Half an hour later, Lin Luo took the report and glanced at Zhang San and the Tianbing beside him.

Two major information reports actually collided.

Lin Luo immediately picked up Xingkong's report.

This one is a report from Borgstar.

Since Lin Luo accepted the Borg star to join, the technological defense system of the sixth interstellar circle has been handed over to the Borg star to control.

According to Borg Star, the space of the sixth interstellar circle has fluctuated greatly recently, and it should be that a large number of star gate passages have been built.

However, the information on the Borg star can only go so far, because currently there is no technology that can detect the existence of space in advance.

Space is a technology that is difficult to solve.

It is already remarkable that humans can use it through tools.

"According to the forecast of the engineering department, if it reaches the stage where it can be perceived, it is estimated that it will not take more than half a year." Tian Bing said.

Lin Luo nodded, and while taking a deep breath, he felt great pressure.

Level 9 civilization is not so easy to mess with.

Because Gustav has Adam Weiss of the fourth-level intermediate level, then the top-level power of the ninth-level civilization must be more.

At that time, if Blue Star only relies on the Eastern Emperor Bell, it will definitely not work.

Lin Luo understood that he had to upgrade his combat readiness before the battle.

While speaking, Lin Luo picked up the urgent newspaper from Shennongjia.

This one was what he was looking forward to the most.

"...We have a team of people who disappeared in Shennongjia for seven days. We just got in touch. They entered a cave and seemed to have found another world." Tianbing said quickly: "Here are some pictures from the scene."

Lin Luo picked it up and took a closer look. It was just a very ordinary cave, and there seemed to be an undercurrent in it, making the environment very humid.

After Shennongjia was established in China, there have been rumors all the time.

For example, in 1974 and 1979, there were news about giant beasts and wild men.

Lin Luo knew this information.

"In the beginning, we went after the underground river, and we found that there was a huge underground river here, but the whereabouts of the river water was unknown, so we went deep into the cave, and ended up being sucked into a whirlpool... ..”

"Then, we seemed to have gone to another place, but as soon as we arrived, it seemed that we were

What force popped out. "

In this report, there is also a detailed description of the team members at that time.

Lin Luo knew that this matter was important, because Lin Luo felt that the reason why the list of gods could not be used now was that they had not found the core components of the list of gods.

If the Conferred Gods List was really built for the Haotian Room, then its headquarters must have kept information related to the Conferred Gods List.

Lin Luo turned to Zhang San who was peeking at the secret, and said, "This time, don't go."

Zhang San was stunned, and Lin Luo said: "Many heavenly soldiers are attacking the fourth level now, you stay and help take a look."

"Others, I don't worry about it either."

"Okay." Zhang San nodded.

Lin Luo thought for a while, and then called Chen An and Yang Jun over. In addition to strengthening defense and vigilance, he also emphasized the need to speed up the progress of the plan to return to ancient times.

"...that's basically it." Lin Luo said.

"The place you are going to is within the country, and we can fly there in a few minutes, so there is no need to explain so much." Chen An said.

But Lin Luo said: "This area, we new humans have such a developed civilization that we can't find it out. Do you think it's just an undercurrent and we can find it out?"

Chen An woke up with a start.

A few hours later, Lin Luo was ready to go. In addition to Dabai, Lin Luo also brought Yang Jun with him.

Yang Jun is a strange person. Although he currently does not have the ability to awaken the light of the soul, his combat effectiveness is astonishing.

Besides him, Xu Han also came.

This person was appointed by Lin Luo to do this from the very beginning.

When the three and one bear came to Shennongjia, they saw the person in charge here.

Basically, all major departments have come.

"...This is the topographic map here." The person in charge of the engineering department saw Lin Luo and immediately came up to report.

Lin Luo glanced at it, but naturally he didn't quite understand it, after all, this is not his specialty.

"There are some abnormalities in the three thousand meters underground here. We found a lot of hard rocks inside." The person in charge said: "According to the geographical environment here, it shouldn't exist."

"What's the conclusion?"

"We all suspect that the terrain here has been transformed." The person in charge said.

"How big is it?"

"More than 30,000 square kilometers."


Lin Luo was surprised, the area of ​​this part is not small.

"However, we dug some and found no abnormality at all. We finally passed the undercurrent, only to find that it disappeared out of thin air after chasing the water flow." The person in charge said.

"Take me to have a look." Lin Luo said.

When they came to the natural cave, they saw the captain of the Haotian team.

He looked a little weak at the moment.

"Experienced in battle?" Lin Luo asked with concern.

"No." The squad leader saluted and said, "We were involved and lost consciousness for a short time."

While speaking, the team leader brought Lin Luo over.

"It's this vortex." The captain said.

"It's very small." Yang Jun glanced at it and said so.

At this time, the team leader picked up a stone and threw it in, and the whole vortex was enlarged immediately, and the center of the vortex was constantly rotating like the eye of a typhoon.

"Can the machinery and equipment go in?" Lin Luo asked.

"When you go in, there is no signal."

"What about the comprehension technology equipment developed by Ye Yi?"

"Tried it, the result is the same." The person in charge said, "Do you want to dig it out?"

"It's useless to dig." Xu Han said at this time.

Lin Luo looked at him, and Xu Han said: "I once went to Sanxingdui civilization to investigate, and found that there is a special device, it can be said... similar to an enchantment."

"The reason why the civilization of Sanxingdui was able to be excavated was that it was accidentally struck by lightning and the device was damaged."

"So, I think even if you dig 10,000 meters, you may not be able to find the entrance."

"Then we can't just jump in and take risks." Yang Jun said seriously: "At the moment of the war, I object."

"I'm also against it." Lin Luo said: "Don't worry, you can find any place, so why not find the right one?"


In the next few days, the excavation work on Haotian headquarters began.

In these short five days, they tried hundreds of methods, and even started digging.

But the weird thing is that once they start work on Shennongjia, it will rain in the sky, accompanied by lightning and strong winds.

"Shennongjia, whose territory used to be?" Lin Luo suddenly remembered this question, and directly called Dahuang Qingniu.

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