"Sea of ​​lions?"

Slater took another sip, and his mood became happier.

This is also something that Slater has felt comfortable with in the past two years.

Therefore, Slater rarely asked, "Is this store famous?"

"It's not very famous. It's a small business. It is said that it was built by an alien galaxy." The emperor said.

"Oh." Slater just said something lightly. He didn't want to say it at first, but when he took the third bite, he finally couldn't help it, and said: "This store will become a special offer of the Imperial Palace from now on."

"Yes." The emperor did not expect that the other party would say such a thing.

After all, Slater is not an indulgent person, he is cautious and considerate.

"This is a special dish for the anniversary, and the shape is still a bit short." Slater said: "If you want to qualify, you must have a good-looking shape."

"I will tell Star Master Ma Shan." The emperor said.

Slater wanted to take another bite, but suddenly raised his head, and then got up quickly.

At this moment, a woman came slowly.

She looks very mature, but she looks young, but she looks a little strangely coquettish.

On her forehead, there is a snake-shaped totem, and her pupils are also dark blue like snakes.

She glanced at Slater, and said, "You have leisure, why don't you investigate the death of Augustus?"

The emperor wanted to speak, but was stopped by Slater.

He knew that as long as the emperor said one more word, he would be killed by this woman.

Nicholas Tiffany.

The founder of the Nicholas family once had a relationship with Augustus.

So, she is now in a rage.

After the emperor left, Slater waved and said, "Please."

Tiffany naturally wanted to sit in the center seat of Slater, but unexpectedly Slater said: "You are here, I am very polite to you, but that is not your seat."

"Are you teaching me?" Tiffany turned around, his dark blue eyeballs flashed red, and then a giant snake-like tail grew out of it.

However, when the tail was about to wrap itself around Slater, a powerful aura surrounded Slater directly.

Tiffany's expression paused, and then his pupils became a little more apprehensive, and he said, "The head of the department actually passed on this energy to you."

"Please." Slater acted as if nothing had happened, he walked slowly towards the throne, and said at the same time: "I checked

The trace of Augustus' death, the other party almost killed him instantly. "

"What's the meaning?"

"This shows that the other party is also in the realm of a saint." Slater said: "For such a person, if you want to investigate who in our galaxy, you can investigate yourself."

"You mean...don't care?" Tiffany's pupils became indifferent.

"My task is to handle this anniversary ceremony well. You know how important this matter is."

"Augus is the founder of the Ten Great Families, and he has made great contributions to Star Gustav." Tiffany roared.

Slater smiled disdainfully, and said, "That galaxy has been destroyed for many years, is it interesting that you still think about that battle achievement?"

"Lord Tiffany, times have changed!"

"Dead people are not qualified to speak!"

When Tiffany heard this, her nose was twisted with anger, but she really couldn't do anything to Slater, because the opponent was the Emperor Supreme.

She snorted coldly and left.

And the emperor outside the door walked in anxiously and said, "His Royal Highness should have a good conversation."

"Don't bother with her." Slater said, "That's fine, I'll leave it to her to find out the truth."

The emperor was stunned, but then he understood, and said: "The emperor is very strategic."


"Good shape?" Lin Luo was taken aback when he heard Matthew's words.

"Yes, the emperor likes your things very much." Matthew said with a smile: "Your chance to make a fortune has come."

Lin Luo immediately expressed ecstasy, but still said: "Thanks to Brother Matthew."

Matthew just smiled and continued: "However, you have to research something good. Those people are very noble and cannot be as casual as we are."

"I'll try my best," Lin Luo said.

"Okay." Matthew nodded.

When Matthew was called by Lin Luo on the fourth day, he was stupid.

All he saw was a plate of golden poultry dishes in front of him.

"What's this called?"

"Golden Phoenix spreads its wings!"

"Three Immortal Boars!"

"Roasted Turtle for Long Years!"


Lin Luo pointed to these cuisines and introduced them one by one.

Matthew watched and swallowed, and said, "Why do you have so many delicacies?"

"You have eaten most of these delicacies before, just change the shape." Lin Luo said.

He was very disdainful.

Isn't it just a show, a simple thing.

Matthew picked up a piece

, said: "Is this a real Phoenix?"

"How is it possible?" Lin Luo said, "I have never seen what a phoenix looks like. It's just the roasted wings of a seventh-level poultry."

Matthew took a sip, chewed, and said, "If you can attend the banquet this time, you can see it."

"Gustav still has a phoenix?" Lin Luo was surprised.

In fact, there is no lack of temptation.

Matthew chuckled and said, "Don't spread the word about it. Although it's not a secret, it was strictly ordered by the higher-ups. In our galaxy, there is indeed a sleeping phoenix. It is said that it is the mount of the department head."

"It belongs to His Royal Highness?" Lin Luo asked tentatively.

"Of course not." Matthew said: "The emperor is the emperor, the head of the department is the head of the department, and...the head of the department is only one person. Unfortunately, I only heard from my father, and I have never seen a real person. It will appear once, I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

After speaking, Matthew started to try food again.

Instead, Lin Luo and Zhang San glanced at each other, fear appeared in the pupils of both of them.

This Gustav star is really hidden very deeply.

Matthew was very satisfied with these, so he specially took photos and went back. Less than two hours later, he told Lin Luo that the emperor wanted to see him.

Lin Luo was very surprised by this, but Matthew said again that this time not only him, but also other food owners who serve this anniversary will be present.

When night fell, Lin Luo and others gathered together, and he said straight away: "This time I went to see Slater, it is an opportunity, Gustav's imperial palace is fortified, and according to what Matthew said, the emperor's grand Probability is not who is really in power."

"Do you doubt that the department head he said really exists?"


On the North Pole of Gustav Star, there is an Ice Palace of Heaven and Earth.

The whole palace is snow white, and the whole body is crystal clear.

Under this palace, a white-haired old man sat on the lava...

Suddenly, there was a phoenix cry, and the lava was seen boiling.

"It's been so many years, haven't you given up yet?" The old man waved his hand, suppressing it with one hand.

That Fengming became louder and louder, but struggled to no avail.

After the suppression, there was complete silence.

However, the old man coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"It seems that it is really necessary to change another body?!"

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