A year passed in a flash.

Lin Luo and the others moved from Xifeng Star to Gustav's main star.

Being able to live here makes it much more convenient to do many things.

For example, Lin Luo met many noble sons through food, including the son of the Ackerman family who robbed Matthew's fiancée.

Now this young man is down and out.

However, even so, they are still rich.

If it is not for power, a family's money is still spent casually.

He comes here every day to get drunk, and occasionally he can spread some confidential words from it, which is quite surprising.

And Lin Luo's information network also began to slowly build up on Gustav, the main planet, and the information he searched for was also irrelevant.

For example, the best beasts.

For example, which family likes which beasts.

and many more.

Even if this information is found by Gustav's people, it is nothing at all.

Seeing that everything was getting better, Lin Luo didn't know that danger was approaching.


Nicholas Tinifer stepped outside the third prince's palace, and heard gasps coming from inside.

It's a pity that this woman kicked the door open in spite of everything.

The third prince and the woman inside were stunned for a moment, and then the third prince shouted domineeringly: "Who? Courting death?!"

He poked his head out of the bed, and when he saw that it was Nicholas Tinifer, he was stunned for a moment, and said, "Wait a minute, I'll get dressed first."

Nicholas Tinifer was very indifferent. He stood by the door and said, "I just came here to ask a few words, and you can continue."

The third prince was ashamed, thinking big sister, you are playing with me...

Besides, isn't it very good for you to break in like this.

"Who is she?" Another woman was dissatisfied.

This kind of thing, women are still very easy to get jealous.

"Shut up." The third prince shouted: "Why are you still standing there, get out with your clothes on."

The woman was taken aback, thinking that the third prince lifted his pants to deny him?

He just said that he loves her the most.

She was about to burst into tears, but the third prince slapped her away and said, "Hurry up and leave."

The woman was completely dumbfounded, and ran out disheveled with countless grievances and anger.

The third prince hurriedly straightened his clothes at this time, and said, "Why is the first sage coming to me when he has time?"

In fact, the third prince

It was saving her, if Tinifah got angry, the woman would not live at all.

Tinifah refined a big snake ten thousand years ago, and people became cold and ruthless.

That's why Augustus broke up with her...

Augustus said that he could not accept beasts.

"You lost the baby bull, and you started to degenerate?" Tinifa glanced at the third prince.

The third prince was silent, he looked at Tinifa, and said: "You should know that the emperor pays attention to luck the most. I lost the cow when I came of age, and the imperial family will think that my luck is not good."

Tinifah nodded, and said seriously, "So, I'm here to help you."

The third prince was overjoyed.

If the Nicholas family can stand behind him and compete for the throne in the future, there will be an extra guarantee.

"I need all the process of the bar mitzvah that day, and the list..." Tinifah said.

"There were too many people that day." The third prince was about to say it, but when he saw Tinifa's unfriendly gaze, he recalled it...

Tinifah didn't want to help him, but just wanted to find the murderer who killed Augustus.

He hurriedly said, "I'll have someone send it to you later."

He spoke slowly and told everything about that day.

Tinifa heard the back and said, "Are you sure you didn't hear the call of the divine bull?"

"No." The third prince nodded, and said strangely: "The young divine cow can spread throughout the city with a yell. I'm also curious why it doesn't yell..."

Tinifer thought for a while, then continued to ask: "What else?"

"It's nothing." The third prince shook his head, then remembered again, and said, "By the way, we found a pool of blood there."

"Blood?!" Tinifah was taken aback.

"Yes." The third prince said: "But according to the test, the bloodstains belonging to normal human beings can't be seen of any type, and they can't be compared. Anyway... it's not from the Gustavians."

"Alien?!" Tinifer's expression changed.

She seemed to attach great importance to it, and asked the third prince to take her there,

When they went to the scientific research center, Tinifa saw the blood report and part of the genetic structure diagram.

When Tinifa saw this picture, his pupils suddenly dilated.

A very familiar picture....

But Tinifa's memory was unexpectedly unable to recall for a while.

But she knew, she had seen it before.


Lin Luo didn't know that Tinifa and the others were focusing on finding Zhang San's blood, but to Lin Luo, this was not important anymore.

All preparations have already begun.

When the time came to this year, it was already the beginning of the war.

So at this beginning, Lin Luo made a list.

"Why are you searching for this?" Li Donglai handed another copy to Lin Luo.

Zhang San left, Li Donglai had to be a cook during the day, and had to check information at night, so he was very busy.

"Assassination list." Lin Luo said.

"Ah?" Li Donglai then said excitedly, "When will it start?"

Lin Luo said speechlessly: "If you kill one now, they still have to be vigilant?"

"Then what are you talking about?" Li Donglai said angrily.

Lin Luo said: "Also, there are not enough people now."

Li Donglai was taken aback, this time his mind turned around, he looked at Lin Luo and said, "Could it be that you want to arrange the assassination mission at..."

Lin Luo smiled.

"..." Seeing Lin Luo's smile, Li Donglai said speechlessly, "Didn't you start calculating this step when you came to this planet, starting with choosing food?"

Lin Luo coughed dryly and said, "How is it possible, I'm not a god."

"Come on, it must be like this." Li Donglai didn't believe it.

Lin Luo ignored him, he looked down at the last report:

There were several question marks on the founders of the top ten families and the head of the mysterious one behind them.

After more than a year of long flight, Chen An is on the blue star at this moment, watching the spacecraft slowly descend.

He thought it was Lin Luo who came back, and even Xiao Jinlong came to greet him happily.

However, they only saw Zhang San, not Lin Luo.

"Don't be so disappointed." Zhang San said, "He also wants to come back, but he can't do it without him."

"Then what are you doing back?" Chen An said, Yang Jun had already stepped forward, putting his arms around Zhang San's neck, thinking about what to eat tonight.

Zhang San scanned the familiar sky and said, "I'm back to prepare for the final step of Lin Luo's Blue Star Light Project."

Just as he was speaking, a moo sounded from behind.

"Why is there a cow barking?" Yang Jun was surprised, but when he turned around, he was very pleasantly surprised and said, "Zhang San, you brought back food from Gustav!"

"Great, I'm going to be slaughtered. Let's go drink tonight."

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