This scene is so spectacular that it is unbelievable.

Surrounding the monster are a large number of golden runes.

"The really alive." Xu Han was shocked when he saw this scene.

For an old man who has pursued history, this is an extremely shocking discovery.

This means that all legends may be true.

I only saw the golden light flickering for a long time, and when the runes continued to surround it, I saw the list of gods above the sky submerge into the monster's body.


The sea water turned from red to golden, making both Lin Luo and Zhang San subconsciously vigilant.

But after a moment, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that people outside have discovered it." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San touched the golden sea water, looked at the golden monster in front of him, and said, "What is the list of gods?"

Lin Luo watched the monster gradually disappear, thought for a while, and said, "Actually, we can deliberate."

"If the Haotian Room was the source of genetic power, then he would definitely be feared by all parties..."

"At the same time, it also holds the most powerful force."

"What would you do in this situation?"

"Suppression." Zhang San said: "Don't talk about other things, it's not a good thing for one side to dominate."

Lin Luo nodded and said: "Since ancient times, people have realized that dictatorship is wrong. The first generation of Haotian Room is fine, but if it is the third generation, what about the fourth generation?"

"No one can guarantee that the people behind will not abuse it when they have great power."

"I think the Conferred God List was born for this."

Zhang San nodded. This guess is reasonable. He watched the sea water churning again when the monster disappeared, and said, "It's just that this is too powerful. We still don't know how it will attack."

Lin Luo raised his head. At this moment, the ocean has gradually returned to its original state, and the two sections of seawater in the sky are ready to merge into one.

He saw above the sky, the two Conferred God Lists were about to merge into one.

At this time, there was an earthquake.

Lin Luo saw that the Haotian room was gradually buried and sunken in, so he was anxious and said to Zhang San: "Take them out first."

"You..." Zhang San just wanted to speak, then

It was Lin Luo who got into the ruins of the Haotian Room.

Zhang San gritted his teeth. In fact, he really didn't want Lin Luo to do such a risky thing.

Blue Star, Zhang San can be missing, and anyone can be missing.

However, Lin Luo is indispensable.

Zhang San raised the unconscious Ye Yi with one hand, and flew straight into the air.


It was indeed extremely shocking to watch the process of the two Conferred God Lists being merged into one.

"It's Coach Zhang!"

Someone shouted.

Chen An and the others raised their heads and were immediately delighted.

It's just that they didn't see Lin Luo, which made them anxious.

"Where's Lin Luo?" Chen An asked.

"Go in and move things."

"You bastard..." Chen An cursed hastily, but couldn't continue cursing halfway through, and said, "I don't know when it will end."

"He should know how to measure." Zhang San sat on the ground, looked at the list of gods in the sky, and said, "What's the scene on land?"

Chen An said it exactly.

After Zhang San heard this, he said: "It seems that the list of gods is really suppressing the existence of Haotian Room."

"Why do you say that?" Chen An asked.

"This super giant beast on land is the result of its illusion, but it will not attack humans."

"But in the deep sea, when we face that monster, it will really kill us."

"And the solution can only be solved from the outside. The wisdom of the ancients is really good. They don't want people to break into it, and they left a solution for breaking in by mistake."

Zhang San said.

"It's a good thing they found out." Chen An said with trepidation, and then asked expectantly: "What's in the Haotian Room?"

"Who knows." Zhang San looked at the deep sea and replied slowly.

At this moment, Lin Luo was fighting for speed in the ruins.



This is his goal.

Lin Luo picked up the ancient genetic instrument, and when he was about to fly out, he suddenly saw an old book pressed in a gap under the machine.

Lin Luo looked at the falling stones, gritted his teeth, turned around and picked up a book, and rushed out desperately.

However, he was too greedy, which directly blocked the way forward.

The manufacture of this Haotian room is not an ordinary material, Lin Luo is making

Even when I picked up the secret and broke it open, I heard a roar of a bear...

"Big white!" Lin Luo was overjoyed, seeing the enlarged big white bear stretching out its claws, Lin Luo jumped on it.

Dabai was indeed rough-skinned and thick-skinned, he was not afraid of these falling stones at all, and even roared angrily, smashed through the wall and jumped into the sky.

Lin Luo turned his head, looked at the sunken Haotian room, and just said: "It's a pity."

Dabai rolled his eyes, left the man directly, quickly became smaller, turned and left.

Lin Luo didn't bother with this impolite bear. When he landed, everyone surrounded him.

"Brother, did you move it out?" Ye Yi said puzzledly: "But this machine has been sealed and cannot be unlocked at all."

"What if it can be untied." Lin Luo patted it and said.

In fact, apart from wanting to solve it, the mystery that Lin Luo also wants to solve is...

Is the system one of the methods left by Blue Star?

If the structures of the two instruments are really exactly the same, then the probability will be very high.

Zhang San came over with the list of gods and handed it to Lin Luo.

"It's grown a bit." Lin Luo said.

"Yeah." Zhang San said: "But it doesn't look like a complete body."

Lin Luo put it away and said: "At least we proved one thing..."

"What's up?"

"The power of the list of gods is very strong." Lin Luo said.

Everyone was ashamed.


A few days later, the western coast returned to calm, but everyone will remember the appearance of this monster.

In order to calm the hearts of the people, Lin Luo and the others also released an announcement explaining in detail that the monster was created by an artifact, not real.

The people in the Western Continent still believed in Lin Luo, which made people come back here.

Meanwhile, excavation work continues.

However, the target is concentrated on the land of China.

"According to the name of the Haotian Room, the one in the Western Continent is the west, and the one in the Earth's Center Cave is probably the north." Lin Luo said: "Then the largest headquarters of the Haotian Room must be on the land of Huaxia."

Lin Luo's target immediately focused on several places:

Kunlun Mountains.


and many more.

These places are often mentioned in legends and stories.

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