When Yang Jun was wondering, the weapon in the sword general's hand was already shining with white light, and he said, "Are you surprised?"

Yang Jun didn't speak, he looked at the sword in the sword general's hand with fear, at this moment, it gave him a very strange feeling...

This kind of power is not the light of the soul.

And more like...

Sword intent? !

Yang Jun raised his hand, and the moment he swung the broadsword, the opponent's sword flickered as if the stars were shifting.

Yang Jun raised his hand subconsciously, but suddenly heard a bang...

Looking again, the big knife in his hand has been broken in two.

Yang Jun was startled, he looked at the opponent's weapon, and felt a little more apprehensive in his heart.

"No matter how stiff a weapon is, it can't compare to the sharpness of the sword." The sword general looked at Yang Jun and said.

Looking at the broken knife, Yang Jun frowned so much that he couldn't wrinkle any more.


"Surround them!"

On the other side, Lin Yue led a group of divine beasts, wanting to help Yang Jun achieve the strategy of going around the back.

Inside, there are big snakes, and chickens that mutate...

To be precise, these beasts are in the stage of sub-evolution.

This kind of divine beast is not very powerful, but it wins in enough numbers.

After all, if you think about it carefully, you will know how many poultry there are on Blue Star.

Lin Yue must be very happy to be entrusted with the important task of coach for the first time, but when she saw the scene of being surrounded, Long Yan was furious.

"It's really a candle dragon!" A sword general glanced at Lin Yue, extremely happy.

Candle Dragon, if it is an adult, it is the power of a god-king.

There are too many legends about Candle Dragon. After all, this is a legendary beast that ranks first.

"If you are taken back, the emperor will definitely be happy." He looked at Lin Yue greedily and waved at the same time.

In the next second, the army of swords advanced and surrounded the army of beasts in a mighty way.

And the news at this moment is flying across the starry sky. The most terrible thing is that this news can only be delivered manually, which is no different from the previous flying pigeons.

"Our plan was leaked, how could it be leaked?" Chen An knew something was wrong when he saw the first war game.

He has seen Lin Luo's plan, this plan cannot be said to be perfect, but what he fears the most is...

The other party knew in advance


Once known in advance, the two armies will be separated, and all tactics will be invalidated.

It is not only Chen An who can see this scene, many people have also discovered this scene in other places.

Before the communication was cut off, Lin Luo's deployment had already been clearly told to them.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Seeing the army going deep into danger, all the coaches fell into a panic.


Lin Luo was still sitting on the center base, seemingly unable to do anything here.

After all, because of the energy storm, all communications were blocked.

But at this moment, a communications soldier from the central meeting hurried over and said, "Commander, something seems wrong."

Lin Luo looked up.

"I saw a distress signal from the nearest planet," said the communications soldier.

Lin Luo tapped his fingers on the table and asked, "How long will it take if we restore communication?"

"Once the energy storm is activated, it will take at least three hours to extinguish it," said the communications soldier.

"Three hours..." Lin Luo paused his fingers, and then said with a smile: "I don't know, they can survive for three hours."

Hearing this, the communications soldier was taken aback, and quickly said: "Commander, this is our distress signal..."

Lin Luo said, "I see."

Hearing this, the communications soldier had no choice but to salute and walk back.

When the communicator returned to his position, a person walked by and said, "What did the commander-in-chief say?"

"The commander-in-chief didn't say anything," said the communications soldier.

"Impossible." Another soldier said; "Why isn't he in a hurry when he hears the call for help?"

"Ask him yourself." The communications soldier touched his head while walking towards his post.

On the other hand, the second Heavenly Soldier looked back at Lin Luo's direction, with a bit of fear in his pupils...

Relying on the chaos caused by the large-scale army movement, he managed to find a body and enter the central command room.

I also saw the rumored Blue Star leader.


He doesn't look as capable as the legend says.

At this moment, the war lasted for an hour.

In the four directions of east, west, north, south, due to tactical exposure

and all the armies were thrown into great confusion and difficulty.


Monroe was on a battlefield. He looked at the scene in front of him and smiled triumphantly.

In war, if the opponent can be defeated at a very low cost, that would be the best.

If every battlefield is like this, then they will be able to advance soon.

Thinking of this, Monroe asked, "Did you track down Lin Luo's whereabouts?"

"According to the information, he should be at the most central space base, which is his command room." Monroe Suyi said from behind.

Hearing this, Monroe couldn't help but smile even more, and said: "It seems that we have to meet him for a while. Rather than plundering this civilization again, I want to know how this civilization was born."

But at the moment on Saints, Zhang San looked at his body, very satisfied...

After some not-so-hard devouring, he managed to control the body of an emperor.

Therefore, he was able to enter the imperial palace unimpeded.

"Hello, hello!" Zhang San was very polite to people, which also resembled the character of this emperor, easy-going and popular.

He walked towards the imperial palace step by step, thinking that this mission seemed much simpler than he imagined.

If the emperor is not there, the emperor is the sky.

However, when Zhang San stepped into the last step of the thousand-storey steps of the imperial palace, a breath suddenly emerged from the imperial palace...

Zhang San was taken aback, subconsciously shrank his feet.

The Saints star next to him has already panicked.

"Someone is invading, someone is invading!" the imperial officials shouted.

When Zhang San was still in astonishment, he saw a ferocious snake suddenly emerge from the imperial palace, surrounding the imperial palace.

Zhang San pretended to join the crowd, looking at the big snake from time to time.

It's not that he hasn't fought a big snake before, but this big snake looks a little strange.

A red dot on its head instantly attracted Zhang San's attention.

"I seem to have seen this scene..."

When Zhang San was meditating, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said, "Nuwa?!"

Zhang San's scalp tingled suddenly, because he found that this big snake was staring at him.

"How is this going?"

Zhang San was very puzzled.

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