Hearing this, Cliff Slater breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there is only one western region, it is still extremely wide.

However, there is at least one direction.

"I'll do it now." Cliff Slater bowed slightly and left.

He's the young emperor, so he has to have such respect for it.

After all, in this galaxy, he, the emperor, can't actually do too many things.


The system did not give the following.

However, hints have been given.

In a way, the system is still very human.

Sometimes, it will give you hints or hints.

Just like Lin Luo has a lot of points, it will remind you to spend... Pen Fun Library

Zhang San listened to Lin Luo's words, and said with a wry smile: "At the beginning, Yinglong was squeezed by Alan star and his combat power was extremely weak, so we won the victory. I'm afraid it will be very difficult now."

Lin Luo also nodded.

Now they don't even have any information about Dahuangqingniu, how can they find it.

How to find it.

None of this is known.

However, these can all be resolved.

That powerful combat power cannot be solved.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing Zhang San's words, Dabai who was sleeping next to him turned over and patted his stomach.


It has to be said that Dabai's belly is like a ball, and it is becoming more and more elastic. Occasionally, Lin Luo will punch a few times regardless of the bear's anger.

"Didn't you just eat?" Lin Luo frowned and said.

Dabai rolled his eyes and patted his stomach again.

Lin Luo dissatisfied: "Go out and find something to eat when you're hungry."

Dabai was speechless, thinking that this human being is usually very smart, why is he acting like Li Donglai now.

It glanced at the little green cow at this time.

The little green cow came down from the dining table just now and was covering its buttocks. When Dabai looked at it, his eyes were full of tears, and he walked over slowly and stretched his head over.

Unexpectedly, Dabai didn't pat it on the head this time, but pointed at it, and pointed at its belly.

Seeing this action, the little green bull's face turned from blue to black...

Is the bear finally unable to resist eating himself?

Little Qingniu was about to resist.

Although young, he still has the ability to survive.

However, in the next second, Lin Luo said as if waking up from a dream

: "Dabai, do you mean that its mother just gave birth to it, and it is in an extremely weak state?"

Dabai nodded.

Lin Luo and Zhang San glanced at the same time, both were ecstatic.

"This is an opportunity," Lin Luo said.

"But it's also dangerous." Zhang San said: "However, danger and opportunity usually coexist. There is no free lunch in this world."

Lin Luo nodded, tapped his fingers on the table, thinking quickly in his mind.


A few days later, Shihai returned to normal.

Although Lin Luo knew that time was running out, everything required a certain amount of planning, let alone such a big event like this one.

After a normal human birth, the mother's recovery period can be measured in years.

Qingniu is an ancient divine beast, so it must last longer.

Under Lin Luo's special collection, the information network finally collected some relevant information.

Even Zhang San had to feel Lin Luo's powerful thinking.

If you directly collect clues about Qingniu, it would be too prominent, because many of the people who serve Lin Luo are Mrs. Gusta.

Even, some of them were introduced by Matthew.

The clue Lin Luo was looking for was food.

Since Lin Luo himself is in this line of work, he did not arouse suspicion.

Lin Luo found that on a planet in the east, many god plants are cultivated every year. These god plants are good food, but they never flow into the market.

"Probably, this is it." Lin Luo also searched for many clues and finally confirmed it.

"I'll check it out myself." Zhang San also agreed. Biqu library

Lin Luo nodded, glanced at Zhang San, and said, "Remember, don't rush forward."

"Understood." Zhang San nodded.

Now that they have Matthew's pass, they can enter and exit by themselves.

On the third day after Zhang San left, Matthew brought a message.

"If you have any secret recipes, hide them first. The West Peak Star may be investigated soon," Matthew said.

"Da Pancha?" Lin Luo asked while pouring him a drink, "Why?"

"I don't know, there is no information on it." Matthew said: "It's just what my father told me."

"Does this happen often?" Lin Luo asked.

"of course not

, Who would pay attention to our asteroids? Matthew said with a smile.

"That's true." Lin Luo also smiled and said, "Whatever, we didn't do anything wrong anyway."


After seeing off all the guests at night, Lin Luo frowned.

If the little green cattle are found, then there is a very high probability that they will be buried here.

"Why don't you change the target?" Li Donglai said: "Take it to the wilderness first, they can't even search this kind of place."

Lin Luo pondered, "I'm not worried about that."

Li Dong came for a meal.

"I asked Matthew, this time the search is only for the western planet." Lin Luo said.

"What does this mean?"

"It means that the other party may know the direction." Lin Luo said.

Li Donglai heard this, and said: "What if it's a coincidence? It's impossible for the other party to search all the planets at once. This place is too big."

Lin Luo didn't speak, but pondered for a moment, and said, "Do you believe in the heart-to-heart connection between mother and child?"

Li Dong came for a meal.

"The reason why human beings have always cared about bloodlines is because bloodlines really have amazing chemical reactions." Lin Luo said: "Dahuangqingniu is an ancient beast, so I prefer them to have sentience."

"You think we can't hide?" Li Donglai said.

"It can hide now, but what about in the future?" Lin Luo said: "I think it can only sense the direction now, and I suspect that with the recovery of its ability, maybe it can sense its true location."

Li Donglai's pupils opened suddenly, and he said, "Then don't we have to act quickly?"

"Well." Lin Luo said: "If we can't solve this problem, then the little green cow must die."

Hearing this, the green cow who was drinking milk from the bucket with its mouth almost spat out the milk.

It looks at Lin Luo pitifully, which means that it will be very obedient, don't kill it...

But Lin Luo doesn't care about that.

A cow that cannot be controlled yet, and the threat of existence, Lin Luo is more inclined to solve the latter.

Two days later, Zhang San came back.

"You guessed it right, this is the food prepared for the green ox." Zhang San said: "And I have already confirmed that this green ox is exactly the divine beast of our former Blue Star."

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