"Which door is the real one?" Yang Jun said in a panic: "Choose carefully, if you choose wrong, you will die."

"You have read too many novels." Lin Luo said with a smile, and came to a door at random, saw a special device on it, and said, "It's a bit like access control."

Yang Jun laughed loudly when he heard this, and said, "Stop talking nonsense."

Xu Han noticed a cylinder on their platform. This cylinder looked very earthy, but it was obviously repaired.

And buried in the ground, but there is no trace of dust at all.

"Choose one." Lin Luo directly took out the Donghuang Bell and said.

"Ah?" Yang Jun pointed to himself and said, "I choose?"


"Don't you think about Feng Shui seriously?" Yang Jun asked.

But Lin Luo stopped listening to his nonsense, now controlled the Donghuang Bell, and threw it directly in front...

Suddenly, the entire cave space trembled, and a large amount of soil rolled down.

Everyone panicked, Yang Jun said: "Look, I told you not to be impulsive, you must have chosen the wrong one."

At this moment, a gust of wind blew from the door, whistling loudly.

Everyone couldn't open their eyes, but Lin Luo stepped forward and walked out.

Yang Jun covered his eyes and followed up.

Others followed suit.

However, as soon as they stepped through that door, everyone felt that the wind and sand had disappeared.

Even, they also felt the sun.

"There are no monsters." Yang Jun also opened his eyes, and he was stunned in the next scene.

Lin Luo, who was in front of him at the moment, was also stunned.

If it is said that they only imagined the power of the ancient blue star in their minds.

Now they have really seen it.

In front of them is a huge mechanized city, the entire city can be said to be equivalent to the combined size of several provinces.

Above the city, there are also various island buildings floating...

What is top civilization?

This is the top civilization!

Everyone swallowed, Xu Han said: "I thought we had already caught up with the ancient blue star, but I didn't expect that we were just getting started."

While speaking, Xu Han stared at the three words floating in the sky:

Haotian room!

"This time, it should be right." Xu Han said.


"What is this place?" Yang Jun looked at the sun in the sky, very unreal.

If this is the land

Face to face, very real.

However, they obviously drilled down into the ground, and the ground was modern society, and they found no trace of modern society at all.

Lin Luo looked at the cities, rivers and mountains hovering around the entire Haotian Room, and said, "Have you heard of the Small World?"

Everyone was surprised, Xu Han said: "Does this thing really exist?"

Lin Luo pointed to the distant sky and said, "I said, this sky is fake, do you believe it?"

Everyone shook their heads.

An iron-headed Yinlong Army flew straight up, but soon came back with a head full of bumps.

Everyone laughed.

"This is not in line with science. It is very real. Could it be that the sun is also fake?" Yang Jun said strangely.

Lin Luo naturally couldn't explain it either.

What self-contained small world, what cultivation technology.

If you want to ask this, maybe Ye Yi can answer it.

They flew towards Haotian Room, trying to enter it.

But soon they discovered a big problem.

There is nothing to stop them here, but as long as they enter this huge city, their strength will disappear.

"Even...they can erase our genetic power?" Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

On the contrary, Lin Luo can still feel that although he has lost his gene power, the light of his soul is still there.

Lin Luo also didn't fly and chose to walk on the ground.

When they approached the city, they saw a black city gate with patterns engraved on it.

Lin Luo stepped forward and pushed the door open with his hand.

When the gate slowly opened, the scene of the city inside slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Neat streets and houses lined up tightly together.

It all looked so unreal.

"There is no dust at all, how did they do it?" Yang Jun touched those buildings and said so.

Lin Luo thought for a while, and said: "The god king of the ancient blue star wants to completely erase the Haotian room, but he doesn't want the data of genetic research to be lost like this."

Xu Han knelt on one knee, touched the ground, and said, "I think so too."

Everyone walked along the street, but this place is too big, it is impossible for everyone to stay here like this.


After resting for several hours, Lin Luo made a plan.

Through previous observations, they locked on a tall tower in the central area.

this one is high

The tower was built in the middle of the Haotian Room, which should be the direction they wanted to find.

Judging from the fact that they can only walk with the help of ordinary mechs, they will need to spend about five days.

Lin Luo was not in a hurry and walked all the way.

However, after the past five days, the more they watched, the more they felt palpitations.


Haotian Room is really too rich.

Many buildings are built with cultivation technology.

He thought, if Ye Yi were here, he would be dazzled by this scene.

On the fifth day, they finally came under the tower.

Here at the bottom, is a large wraparound building with 36 corners.

However, Lin Luo and the others did not find any doors in it.

"I'll go and have a look." Yang Jun stepped forward, trying to figure out what kind of material the buildings here are made of.

But just as he approached three meters, a golden light suddenly appeared...

"Old Yang!"

Lin Luo reacted quickly and shouted.

Naturally, Yang Jun is not a fool. He has experienced many battles, and his intuition has become extremely sensitive. He quickly backed up, but he looked at his fingers again...

A lot of blood is coming out.

Just now, his finger crossed the three-meter line.

"What is this?" Yang Jun shook hands without shouting. Biqu library

In fact, it is very painful to lose the power of genes now.

The medical soldiers quickly bandaged Yang Jun, but Lin Luo was still worried, so he took out the equipment to give him a physical examination.

"Don't worry, I used to be able to withstand being shot in the body, what are these." Yang Jun didn't mind.

After Lin Luo made sure that he was fine, he looked at the tower.

The place is found,

It's just that there is no door, and there are weird powers.

"Commander, look..." At this moment, Xu Han yelled, Lin Luo turned his head, and saw that the list of gods held in Xu Han's hand was shining with light...

It seems that it is echoing something.

However, before they were delighted with these changes, they heard roars.

Everyone was silent, but in the next second, they saw a large number of humans appearing on the entire city.

The pupils of these people are unconscious, like a walking flesh.

At this moment, they are surrounded by groups.

An indescribable power lies ahead, and monsters encircle behind...

"Sure enough, this place won't be that simple." Lin Luo wasn't surprised at all.

If the secret of the Haotian Room was so easy to obtain, it would not be tabooed by the God King.

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