Then Zhang San took a deep breath.

The information here is indeed what Lin Luo needs.

In fact, Lin Luo discussed with him a lot, and they guessed a lot of truth.

However, Zhang San still felt aggrieved when he saw it with his own eyes.

Coincidentally, a group of Alan stars passed by outside.

Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief, a black breath emerged, and a pair of black wings appeared behind him.


Yang Jun looked at Zhang San who was covered in blood, frowned slightly, and asked, "What is so angry?"

Zhang San kept silent, just handed the document to Lin Luo, and said: "I'm very tired, I'm going to take a shower and rest."

"Who offended you?" Yang Jun was surprised, thinking that Zhang San was getting more and more rude, Lin Luo would be here soon, and he had to report the task to his superiors before leaving. Biqu library

Yang Jun shook his head, muttering how impolite young people are, and said with a smile: "Let's see it before Lin Luo comes."

However, after watching for a while, Yang Jun's smile gradually disappeared.

At the back, he slapped the document on the table, startling Li Donglai who was shaved beside him.

"Why?" Li Donglai frowned, very dissatisfied.

"I'll go out and kill a few people." Yang Jun raised his knife and left directly.

"Hey, you old man still talks about Zhang San, aren't you impatient?" Li Donglai smiled wryly, picked up the documents on the table...

The more you look, the more you frown.

When Lin Luo came in, he saw that the tables and chairs were rotting.

" there an enemy attack?" Lin Luo looked confused, and at the moment he was happily holding Lin Yue.

Now Lin Yue's mood has recovered a little, and she is screaming again.

"It's fine if you come, here you are." Li Donglai directly threw the document into his hands, and said, "I'll go out and kill a few people."

"......" Lin Luo was speechless, and said: "Who provoked you, you are so angry, you are already old, can you restrain yourself?"

Li Donglai didn't hear anything, and left directly.

Lin Luo put Xiao Jinlong in his arms, he was obviously in a great mood.


He watched, and Xiao Jinlong also noticed that Lin Luo's mood fluctuated greatly.

In the end, Xiao Jinlong ran directly to the chubby big white belly next to him, and just like that (●—●) pretended to sleep.

Later, I heard Lin Luo

Shouting voices:

"****, this group of people really deserve to die!"


Zhang San came back from the shower, and when he came in, he heard Lin Luo yelling, he was not surprised.

"Have you seen it?" Lin Luo asked.


"You're not angry at all." Lin Luo said, "Why don't you have any blood?"

Zhang Sanxiu showed his skin and said, "I just rinsed with water for thirty minutes."

Lin Luo frowned.

"Don't believe me?" Zhang San was dissatisfied.

"You're wasting water too much," Lin Luo said.

"..." Zhang San was speechless, and said again: "It's not our Blue Star anyway."

"That's okay." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San was speechless again, he said seriously: "The truth is far more cruel than imagined."

Lin Luo nodded.

There are many sources in this one, one of which is from Erro's autobiography:

...the blue star, the center of the universe!

Since the birth of the universe, there has been no central theory, and no one knows where the blue star is.

Until, a colonial fleet sailed into Blue Star.

This civilization is a nation with extremely powerful abilities.

They are the overlords in the universe.

They came to Blue Star and opened the legendary magic box.

How powerful is Blue Star?

It is said that this fleet has not even entered the blue star, and there is no dust left.

Blue Star completely walked out of the universe.

At the beginning, there were still many civilizations that were not convinced. Some of these civilizations were born with supernatural powers, and some came through evolution.

However, they were vulnerable in front of Blue Star.

Finally, the universe gave in.

They set the Blue Star as the center of the universe, and the Blue Star began their long reign.

However, the Blue Stars are still very friendly. They seem to disdain colonial rule, and even help some galaxies.

It's a pity that our Alan galaxy was not favored by them, I'm really envious.

With the help of Blue Star, many galaxies began to develop, and gradually divided into civilizations:

level one.

level two.

and many more.

Blue Star's language has also begun to become the universal language of the universe, not one of them.

Everyone thought that everything was like this.


That day has come.


Cosmic era!

Those advanced civilizations call this day the Cosmic Era Day.


On this day, a civil strife broke out in Blue Star.

How this civil strife was born and formed, I have no way of knowing.

However, what I do know is that many civilizations have gone.

Those supported by Blue Star, those enemies that Blue Star has hit hard, and those who have been hiding behind the scenes.

They knew that the opportunity had come.

They found their chance and rushed towards Blue Star.

If it was the past, the entire universe combined would not be able to defeat Blue Star.

However, this civil strife that broke out out of nowhere actually made Blue Star's God-King extremely vulnerable.

I was acutely aware that the opportunity had come.

I command Alan star and join the battle.

Sure enough, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Higher civilizations have given us peripheral opportunities and promised us rewards.

Our star Alan, got Ying Long...

Ying Long is indeed very powerful.

However, we couldn't suppress it at all. Fortunately, I am very familiar with a high-level civilized emperor, and he gave me a black talisman that can suppress Yinglong.

I started to build the sixth interstellar circle...


Blue Star was defeated. I don't know how the battle was going there.

However, the huge blue star was divided up by the galaxies of the great powers...




None of this is important.

The important thing is that Blue Star is the source of powerful civilization.

Their weapons, their source of evolution...

I am very envious.

However, I know very well that these things are not what we Alan can have.

It is already lucky to get Ying Long.

That advanced civilization told me to stay in the sixth galaxy circle and guard here.

We left early and didn't know what happened to the subsequent Blue Star.

But, after that, the universe started to de-blue star....

People began to reject the use of Blue Star language.

The word blue star also began to become a forbidden word.

Included in Alan Star.

In fact, I have been thinking about what kind of things will cause internal turmoil in Blue Star.

Obviously, although Blue Star's God-King is powerful and has occasional conflicts, they maintain restraint with each other.

Especially when facing foreign enemies.

However, it doesn't matter.

Blue Star, from now on will never appear again.

This piece of truth is not something that I, Erro, can dig out. It may also be buried in deep space forever.

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