"Lin Luo." Yang Jun waved, looking at Lin Luo in a daze.

Lin Luo came back to his senses and said quickly: "It's okay."

"What happened to us, have you passed out too? Where is Haotian Room?" Yang Jun looked back and said, "Can't we still find a way to get in?"

Their memory still stays before coma.

Seeing that Lin Luo didn't respond, Yang Jun turned around and said, "Dabai, have you passed out?"

Dabai sat down on the ground, covered his stomach, and signaled that he was hungry.

"You big fat bear, don't think about eating all day long. Now we are in poor conditions here, so go out and eat." Yang Jun said.

Dabai feels aggrieved.

On the contrary, Lin Luo smiled at the corner of his mouth.

It doesn't really matter whether Dabai is the first animal geneticist or the spirit of heaven and earth.

The important thing is...

The current Dabai is his partner.

He smiled and said, "Come on, let's go out to eat."

Dabai stood up happily, but Yang Jun said beside him: "We haven't gone in yet?!"

"Isn't it for nothing this time?"

"Hey, talk!"

When they left, at the highest point of Haotian Tower, the little girl watched them leave quietly.

And behind her, stood a man.

He actually only has one head, but he was continuously injected with the light of the soul by the list of gods above his head...

The girl's eyes are black at the moment, completely different from just now.

"Can you fool him with what you said?" the man said.

"Perhaps." The girl replied, "He is too smart, and smart people are not easy to deceive."


When returning, they passed by the Zerg again, and Lin Luo stopped to observe seriously.

"What's wrong?" Yang Jun asked.

On the contrary, a hidden dragon army said: "Chairman Lin really wants to cultivate an army of Zerg, right?"

"Ah?" Yang Jun's scalp was numb, and he said, "Who will command this thing?"

Lin Luo said, "You go first."

"Eh." Yang Jun was puzzled and left first.

They and Dabai left first, and they didn't understand what Lin Luo wanted to do.

It was only after a while that they saw something rushing ahead of them, but

Here came the voice of Lin Luo.

"How slow are you!" Lin Luo shouted.

"Are you in such a hurry to go back and eat?" Yang Jun laughed.

But at this time, Dabai and Yinlongjun next to him suddenly increased their speed, Yang Jun looked back subconsciously, and his scalp felt numb.

The Zerg army came after them.

"Damn it." Yang Jun directly mentioned the fastest speed. He looked at the Zerg chasing behind and asked, "Lin Luo, what did you do?"

"It's nothing, I just grabbed some and went back to study." Lin Luo shook the Donghuang Bell and said.

Yang Jun was half dead when he heard this, and said, "Does the Emperor Donghuang know that you use the Donghuang Bell like this?"

Running all the way, finally Lin Luo and the others crashed into a layer of illusory space, Yang Jun and the others fell into a coma again, but Lin Luo remained conscious...

After waking up for a while, Yang Jun looked up again, and saw a familiar person on the ground.

"It's Commander Lin and they're back." Those heavenly soldiers were overjoyed.

Yang Jun was quickly lifted up, and then looked at Lin Luo who was thinking about something at the moment.

"Fengshenbang..." Lin Luo muttered softly, and then said to the Heavenly Soldiers beside him, "Call Chen Feng here."

"Yes." After the Heavenly Soldiers left, a man was called over.

He is the deputy commander in charge of the command here.

"Commander, are you looking for me?" Chen Feng said with a salute.

Lin Luo thought for a while and asked, "We've been away for a while, but what happened?"

"Yes." Chen Feng said: "After the third day after you left, the moon turned red, but the energy device didn't trigger."

Lin Luo didn't seem surprised, and said to Chen Feng: "From now on, you will continue to garrison here. Remember, no one is allowed to approach that lake or cave."

"Yes." Although Chen Feng was puzzled, he followed orders and left after saluting.

Yang Jun said with a pale face: "It's over, we've been in for a month? I feel like I just fell asleep."

Lin Luo didn't show any expression change.

"Have you forgotten the people from Star Saints?" Yang Jun said.

"Time is enough." Lin Luo said without worry at all: "We can now integrate a lot of combat forces."


back to

Tianjing, this place has entered a state of first-level combat readiness at this moment.

After Lin Luo returned, it did not affect all the operations of combat preparations, because they had already started.

Two of the plans to return to the Blue Star are the highlight of the fight against Saints.

The first one is the Demon Camp.

The people who enter here are all people who almost died on the battlefield, maybe...

They are ready to die.

Those who enter here must leave a suicide note.

But even so, there are still a large number of heavenly soldiers to sign up.

However, Lin Luo did not disclose the matter of returning the medicine. He and Zhu Yihui deliberately concealed this, because they knew that if they wanted more people to conflict with the fourth level, they had to be prepared to wander between life and death.

The second one is the cultivation technology led by Ye Yi.

The development of Kongtong India, and the birth of new technology.

The Heavenly Soldiers already have sufficient scale and strength, and if they want to go further, the Black Dragon Saber can no longer keep up with their physical strength.

So research on new weapons is essential.

Lin Luo came back and looked for Zhu Yihui overnight. .

"What is this?" Zhu Yihui felt his scalp tingle as he looked at the densely packed Zerg.

"Look at their genes," Lin Luo said.

"Are you kidding me?" Zhu Yihui swallowed when he saw those bugs baring their teeth and claws.

"These bugs all evolved through the Haotian Room." Lin Luo said: "I think we have a way to control them."

"If we do get it under control, then we have the equivalent of having a Zerg army."

"I...I'll try my best." Zhu Yihui was also shocked by Lin Luo's crazy thoughts.

Lin Luo handed him a document at this time, Zhu Yihui picked it up and looked at it, his pupils trembled.

"This is..." Zhu Yihui flipped through the pages, getting more and more excited the more he read.

"That's right." Lin Luo said: "Animal evolution genetic data, this time I went to the Haotian Room to gain something."

Zhu Yihui was overjoyed and said, "I'll arrange someone to study it right away."

Zhu Yihui understands very well what will happen if this set of data is successfully deciphered and realized...

Snake turned into dragon?

Chicken into Phoenix?

It's unimaginable.

Isn't that the ancient blue star they imagined?

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