tell that Ying Long was in pain.

He is also in pain.

Do you want to kill this divine beast that used to protect them with your own hands?

He really couldn't do it.

For the enemy, he can do whatever he can, and he can be so cruel that he can kill them all.

However, who can say that he is so cruel to his former comrades-in-arms?

"Woooooo..." At this moment, the big white bear's paw next to him patted his shoulder.

Lin Luo turned to look at it.

He also saw it, Dabai's pupils turned red...

Understand what the origin is, in fact, Lin Luo can guess a little.

This bear, which looks silly, may be left over from the ancient blue star.

It has more experiences, and its feelings for Ying Long will be deeper.

However, it says this sentence is:

"It's a relief to it!"

Lin Luo was silent.

And Dabai let out a roar, his figure enlarged sharply.

Today, it is even bigger than before in the hole above the earth's core, especially its belly.

It opened its mouth, as if sucking back the power of heaven and earth, and its stomach also enlarged infinitely at this moment.

Lin Luo and Ying Long looked at each other for the last time...

The last touch of unbearableness turned into ruthless anger.

"terribly sorry..."

"In order to win, I have to win this war."

"Thank you for protecting the blue star and the human race in the past!"

"I will kill all the Alan stars, use their blood, and use their heads to bury you!"

At this moment, Lin Luo stretched out his hand suddenly, and at the same time a small golden clock appeared in his hand.


Lin Luo shouted, and at this moment, the big white bear's paw was placed on Lin Luo's shoulder.

It is lending strength to Lin Luo.

It is a divine beast, and it is impossible to use the Eastern Emperor Bell that only humans can use.

Some people say that Donghuang Taiyi is the ancient demon emperor.

Some people also say that he is a god of the human race.

But it doesn't matter at all.

The former him must have been one of the legendary emperors.

The reason why the Eastern Emperor Bell can't be taken away is because the eternal emperor gave the setting of the Eastern Emperor Bell:

Terran only!

This great emperor is really scary, even if he has lost contact with the Eastern Emperor Bell.

The moment powerful power was instilled into Lin Luo's body, the moment the prehistoric transformation reappeared, his aura also became stronger than ever.

He borrowed Dabai's power to directly catalyze the Donghuang Bell in front of him.

"Tian Dao Fu, you should die!!!"


Tian Daofu was firmly protected in the central area by Ying Long.

He despised Lin Luo and even thought that Lin Luo was waiting to die.

Until he saw the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Unfortunately, he didn't know what it was called.

Like Lin Luo said, he doesn't deserve it.

With his fighting power, how could he have seen Donghuang Bell make a move.

It's just that when the Eastern Emperor Bell hovered above the sky, when it magnified infinitely, the talisman hovering around the bell body was beating violently.

Tian Daofu knows that this is a good thing.

However, at this moment, he actually became greedy.


If Donghuang Bell gets his hands, he will be able to continue to become stronger.


When facing a stronger legendary civilization, he doesn't have to continue to humble himself.

On the contrary, Ying Long, who was locked in his body, was taken aback when he saw the Donghuang Bell appearing.

Then, there was great joy.

He looked at Dabai, at Lin Luo...

I laughed at this time.

He was tempted to say a word or two.

However, he couldn't tell.

He knew that he was about to leave this world.

Tian Daofu had never seen this turtle before, but Ying Long knew about this legendary artifact.

Even if Lin Luo can't exert 100% of his strength, the current Ying Long has already been tortured by the cage.


The moment the dragon chant resounded across the sky, a jet of black energy shot out.

This energy rushed towards the position of the Eastern Emperor Bell quickly...

And under the impact of black energy, the edge of the continent began to collapse...


mountain peak.



And the uncomfortable energy breath in the air.

If ordinary people were here, they would have already melted.

The black beam of energy shot straight over, at a speed beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

In the end, it smashed hard on the body of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

At this moment, the Eastern Emperor Bell was directly buried by energy...

Tian Daofu laughed.

Because he saw that the energy hit Lin Luo like a flood.

And the open space below Lin Luo has already turned into dust...

With him as the center, a huge energy storm is formed.

It seems that he must be completely buried!

"You're too happy."

At this moment, Lin Luo's voice suddenly sounded.

At this moment, a golden light flashed in the blackness of the sky.

See the sun behind the clouds...

It's just, it's just a golden bell with a diameter of no more than ten meters.

It even ignored those black energies, and ran straight towards Tian Daofu.

When Tian Daofu saw this scene, he finally showed panic.

What is this?

Isn't the ancient blue star already extinct?

Could it be that this is the new force?

The strong desire to survive made him swing the talisman quickly, and at the same time, Yinglong's huge body completely surrounded it.

Ying Long stared ahead, he looked at Lin Luo Dabai and the little golden dragon on Dabai's shoulders, with a hint of gratitude in his pupils.

"Goodbye! Ying Long."

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