Zhang San and Dabai pressed the button at the same time.

Senior Doris gave them this set of equipment, which has two appearances, which is also for the convenience of Lin Luo to change his identity.

Before they reached the door, two Gustavians came up and looked at Zhang San and Dabai unkindly.

"Damn..." After only one word, the soldier shrank his pupils and said, "Please."

Zhang San and Da Bai walked in slowly without any expression on his face.

According to Zhang San's current mental strength, he can control seven to eight people at most.

Successful people are successful no matter what they do. Zhang San used to be a successful lawyer. When he decided to join the army, he began to learn continuously.

Especially in the early days of leading the Dark Night Army, he ran to Li Donglai's house almost every day.

Today's Zhang San, after leaving Lin Luo, is actually very capable of being alone.

They walked in with the soldiers, following the trend, Zhang San directly controlled an emperor, and walked into the square swaggeringly.

"What are you doing?"

However, when he was about to enter the Shenyan Great Hall, he was stopped.

Zhang San did not choose to continue to control, because there were too many people.

According to Zhang San's memory of exploring the emperor's official, the child of the divine cow is inside.

He controlled the emperor and said slowly: "They are here to take charge of things."

"What did you do?"

"They are responsible for the final baptism of the divine cow." The emperor said slowly.

"Hasn't it been washed?" The soldier wondered.

The emperor said at this time: "Just in case it's always right, after making sure there is nothing unusual, they will leave."

The soldier glanced at Zhang San and Dabai, and waved his hand.

They are wary of anyone, but the emperor in front of them is the third prince's confidant.

As Zhang San walked in, he said to Dabai through sound transmission: "It seems that we still have to use force."

"Woohoo." Dabai meant that Zhang San went to grab the cow when he started.

"Okay." Zhang San also understood that his frontal combat power was not as good as Dabai's, so he agreed.

The three of them slowly approached the cage covered by the golden cloth. For some reason, the closer Zhang San got, the more uneasy he felt.

Since Zhang San awakened his spiritual power, he has

Reactions to many things are becoming more and more different.

He controlled the emperor to take off the clothes, and said at the same time: "You guys check it out quickly."

Zhang San has already seen the young calves being imprisoned inside.

"It's so cute." Zhang San glanced at it, and couldn't help but think of Lin Yue when he was just born.

The whole little cowboy is cyan, lying there with his eyes closed.

Zhang San couldn't help being angry when he saw this, it was obvious that this was Blue Star's ancient beast.

When he was thinking about making a move, he heard dense footsteps coming from outside the flank wall: "They are not the ones checking the divine cow, catch them quickly!"

Just as he was speaking loudly, the air suddenly became cold.


Zhang San looked at Dabai, who was covered with white power, and was a little astonished. Then he saw that the ground was suddenly covered with a layer of ice, and those soldiers who wanted to run back and flew over were all covered by ice and snow.

"Woo!" Da Pai roared and jumped up.

The bear claw stretched out in front of him, and the whole world below suddenly turned into a world of ice and snow.

Zhang San put his hand on the cage suddenly, and when one hand broke, the other hand stretched out to the little green cow, and said, "Go, let's go home!"


"Hurry up! The animal training ground has been attacked by the enemy!" There was chaos outside.

Gustav formed a reaction chain almost instantly, and a dense army was frantically flocking to this taming ground.

Zhang San was anxious, but still kept calm, and kept vigilant towards the little green cow.

The character of being extremely afraid of death caused Zhang San to maintain a high degree of vigilance when facing any unknown creatures.

However, his vigilance was quickly dispelled by a childish moo.

As if sensing Zhang San's kindness, the young man stretched out his tongue and licked Zhang San's hand, and when Zhang San hugged it in his arms, he said directly via voice transmission: "Dabai, let's go."

Dabai hummed, meaning to let Zhang San go first.

Zhang San didn't ink any ink marks, and flew at low altitude quickly, taking advantage of the ice made by Dabai to cover thousands of miles, he didn't focus on Little Qingniu, but thought about how to escape.

Suddenly, he smelled a hint of danger, looked down, just in time to see the little green cow opened his eyes...

Its pupils are extremely deep, and in those eyeballs, reveals

Clearly visible black runes.

Zhang San reacted abruptly, but at this moment, the little green bull's horn directly pierced Zhang San's abdomen...

"Pfft~~" When Zhang San smelled something bloody, he felt pain covering his brain.

His eyes are getting tired...

"Are you going to die after all?" Zhang San whispered softly, his body quickly fell down.


The pain of falling on the ground made Zhang San's brain almost fall into a coma. He coughed vigorously and felt that his eyelids were getting worse.

A strong desire to survive erupted at this moment, and he quickly felt that a strange energy was rapidly emerging in his body...

However, at this moment, a familiar voice sounded in his ear:

"Let him go!"

It was an extremely angry voice.

From Lin Luo.

"He...why did he come here?" Zhang San was taken aback, but the exhaustion and pain at the moment made this man unable to stand it anymore.

Now that Lin Luo has appeared, leave the rest to him.

Including his life.


What Lin Luo never told anyone is that he also uses mental power.

It's just that compared with Zhang San, who is good at this major, this skill seems a bit weak.

However, this time just came in handy.

When he came here, he saw the green bull's horn piercing Zhang San's abdomen, and at the same time absorbing Zhang San's strength continuously.

Not only did the little green bull not flinch, but he even looked at Lin Luo provocatively.

However, the next second it regretted it.

Because a powerful force erupted from this man, before the little green cow could react in the next second, Lin Luo held the little green cow by the neck and lifted it up with one hand. Biqu library

"Moo moo moo..."

The little green cow was shaking and shouting crazily, but Lin Luo's eyes were cold.

He was even ready to strangle the little green bull with one hand.

At this time, Dabai from behind quickly flew over, glanced at Zhang San, then at the little green bull, and finally stretched out his bear paw, beckoning Lin Luo to give him the little green cow.

Lin Luo handed it over, and saw Dabai directly holding its neck with bear claws.

All I could see was that the little green bull was trembling at the moment.

At this moment, it did not struggle, nor did it lose its arrogance.

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