On the second day, Li Donglai met the son of the Ackerman family who came to drink.

"Golden lion meat and ten catties of wine." Sitting at the dinner table, he shook his head and sighed.

Li Donglai carried the meat over and said, "Please, sir."

"It seems that there are no guests today." Brother Young Master swept around.

"The last one." Li Donglai said.

Brother Young Master sighed and said, "It seems that you are always lonely wherever you go."

Li Donglai said with a smile: "You have money, how can you be lonely?"

"What do you know?" Brother Young Master roared with a bit of anger.

Li Donglai pretended to be very scared, and said: "Don't mind me, I'm a countryman, I can only cook, but I don't know anything."

"Is there a drinking party?" Brother Young Master asked.

Li Donglai was taken aback for a moment, and seeing that the son asked him to sit down, he said, "Boss Lin Luo won't let us have dinner with the guests."

"There's no one in the shop now, what are you afraid of?" Brother Young Master shouted.

Li Donglai was still apprehensive, and finally sat down embarrassingly. Brother Young Master sat down and said, "I tell you, the higher you stand, the more painful you will be when you fall."

"You are still at a low point, you should cherish this period of time."

"Only in adversity can we see the truth."

Li Donglai poured a glass of wine directly, nodded, and Brother Gong also poured a glass of mulled wine, and began to speak slowly.


Late at night, when Lin Luo was processing documents, Li Donglai came reeking of alcohol.

"How's the drink?" Lin Luo said.

"I made a lot of money." Li Donglai said with a full belch.

Lin Luo smiled and waved him to sit down.

Li Donglai said at this time: "I did find out something."

"After the death of Augustus, the Ackerman family suffered a lot of attacks, including the redistribution of power money and so on." Li Donglai said: "Their main courtyard was guarded, and all the Ackerman families were expelled. Leave."

"However, nothing has been taken from the yard, it's just not allowed in."

"From this point of view, it is very possible that there is something hidden in this courtyard that this young master doesn't know." Lin Luo finally got a little interested, and said so.

"I think so too." Li Donglai said.

"What did you say?" Lin Luo asked.

"I said, I believe most people believe in fairness and justice.

"Li Donglai said seriously.

"Smart." Lin Luo laughed.

Li Donglai said at this time: "When the time comes, something will really happen, won't we be found?"

Lin Luo said: "In legal terms, instigating others to commit crimes is difficult to define. This is the only perfect crime that detective novels refer to."

Li Donglai paused, but Lin Luo said, "Go back to sleep when you're drunk, and you'll probably see the result when you wake up."

Li Donglai got up and went to sleep.

On the second day, he got up and ran to ask Lin Luo, who was watching a video on Gustav's device at the moment.

As if he was stimulated, the young master began to announce the suppression of the Ackerman family on many media platforms.

They even took pictures of the main courtyard being blocked.

"Our Ackerman family has fought for Star Gustav for countless years, and now we have ended up like this?"

"My ancestor's tablet is inside, and now we can't even go in."

These two sentences were said by Brother Young Master himself, which immediately moved countless people.

Soon, the entire galaxy was talking about it.


"Is he crazy?" When Slater received the news, he got up directly from the throne, furious.

"Now he has broken in." The emperor said.

"Then why are you still standing there?" Slater said, "The Ackerman family has already existed in name only. Does he really think he is the old young master?"

The emperor was terrified and went out directly.

But just as he stepped out, the sky was filled with thunderbolts, and a dull thunder flashed above the sky.

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Slater jumped up and flew towards the compound of the Ackerman family.

And Lin Luo in the tavern didn't expect anything.

In fact, no matter how high the IQ of Lin Luo is, and how well-planned he is, he always pursues one principle.

That is change.

Only when people and things move, will there be a turning point.

He paid close attention to everything on Gustav's Internet, and suddenly the Eastern Emperor Clock on the table moved...

Afterwards, Dabai, who was sleeping not far away, opened his eyes, looked at the rotating Donghuang Bell, stepped forward quickly, and pressed it directly.

Lin Luo paused and soon understood.

This should be the power of resonance among ancient cultivation technologies...

"Gustav, sure enough there are ancient blue

Star Cultivation Weapon! Lin Luo took a deep breath.

This is not good news for him.

"What could it be?" Lin Luo lightly weighed the table with his fingers, thinking about the possibility of finding out.

On the other side, when Slater came over the Ackerman family, he saw a middle-aged blond man with dark skin holding his head.

This head belongs to Brother Young Master.

The middle-aged man looked at Slater and said, "This kind of thing should be decided as soon as possible in the future."

"It's no small matter."

Slater was silent.

The middle-aged man threw the head to him, and then walked away.

When Slater came to the yard, there were only dense corpses inside.

Including his guards.

"Kill all the Ackerman family." Slater said.

"This..." The emperor was taken aback.

"Go." Slater said very tiredly.



Gustav's official media is blocking the news, but Lin Luo is naturally able to accept it.

"Kill them all?" Lin Luo was taken aback.

"Yes." The heavenly soldier who reported said: "Now Ackerman has become a forbidden word here."

Lin Luo and Li Donglai were quite shocked when they heard this.

The demise of Ackerman will inevitably bring about turmoil in the hearts of the people. A ruler who cares about the hearts of the people like Gustav should not do such a thing.

But that's what they did.

This made Lin Luo very puzzled.

A powerful technological weapon for self-cultivation should be the bragging capital of the galaxy, just like the wild green bull, which is also known by many people.

Why did Gustav hide and hide?

Rather than saying it was the emperor's anger, Lin Luo believed that this genocide was an act of extermination.

This incident was just a small storm.

Gustav's news was blocked very quickly. In just one month, no one mentioned such a family again. Biqu library

Even, a lot of information was changed to the nine major families, and Ackerman's main courtyard became a key blockade area.

And taking over from this incident to become the center of discussion is the upcoming anniversary galaxy celebration.

Now, the time is getting closer and many guests are coming.

"Zhang San went back to move people, and he will be back soon." Lin Luo looked at the time and said so.

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