As A Temporary Worker, He Was Actually S Level Encrypted By The State

Chapter 352 Exploring The Center Of The Earth Again

Hearing this question, Dahuang Qingniu was stunned for a moment. It looked up at the moon and said, "I can't explain it clearly to you. Let's put it this way."

"The original solar system was surrounded by many satellites. The purpose of these satellites was to avoid being destroyed due to the powerful energy in the war."

"The existence of the moon is different. It seems to be related to a special artifact."

Hearing this, Lin Luo and Ye Yi glanced at each other.

The thoughts in their heads are all the same.

the center of the earth.

The thing in the hole in the center of the earth that resembles a heavenly book.

Lin Luo told Dahuang Qingniu about the matter in the center of the earth, but unfortunately the other party shook his head and said he didn't know.

"I don't know much, but according to what you said, those people are more like people who have gone astray in evolution." Dahuang Qingniu said strangely: "But the original Blue Star has already solved the problem of evolution. The problem of failure with bad consequences."

Lin Luo said in surprise: "Can it be completely solved?"

"At least it won't be like this." Da Huang Qing Niu pointed to the picture and said.

Lin Luo pondered for a long time, but did not speak.


"I'll leave the Kongtong seal to you." Lin Luo handed over the incomplete Kongtong seal to Ye Yi, and when the latter took it over, his face was filled with excitement.

Ye Yi studied the pattern of the Eastern Emperor Bell, but then he gave up.

Because when Ye Yi was preparing to do it, he discovered that the patterns of the Eastern Emperor Bell had a strong protective effect.

Given that the Eastern Emperor Bell is currently Blue Star's strongest method, Ye Yi did not study it.

However, Ye Yi has already murmured countless times in his heart, wanting to obtain an ancient blue star cultivation technology weapon to study.

Unexpectedly, this time Gustav's trip made his dream come true.

"Don't worry, I will definitely try my best to repair it." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo just patted him on the shoulder and left without staying any longer.

After this war, Blue Star did not return to calm, and everyone became even busier.

They must be alert to enemies that have not yet appeared, as well as the digestion of Gustav's resources.

In the middle of the night, Chen An appeared in Lin Luo's office and saw Dabai and Xiao Jinlong lying on Lin Luo's bed and sleeping soundly, while Lin Luo was watching something


Chen An walked over to take a look, thinking that Lin Luo was making some plans again, but saw him looking at the picture.

A picture of the center of the earth.

"Could it be that you want..." Chen An could see that Lin Luo was still thinking about the hole in the center of the earth.

"If it was a peaceful time, this hole would be a disaster." Lin Luo said: "But I prefer..."

"This may be a treasure."

Chen An paused, thinking that these are not treasures at all.

But that page looks like a heavenly book, and it really looks like a treasure, maybe Lin Luo has taken a fancy to this.

After pondering for a while, Lin Luo continued: "Maybe we can find the source of evolution from here..."

"Today, most people are still unable to cross the threshold of the fourth stage."

"But a level nine civilization must be powerful."

"Adam Weiss said that Saints has mastered part of the source of Blue Star's evolution."

"When are you going to do it?" Chen An asked.

"Let them rest for two months." Lin Luo said, "And I'm worried about... Zhang San."

Chen An was taken aback.

After Zhang San was knocked unconscious by Lin Luo, he occasionally woke up, but he was always in a state of being neither human nor ghost. He asked himself that if he was looking for him, Lin Luo must be present, because the In fact, only Lin Luo can suppress him forcibly.


In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

The prosperous Gustav in the past has now become a tomb star that everyone avoids.

It used to be an important place for transportation, but now no one cares about it.

At this time, a huge spaceship landed, and a young man stepped out of the cabin, looked at everything in front of him, and said, "It's really destroyed."

The emperor next to him gasped.

Gustav is not weak.

If it is so powerful, it will become what it is today.

It seems that everything is true.

"Blue Star, is it really powerful?" the young man asked.

The emperor hesitated to speak.

If a nation wants to be strong, it must have national self-esteem.

Saints are galaxies that have become powerful through invasion. If their people know that they have become powerful by plundering other galaxies, then they

It is never possible to become stronger.

Therefore, Saints' de-blue star campaign is more thorough.

Even the younger generation of the royal family didn't even know the existence of this matter.

Those who know dare to speak out, that is the death penalty of Zhu Lian Jiu Clan.

The emperor thought for a while, and said: "They are the source of evil, they once overwhelmed the universe..."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the people of the universe were overwhelmed by their oppression and united to resist."

The prince heard his blood boil, and said: "The battle back then must have been very vigorous, and my father must have been the hero of that battle."

The emperor just smiled and nodded.

But when the smile in his pupils saw the two flags, he no longer showed any expression.

eye for eye.

In just four words, all attempts about Blue Star have been exposed.


It's back to collect debts.

Therefore, it is impossible for everyone related to the events of the year to stay away from the center of this storm.


After a month of recovery, Doris and Borg all left.

Lin Luo is very generous and gave up a lot of resources to them.

In the many wars that Blue Star has fought so far, Lin Luo also understands that if Blue Star alone relies on it, it will be difficult to move forward.

So, they need to recruit some allies.

However, Lin Luo remembered the tragedy of Blue Star back then.

So when dealing with these galaxies, Lin Luo is also implementing both soft and hard methods.

For example, he only recognized Mark Carey and Doris.

If these two galaxies are out of their control, Lin Luo will give up immediately.

Lin Luo would never cultivate an enemy for himself.

On this day, Zhang San woke up again.

His eyeballs are now black, like a monster in a hole in the center of the earth.

"I heard that you are going to the hole in the center of the earth." Zhang San found Lin Luo.

"Hmm." Lin Luo frowned as he felt Zhang San's continuous release of spiritual light.

He knew that Zhang San would soon be unable to restrain himself. Biqu library

"I'm going too." Zhang San said.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Luo asked puzzled.

"The person sleeping in that coffin is very familiar to me..." Zhang San said: "And to go to that kind of place, you need my ability."

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