At night, the streets were brightly lit, and occasionally a few people entered the sea of ​​lions.

But basically everyone reacts the same way.

too expensive.

This kind of thing is not something normal people can enjoy.


"It doesn't look very tasty." A passer-by said so, and left cursing.

Dabai, who was sitting outside the door holding a sign, frowned when he heard this...

It doesn't care whether it is expensive or not.

But delicious is really delicious.

If it wasn't for being stared at by Lin Luo, Dabai would have eaten it up long ago.

At this moment, Zhang San looked at the time and said, "Hey, the day will pass soon."

Lin Luo frowned.

"You're panicking!" Zhang San laughed out loud, he really wanted to see Lin Luo appearing flustered in his daily life...

After all, this situation is too rare.

"Isn't there still an hour?" Lin Luo said.

Zhang San laughed directly, now that it is getting late, there will be fewer and fewer people.


On the street, a well-dressed Mrs. Gusta walked on the street, followed by two followers.

His name is Swell Matthew.

If it was Mrs. Gusta, she would definitely be familiar with the surname Swell.

In this galaxy, apart from the supreme emperor and the galaxy political council, most of the other powers are distributed to the top ten families.

Each of these ten families holds military power and made great military exploits.

The Swell family is one of them.

However, Matthew is not a very important figure in it.

However, even a fringe figure, in such a fringe city, is also an extremely powerful existence.

At this moment, there is a green fox standing on his shoulder, which is even cute, but Matthew seems to be in a very bad mood.

He was walking all the way, passing in front of the sea of ​​lions, suddenly...

He fell back.

He squinted his eyes and glanced at Dabai who was sleeping soundly in front of the shop.

"This is... a bear?" Matthew glanced at Dabai.

Basically, bears are extremely low-level creatures that rarely appear in this kind of galaxy.

"Yes... yes." The follower saw Matthew talking, and quickly replied.

"What is it? I asked you?" Matthew was obviously unhappy.

I dare not say any more.

In fact, Matthew is not a prodigal son. On the contrary, Matthew is very smart and easy to learn.

However, just today, he was annulled.

This marriage was arranged four years ago.

Men and women meet, you love me.

But unfortunately, a family has recently emerged: Ackerman.

As the existence of the top ten families of Gustav, this situation would not have happened, but this time it was the fourth son of the Ackerman family who proposed marriage to the girl.

So, that's different.

To put it simply, Matthew's status is too low. Even if it is reasonable, the upper family can only choose to turn a blind eye to balance in order to balance.

Marriages between big families are often about interests first.

Matthew is not saying that there is much love for this girl...

However, I couldn't swallow this breath.

He glanced at Shihai's shop, out of curiosity, maybe out of boredom, he went in directly.

You know, in normal time, he would not enter this kind of shop.

Inside the door, Zhang San and Lin Luo saw Swell Matthew walking in, and they both glanced at each other.

Li Donglai, who was standing on the dining table at the service desk, had already spoken proficiently: "Welcome to Shihai!"


"What's there to eat?" Matthew sat down expressionlessly, as if he wasn't interested in anything.

All he wants to do now is to vent.

Lin Luo just wanted to get up, because he noticed that Matthew was in a bad mood, which was not something Li Donglai could handle.

However, Zhang San stopped him and said: "Let me come, I have studied psychology in college."

"Do lawyers still learn this?"

"Elective." As Zhang San said, he packed his luggage and walked out slowly.

Zhang San is indeed much better than Li Donglai in observing words and demeanor. He understands very well that if you bow your knees to such powerful people, you will only get contempt in return.

Only by putting yourself in the same position as the other person from the beginning will he be interested in you.

"...Why are you talking so much nonsense? Are you afraid I won't be able to pay?" Matthew was displeased.

"Don't dare, you are a guest when you enter the door." Zhang San smiled and said, "How much do you want?"

"Let's take a catty first," Matthew said.

Zhang San smiled, nodded slightly, and waved to Li Donglai behind him.

This coach Li, who used to kill countless enemies on the battlefield, immediately began to skillfully cut meat and grill...

Not to mention others, even Lin Luo knew for the first time that Li Donglai actually had this skill.

It had been half an hour after everything was done, and Matthew was a little impatient, and said, "Okay

Already? "

"Our Shihai pursues perfection in the selection of every food, meat quality, etc. Please wait a moment for distinguished guests..." Zhang San said and clapped his hands. At this time, the two heavenly soldiers held the plate one after the other come over.

Matthew naturally didn't even look at it. After the plate was put down, he opened it directly. Looking at the charred meat on it, he swore in his heart...

This store must be demolished later.

He picked up the cutlery, cut off a piece of meat, and put it in his mouth.

The people next to him are watching him doing all this...

Zhang San and Li Donglai are looking forward to it, and the followers are nervous, because they know that Matthew has reached the extreme.

But Dabai outside the door was envious.

In the next second, Matthew's pupils stared, and he immediately jumped up.

The two attendants stood up directly and looked at Lin Luo and the others unkindly, but unexpectedly, they heard Matthew say: "Okay! Okay!"


The two followers were stunned, because Matthew's actions were too exaggerated, which made them wonder if they had read it wrong.

Is this thing really so delicious?

After a catty of meat was eaten, Matthew immediately said, "One more catty."

Zhang San clapped his hands lightly, and the dishes continued to be served at this time...

Pound after catty.

Until the end, when Matthew saw the price, he was dumbfounded: "One hundred catties of gold?"

The eyes of the two entourages turned ugly again, but they heard Matthew say again: "It's worth it, one hundred catties of gold is indeed worth the price, no wonder no one came!"

He waved his hand and signaled the followers behind him to give money.

The two entourages were dumbfounded. This was obviously extortion.

Just such a little meat, you need a hundred catties of gold?

However, when Matthew opened his mouth, they didn't dare to say much, and they gave the money directly, and Matthew also left directly, but when he left, he turned around every step of the way.

After they left, Lin Luo came out from behind, and Zhang San said, "General Manager Lin, this is a rich man."

"Did you forget something?" Lin Luo said.

Zhang San was stunned, then frowned and said, "You're not serious, are you?"

In the end, he waved his hand helplessly and said, "Okay, I would like to admit defeat."

Lin Luo glanced at the direction Matthew was leaving, and said:

"The Swell family, one of the top ten families, this is an accident."

This sentence made Zhang San and Li Donglai startled.

Obviously everyone is together these days, when did Lin Luo get this information?

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