Lin Luo didn't speak, but raised his hand, and the Conferred God List and the Jade Plate of Creation fell into his hands together.

Lin Luo noticed that all eight of them looked at these two things with extremely greedy eyes.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo said with a smile: "Now I have no power to fight back, why don't you fight first? Whoever wins will belong to him?"

Hearing this, the eight emperors frowned, and one of the emperor raised his hand, and a prehistoric force struck.

But Dabai roared and stood in front of Lin Luo, with two bear claws directly receiving his attack.

The emperor frowned, glanced at Dabai, and when he was about to attack again, Lin Luo's voice continued: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Everyone felt uncomfortable when they heard the joking words.

Lin Luo read softly:

"Ernest Donne!"

"Harold Ellis!"


Every time a person's name is pronounced, Lin Luo can see the change in their expression.

At the end of the reading, Lin Luo could not help but smile and said, "It seems that they are all here."

Hearing this, the emperor who had just made the move couldn't help but frowned, and said, "You're not waiting for us, are you?"

"Of course not." Lin Luo looked at the emperor and said, "One Saints can make our Blue Star like this, let alone you come together."

While speaking, Lin Luo was already having some convulsions due to the pain in his body.

"Then you are waiting to die?" Dorn, who was first named by Lin Luo, said with a smile: "You don't really think that we will be so stupid, just rely on your mouth and let us fight first."

"Why not?" Lin Luo said: "You should have seen that the Conferred God List is so powerful..."

While talking, Lin Luo saw their puzzled expressions, and continued to laugh: "Um, you don't know this is called the Gods List."


"The Conferred God List is an artifact that seals the Haotian Room. Before you entered the Blue Star, the Haotian Room should have been sealed. You should not be unclear."

What Lin Luo said touched them again.

Haotian Room...

That is also a great temptation!

Suddenly, an emperor made a sudden move and wanted to kill Lin Luo.

However, as soon as he made a move, he was directly stopped by Donne.

"can no longer

Listen to him go on. "The emperor said coldly.

Donne's eyes were a little colder, and he said, "He can't die."

The moment the voice fell, many emperors were silent, which was also a kind of acquiescence.

Lin Luo knows a lot, so he can't die.

"We can make a deal." Lin Luo said: "Leave Blue Star alone, I can leave everything to you..."

"Impossible." Don said without hesitation.

"We can leave Blue Star, and leave it to you here." Lin Luo said: "If I guessed right, it wasn't that you didn't want to stay on Blue Star, but that you couldn't stay at all, right?"

Hearing this, everyone could no longer be indifferent.


After experiencing the baptism of war, the environment of Blue Star is no different from hell.

More importantly, there is a strange energy around the blue star.

In the third month after they invaded Blue Star, this force became stronger and stronger, and it was even able to influence people in the God King Realm.

That's why they were forced to give up digging the Haotian Room and leave Blue Star.

Now hearing Lin Luo mention it again, the greed in their eyes can't help but come back again.

"I can let Lanxing go, you guys leave..." Don looked at Lin Luo and said, "But you have to stay."

"My life for theirs?" Lin Luo smiled and said, "This deal is very reasonable."

While speaking, Lin Luo got up and flew towards the blue star. At this moment, all the troops have basically evacuated.

Although there are still many remnants of Saints.

However, Monroe is dead.

Those Saints soldiers have realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Where are you going?" Don asked.

"As the head coach of Blue Star, I have to explain everything to them." Lin Luo said.

Hearing this, everyone was puzzled.

Lin Luo just surrendered so obediently?

However, Lin Luo did not have the possibility of playing tricks.

Although the Conferred God List is strong, it should be very reluctant to use it once before, and it should be absolutely impossible to use it a second time.

Moreover, with the joint efforts of the eight major and ninth-level civilizations, the current Blue Star is like an ant in front of them, ready to be crushed to death at any time.


How to deal with the list of gods?

to whom.

this one

The question is a question that all emperors are thinking about.

That is to say, they were all aware of this, so they didn't ask Lin Luo to hand over the list of gods first.

Because they knew that if Lin Luo really surrendered, they might really fight among themselves first.

Therefore, they have to let Lin Luo find out the existence of the Haotian Room first...

When all the secrets of Blue Star are unearthed, Lin Luo, and Blue Star, are no longer worth using.

At that time, there is only one ending for them:

That is death.


The mighty army submerged into Blue Star.

Although these soldiers were extremely exhausted, when they saw that the entire solar system was surrounded before retreating, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

A Saints, they all played so hard.

How could they withstand the attacks of so many civilizations?

After hearing Zhang San's command, batch after batch of personnel returned here.

What does it mean?

Let them die on their home soil?

Everyone is downcast at the moment.

They are not complaining and blaming, but unwilling.

It has only been a few years since the invasion of Apocalypse.

And these days, they basically maintain a long-term war, and they have enough confidence in the future. Biqu library

That is, the long-term victories made them feel full of loss at this moment.

"Fight with them." A hot-blooded deputy commander shouted, and immediately restrained his whole body.

All the soldiers of Blue Star were shouting loudly.

"Fight with them!"

"Fight with them!!!"

Suddenly, everyone wanted to fly towards the starry sky.

Although Li Donglai is old, he is also a stunned young man, so he wanted to raise his knife and went up. It happened that Zhang San came with Lin Yuefei at this time. Looking at the densely flying army below, he shouted: "Why go?"

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Zhang San was so smart, he quickly understood that this group of people wanted to work hard.

"What's the trouble?"

"Whoever takes the lead, stand up!"

Zhang San drank coldly.

The deputy commander who spoke first stood up. He stood upright and said, "I shouted!"

"You are very brave!" Zhang San glanced at him and said, "If you want to die, I will not stop you, but don't take my soldiers to die!"

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