"A new weapon?" Zhang San was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the Kongtong seal again, and said, "How about trying to repair it?"

Lin Luo said before that in order to enhance his strength, he decided to hand over the Kongtong seal to him.

"Believe me." Ye Yi said, "The new weapon will definitely be more powerful..."

"What if it fails?" Zhang San looked at Ye Yi expectantly, hoping that he could guarantee that he would not fail, but unexpectedly Ye Yi said directly: "In the world of science, failure is also very normal. Isn't it?"


Mark Carey and Senior Doris met.

Gustav fought, Lin Luo gave them enough benefits.

In the upcoming Saints battle, Lin Luo also gave them a new choice.

First, join the war.

Second, they can say no.

After all, the opponent is a level nine civilization.

"What do you think?" Doris looked at Mark Carey.

She thought that Mark Carey would think about it, but Mark Carey said very simply: "Follow them and hold back. Anyway, we can't participate in the top combat power, and Saints will not all be top-notch combat power. There are cats and dogs."

"Have you thought about the consequences?" Doris said.

Knowing that she was talking about the consequences of losing the war, Mark Carey suddenly smiled and said, "Why did you choose to help Blue Star? Is it because of the name, or because..."

"Lin Luo." Doris said.

"That's right." Mark Carey said: "With Lin Luo's personality, he can do whatever he can to his enemies, but he is really good to his friends."

"Look at the Dorenna star now, look at your Borg star..."

Doris woke up like a dream.

"Instead of being destroyed by those advanced civilizations one day in the future, it's better to give it a go now." Mark Carey said: "They still need us now."

Doris' gaze no longer hesitated.

Mark Carey also knew that this woman had woken up, so he was not surprised.

He once had such doubts.

But later, Mark and Carey thought very clearly that only powerful people in this universe can maintain the so-called neutrality.

The Blue Star led by Lin Luo looked harmless to humans and animals, but

It is only for friends.

After this day, the two galaxies sent a large number of troops to the solar system.


A month later, Lin Luo looked at the giant panda lying on the ground next to him, and then at Dabai, feeling very speechless.

Now it's all right, this giant panda completely regards Dabai as an idol....

Every step of evolution, learn to understand a look.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiaoya couldn't help laughing out loud.

In just one month, Lin Luo has successfully developed many evolutionary gene reagents...

For example, chicken.

In the past, chickens could only fly for a while, but today's chickens can soar into the sky.

For example, snakes have begun to grow water chestnuts.

"Brother, can it really evolve into a dragon?" Chen Xiaoya asked while touching the head of the snake eating next to her.


"Then Lin Yue can lead an army of dragons from now on?" Chen Xiaoya said enviously.

"Forget it, that little girl hasn't even grown her hair yet," Lin Luo said.

"You often say that about me..." Chen Xiaoya whispered, seeing Lin Luo's eyes, she quickly shut up and smiled.

"It's up to you to feed them in the afternoon. I'll go to the military headquarters." Lin Luo said.

"Yes." Chen Xiaoya nodded, watched Lin Luo leave in a hurry, turned her head, and looked at the chickens, dogs, cats and snakes flying all over the sky, and said lightly: "Now the ordinary poultry on the Blue Star should be It's getting more expensive. '

After about ten minutes, Lin Luo appeared at the military headquarters.

Everyone stood up.

This is the first military conference on the Saints War.

Sitting on the left and right sides of Lin Luo were Chen An and Yang Jun, and then Zhang San and Li Donglai.

Chen An got up and informed the current force structure in detail.

"The probability of the demon camp is only 30%..." Chen An said: "So our current manpower for the fourth stage is very limited."

"It's enough." Lin Luo said, "Just distribute it as you said."

"Okay." Chen An nodded and sat down at the same time.

Instead, Zhang San glanced at Lin Luo.

Zhang San could sense that Lin Luo was not very natural when he said this.

"Zhang San." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San came back to his senses, got up and said: "Ye Yi's military equipment is ready, and every heavenly soldier will have a

A special set of comprehension armor and new weapons. "

"Cultivation Battle Armor?" Upon hearing this, Yang Jun and the other soldiers became excited.

Zhang Sanye was unambiguous, and made a report for Ye Yi in a decent manner.

Yang Jun also made a report on the defense of the starry sky. Lin Luo paused and said, "Why do you think the ninth level of civilization is called the ninth level?"

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

It was Zhang San who said: "I think that measuring the true combat power of a galaxy is the top combat power."

"That's right." Lin Luo glanced at everyone around and said, "So, all of us here are the decisive factors leading this war!"


The conference room became quite silent.

"In the last month, I will personally train you." Lin Luo said.

"Ah?" Everyone paused and looked at each other.

However, they immediately became excited again.

Who wouldn't want to be able to become stronger, as for being tired or something, it's not something they need to consider at all.

After all, whoever can sit here has not died several times in the battlefield.

"In addition, the transfer of personnel has been reassigned..." Lin Luo looked at Zhang San and said, "For this battle, you take out your dark night army, and Xia Qian will help you lead it."

"Yes." Zhang San and Xia Qian nodded.

When the meeting dissipated, Lin Luo left Zhang San alone.

Zhang San also obviously knew that Lin Luo was looking for him.

"You lied just now." Zhang San said: "You are not as sure about this war as you said, even if all the plans are successful."

Lin Luo nodded this time, and said: "We must not let Yang Jun and other generals know about this."

Zhang San nodded and sighed.

Lin Luo has endured much more than him.

"What do you want me to do?" Zhang San asked.

"I want you to be the commander of the Zerg army." Lin Luo said.

"Ah?" Zhang Sanyi turned pale when he heard this, and said, "You know how afraid I am of those bugs..."

Lin Luo smiled and said, "Don't worry, Zhu Yihui said that those bugs are controllable."

"I...I...I..." Zhang San stammered.

But Lin Luo said: "I need you to help me get the good luck jade plate."

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