"On this coffin, we found part of the preservation method of the body, and the subtle influence of gene energy in sleep, and there is nothing else."

After listening to Wu Shan's report, Lin Luo nodded and said, "Is there any other progress?"

"It seems that Kongtong Yin has made some progress." Wu Shan said: "I haven't seen Ye Yi for a long time."

Lin Luo also hadn't seen Ye Yi for a long time, and the boy became swollen as soon as he came back.

"Are you responsible for the ancient genetic instrument?" Lin Luo asked.


"You tell the others to leave first and come back tomorrow." Lin Luo said.

Wu Shan was taken aback, although he didn't understand, but what Lin Luo said was an order, he nodded and said, "Yes."


Lin Luo walked into the place where the ancient genetic instrument was placed.

According to the part analysis report of this machine, 80% of the parts are similar.

This has to make Lin Luo suspect that his system is really related to the ancient blue star.

"Is that so? System." Lin Luo asked.

Unfortunately, the system did not respond to his words.

Lin Luo didn't ask questions like a fool, but said: "If you can help unlock the seal of this ancient genetic instrument, how many points will it take?"

"Ding! Do you want to pay 800 million points to lift the seal?"

"Eight hundred million..." Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, then swallowed.

The system has always judged precious things by their importance.

The reason why Lin Luo is looking forward to the law of causality weapon is that the most expensive one in the fourth-level shopping malls that appear in the system is still the weapon of law of cause and effect, which is priced at 9.9 billion.

Lin Luo looked at the 300 million points displayed in his system and sighed.

Not to mention the lack of energy, even if he can exchange it, Lin Luo will not waste the money.

He thought for a while, and finally looked at the secret in his hand.

"Three upgrades, can you reach the full level?" Lin Luo thought so.

Half an hour later, Lin Luo showed up on the training ground with Dabai. Compared with the intimate Lin Yue, Dabai gave Lin Luo a very different feeling.

Da Huang Qing Niu said that when Lin Yue becomes an adult, she will be able to speak human language.

However, Great White is clearly an adult bear...

After all, there was nothing so edible in childhood.

Dabai now is the same as when Lin Luo saw it, except that his belly is a bit rounder.

It's just that its eyes are getting more and more


Most importantly, it still doesn't seem to speak human words.

At first Lin Luo suspected that it was fake, and then asked Dahuang Qingniu to test it out...

As a result, Dahuang Qingniu was almost suppressed.

From then on, Da Huang Qing Niu decided not to be Lin Luo's accomplice.

After all, his own child, Little Qingniu, is still under Dabai's feet, being taught by him.

"Dabai, do you know other moves of Tianji?" Lin Luo tried to save money, remembering the first time Dabai used Shattering Space.


Dabai was lying on the chair, sound asleep, and didn't hear Lin Luo's words at all.

Lin Luo sighed, then turned to the system, and asked: "System, upgrade the secret!"

"All points!"



The moment the voice fell, everything was fine.

However, Dabai opened his eyes in a daze, then narrowed his eyes, and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed...

The wind also picked up immediately.

got windy!

The wind is getting stronger and stronger.

Just when Lin Luo thought that there would be thunder disaster again, above his head, above Tianjing, the sky slowly split open...

Lin Luo looked at this scene and thought he was hallucinating.

It wasn't until he was sure about it a few times that he was finally fully sure.


It was indeed broken.

A crimson crack emerged from it.

The entire crack was only a few meters at first, but then it got bigger and bigger.

In the end, it turned into a bottomless huge crack.

In the depths surrounded by red, there is a black mist...

Lin Luo raised his head and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Is this a vision brought about by a weapon upgrade?

Just thinking about this, from above the crack, a red divine light shrouded directly towards Tianji next to Lin Luo.

For a moment, the heavenly secret was shrouded in red light, shining brightly.

It actually took off in the air for the first time.

Lin Luo was also shocked by this scene.

There is a connection between Tianji and Tian?

How was the first cultivation technology weapon made?

Just when Lin Luo guessed this way, he saw the sky plane suddenly spinning in the air, and then flew directly into Lin Luo's hands.

At this moment, Lin Luo felt his heart beating suddenly...



Lin Luo felt that his vision became more and more blurred.

It seemed that he was about to lose his mind.

In the next second, this feeling hit like a flood...


Chen An has received a report about the vision, and after knowing that Lin Luo was in it, his first reaction was...

Cut off the signal source.

China's top executives have a secret order so far, that is, they can't pursue everything about Lin Luo.

anything and everything.

If anyone dares to dig, it will be treated as treason.

They are not curious about Lin Luo's origin.

It's that the truth doesn't matter at all.

The closer you get to Lin Luo, the more you can know the greatness of this man.

In the words of the leaders of the Blue Star Alliance, it is...

He was sent by heaven to save Blue Star.

At this moment, Zhang San, who was coaxing the baby at home, suddenly put down his daughter, opened the window suddenly, and looked outside.

"Dad, what's the matter?" The little girl asked Zhang San's nervous expression.

"No...it's nothing." After Zhang San finished speaking, he opened the door and walked outside, saying, "Tell Mom, I won't go home for dinner."

"Eh." The little girl stared blankly at Zhang San's leaving back, and nodded gently.

Outside Zhang San walked more and more anxiously...

His powerful mental power can feel that a terrifying monster is recovering!

And Lin Luo in the central area, feeling out of control...

A large amount of negative energy eroded his body.

He saw the fallen body.

I saw a planet full of dead bodies.

Lin Luo was taken aback...

This is, ancient times?

He saw that the secrets of heaven were being slaughtered endlessly.

It was one person after another who fell under his blade.

There are aliens, and there are blue stars...

Lin Luo seemed to understand why he had awakened the killing light.

Could it be that he was born to kill?

As soon as the screen changed, he came to Apocalypse.

This is where the war begins.

From before his eyes, one enemy after another emerged.


Prot star.

Alan Starman....

He saw a large number of people who fell, and saw the cries of people struggling in the sea of ​​fire and on the verge of death.

At this moment, Lin Luo didn't know that his eyeballs turned from pure black to blood red...

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