He jumped up suddenly, before the group of terracotta warriors could even react, he was like a wolf among sheep.

"Breakthrough in battle?" The leader of the terracotta warriors seemed to have seen a ghost.

Not just one person.

In the Hidden Dragon Army, more and more people have powerful forces emerging from them...

Some people lost their minds.

Some people forcibly overcome the difficulty of the fourth level.

Between life and death, they broke through.

A terracotta warrior looked at the arm torn off by the Yinlong soldiers, and tremblingly said:

"Blue Stars... are indeed monsters!"


When Adam Weiss saw this scene in the command room, his joyful smile froze instantly.

In war, the competition is not only about force.

And tactics.

If you can know the opponent's hole cards in advance, then you have won half of the victory.

Adam Weiss has already determined that the opponent will use their hole cards.

However, the result reversed so quickly.

broke through.

They broke through in the fight.

Not one or two.

but a group of people.

According to historical records, isn't it only geniuses who are gifted with monstrous talents who can achieve this step?

There was a bit of fear in his pupils.

However, the madness of the hidden dragon army has just been staged.

After more and more people broke through to the fourth level, the entire battlefield has undergone a huge reversal....

Even if, their number is less than that of the Terracotta Army.

Even if...

The Terracotta Army is not afraid of death.

Seeing more and more fallen terracotta warriors, the woman next to her slowly said, "I'll go."

"No need to go," Adam Weiss said.

"He will die." The woman looked at the long-haired man who was fighting Zhang San.

Adam Weiss was very indifferent, just said: "He is already dead."

The woman is silent.

Adam Weiss said: "His existence was originally to defend the last battle of this planet."


Zhang San viciously tore off the opponent's arm.

However, the long-haired man didn't mind.

"I don't know your name yet." Zhang San looked at the other party and said.

The long-haired man chuckled.

But Zhang San said: "I feel that you are different."

"How is it different?" the long-haired man said.

"It's more like a relief for you to fight with me." Zhang San said.

The long-haired man was silent.

His real name was Ahendis.

However, he also has a Blue Star name:

Chen Heng.

Yes, in those days, many

Everyone will have a blue star name.

One is fashion, and the other is worship.

Yahendis is a person who worships Blue Star very much.

At the beginning, Gustav attacked Blue Star under the call of Adam Weiss, and he was the only high-level person who opposed it.

However, he is powerless to change all this.

The same is true of his ancient style.

However, war is like this, and it will not change because of individuals.

He was born on the Gustav star, that is, a Gustav star.

Yahengdis looked around and saw the Yinlong Army's counterattack, and said: "It seems that we are going to have a break."

As he spoke, Yahendis' pupils changed.

He is more like a black angel.

His body became taller, and his energy could radiate hundreds of meters away.

Zhang San looked at him quietly.

Intuition told him that this was a respectable enemy.

However, this does not mean that Zhang San has to show mercy.


There is no need to show mercy.

"This move was performed by the monster inside..." Zhang San condensed a powerful light of energy. At this moment, his genetic energy was instantly emptied, and he looked at the black angel in front of him...

A long spear appeared in Ahentes' hand...

Spear of Judgment!

In Zhang San's hand, there is an extra black bow and arrow condensed by energy!

Zhang San bent over and drew his bow, looking at each other...

In the next second, the Spear of Judgment shot out.

Between heaven and earth, there are gusts of wind.

And Zhang San didn't show any weakness, there was a black arrow on his black bow out of thin air.

It's just weird that above the arrow, there are actually two blackened eyes flickering...

Although, just for a moment.

In the next second, that black arrow pierced the sky, and then, under everyone's gaze, it collided fiercely with the Spear of Judgment.



The huge energy spread out, and Zhang San felt that his body couldn't bear it anymore and was about to be blown away.

At this moment, he felt a belly against himself.

Looking back, he showed a pale smile and said, "Thank you, Dabai!"

Dabai didn't say anything, Zhang San didn't say anything, they just turned their heads, looked at Lin Luo who also appeared beside him, and said, "Everything is as you wish!"

Lin Luo watched the huge energy explode in front of him...

The entire land was sunken by hundreds of meters.

It is conceivable how strong the energy confrontation between the two is.

Many hidden dragon soldiers below swallowed their saliva...

Even if many people break through the fourth level,

He can't explode with the same ability as Zhang San at all.

The same is the fourth level, but there is also a gap.

Naturally, Nayahentes would not wait to die. He exhausted his last strength and wanted to escape.

But soon, he was stopped.

A figure appeared in front of him.

It was Lin Luo.

Yahendis was a little taken aback.

this man...

Passed through this energy storm?

He looked at Lin Luo, finally understood, and said, "If I'm right, you... are the leader of Blue Star!"

He was lamenting that Blue Star was really terrifying.

As long as this civilization recovers, geniuses will emerge in endlessly.

A Zhang San who can awaken the light of the soul at the beginning of the fourth stage, a group of soldiers who can break through in battle...

And, the man in front of him that he couldn't see through at all.

"Is it important?" Lin Luo said.

"It's really not important." Yahendis smiled, and he stood there, not intending to resist, he said: "Gustav, I really owe you."

"No, you don't owe us anything," Lin Luo said.

Yahendis was taken aback.

"Because, when a person dies, he will not owe anything," Lin Luo said.

Yahendis laughed and said, "Are you sure you can win?"

Lin Luo waved his hand and came directly behind the other party, without even raising his hand, the two pairs of wings on the back of Yahendis were torn off...

"Although the West is not my ancestor, this pair of wings must be their masterpiece..." Lin Luo said, holding the wings.

Yahendis felt the pain in his heart, but still panting, he said: "Adam Weiss, you will win..."

Before he finished speaking, his head was directly broken.

Lin Luo stomped on his head expressionlessly, turned around and left, Zhang San came over at this time and said, "Just... just kill him like this?"

"His value is this pair of wings." Lin Luo said holding the wings.

"I know, it's delicious when baked." Zhang Sanxi said.

Lin Luo squeezed his sweat and said, "Do you want to eat human wings?"

Zhang San was stunned, and soon understood...

"Do you want to dig out the genetic chain of Western civilization on this pair of wings?"

Lin Luo just smiled, looking at the army of terracotta warriors and horses below, and then at the distance.

Just now, he got news from Borg Star.

The opponent's army is gathering.

"Is it going to be the last battle?" Lin Luo exhaled.

The final war will be a contest of all cards of the two galaxies.

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