Between the starry sky, divine light overflowed, and the confrontation between Tianji and Xuanyuan Sword caused the energy of this starry sky to go back, just like the end of the movie world.

Within tens of thousands of stars, there is no other living beings.

At the same time, on the main battlefield, the big showdown between galaxies finally began.

Yang Jun stood with a single sword, confronting the opponent's sword general like a god of war, and the battlefield below was even more chaotic, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

You know, this is just the beginning of the all-out war.

"Report!" At this moment, a voice came.


"Inside the star gate, there are still troops coming in a steady stream." Tianbinghui reported.

Hearing this, Yang Jun's expression changed.

Today's Blue Star army is barely able to hold on, if there is another batch, they will really be unable to hold on.

Just when Yang Jun was worried, he saw a large army flying in the distance. At this moment, Yang Jun couldn't hold on any longer, and said: "Everyone listen to the order and evacuate to the back of Zhuxianmen!"


The huge energy atmosphere caused the temperature in this area to even reach tens of thousands of degrees Celsius.

However, Lin Luo and Monroe can still live in it without any interference.

Monroe looked at the light of mind emerging from Lin Luo with apprehension.

Killing Light.

There is no such thing as the light of the soul with the strongest offensive ability.

Monroe didn't understand why this kind of spiritual light appeared on Lin Luo, but what made him extremely depressed at the moment was...

He is a dignified fourth-level senior, but he is actually suppressed and beaten by a fourth-level middle-level person, which makes people angry.

He yelled, and the whole hair fell down at this moment, and at the same time Lin Luo found that the surrounding power was continuously flowing towards him.

Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood.

The fourth-level high-level spiritual light...

"Do you know the biggest difference between advanced and intermediate?" Monroe asked.

Lin Luo didn't speak.

Monroe showed ecstasy. At this moment, his figure changed rapidly, and his eyes turned green at the same time.

At this second, his speed became extremely fast.

Lin Luo suddenly put the secret on his chest...


A huge force hit the sky, and at the same time Lin Luo felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Looking again, Monroe's eyes turned red.

Lin Luo looked at the glowing Xuanyuan Sword and suddenly understood something.

He turned around, and at the moment when Broken Star's posture was posed, the destructive aura of Xuanyuan Sword surrounded Lin Luo in an instant.

Lin Luo still remained calm enough, but at this moment he knew that something had to be done.

He suddenly raised his hand, and at the same time the Eastern Emperor Bell appeared, directly surrounding him.


The aura of destruction continuously impacted the Donghuang Bell, making a huge abnormal sound.

Monroe looked at the Donghuang Bell, his pupils were full of greed...

Two ancient artifacts.

This one really has two pieces!

Looking at the messy energy atmosphere in the starry sky, Monroe's pupils changed again.

This time, it's gold.

At this moment, a strange energy color emerged from his body...

If in the ancient blue star, this power is called:

The power of the prehistoric!

All I could see was that the moment Monroe poured power into Xuanyuanjian, the sword body of Xuanyuanjian trembled from a distance, and at the same time, the light emitted was comparable to the light of the sun, moon and stars, illuminating the entire starry sky.

Yang Jun, who was organizing soldiers to escape in the distance, saw this scene, and suddenly looked at the spinning Donghuang Bell, feeling extremely worried...

Lin Luo, you can't lose.

"Are you still in the mood to care about others?" At this moment, a seductive voice sounded, Yang Jun raised his head and saw the appearance of Monroe Suyi.

Two identical women looked at Yang Jun and Li Donglai in front of them.

The latter said: "Is this person controlling me?"

Hearing this, Monroe Su Yi was obviously extremely angry.

If it wasn't for this incident, it would be impossible for the Saints army to lose so much, she said coldly: "You are courting death!"

Yang Jun and Li Donglai looked at each other, then jumped forward.


However, in this world, it is not something that can be solved by courage and combat power.

Li Donglai and Yang Jun didn't even have a round of fighting, and they were directly defeated.

Naturally, they couldn't back down. When they stood up and prepared to continue fighting, they suddenly saw a big white bear walking out from among them.

"Dabai?!" Li Donglai and Yang Jun were overjoyed.

But Dabai ignored them, just

It was staring at Monroe, the divine lines on Su Yi's eyebrows.

Monroe Su Yiye looked at Dabai, and the two of them saw something.

However, with Dabai's calm face, it was Monroe Suyi who couldn't calm down.

In fact, the power they inherited was the power of Nuwa.

Nu Wa was one of the creator gods of Blue Star in the past.

It is rumored that Nu Wa was the first person to step into the fifth level.

But it's a pity that the rumor of Nuwa is also a rumor in ancient Blue Star.

However, Nuwa's race exists in this world.

The Nuwa clan, known for their kindness, helped the world.

This race was extremely terrifying in the ancient Blue Star.

Because they will be protected by all the forces of Blue Star.

And Monroe Suyi was born in a gene of Nuwa's descendants!


While looking at each other, Dabai roared violently, and then rushed forward.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jun and Li Donglai retreated again and again.

They all understand that the best choice now is to retreat outside the defense line of Jade Immortal's Gate and wait for a new direction of attack.

Just when the two were about to come to the defense line, Li Donglai looked back at Dabai worriedly, because he had already noticed the difference in Monroe Suyi.

However, soon Li Donglai's eyes lit up and he applauded loudly.

Yang Jun turned his head and was also taken aback, because Dabai was so brave and ruthless, two bear claws directly passed through the hearts of the two of them...

"Is this the end?" Both of them felt that Dabai was getting stronger and stronger.

However, at this time, something weird happened.

All I could see was that Monroe Suyi was still standing there firmly, and their bodies were gradually becoming one.

"She...she also has Kongtong seal?" Li Donglai's scalp was numb, thinking what's going on with these people, everyone has two lives?

Dabai roared, and when his figure was directly enlarged, he wanted to get close to the opponent and stop this ceremony.

However, at the same time that a ray of spiritual light directly forced Dabai back, Monroe Suyi's icy voice came:

"Mortals, your time of death has arrived!"

While speaking, Monroe Suyi's body exuded extremely rosy divine power, and there were seven-colored rays of light floating in the starry sky, very much like a true god descending!

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