Lin Luo's words fell on their ears and became a kind of ridiculous words.



"Confused?" An emperor stepped forward and walked through the air, intending to capture Lin Luo back alive.

However, his move immediately met with the vigilance of several emperors, especially Dawn, who even blocked the emperor.

"What are you doing?" the emperor said coldly, but he understood in an instant.

Now whoever makes the first move will appear in the position of the first bird.

After all, Lin Luo has a heavy weapon, which is what everyone wants.

Lin Luo couldn't help laughing, and said: "I just said, my sowing dissension is still useful."

On the contrary, Dawn warned: "If you want to play, I will use the life of the whole blue star to play with you."

Dawn's words confirmed that Lin Luo was a person who valued the lives of his partners.

He also understands the thoughts of a person like this who can lead a galaxy to rise.

Unexpectedly, Lin Luo's smile became even wilder. He looked at Don and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you don't need to do it, I will do it myself!"

Don was taken aback.

At this time, Lin Luo shouted coldly: "Ye Yi!"


Ye Yi, who was on the moon, leaned on the monitor and saw this scene.

He raised his head and looked at the Zhuxian Gate system above the sky...

Then, without hesitation, he pressed the start button!

Finally, he got on the aircraft and left quickly.

On the other side, Dawn and the others also felt something strange, and the alien army that had surrounded Blue Star retreated subconsciously.

Donne glanced at the Zhuxian system and said, "You think these things can stop us?"

Lin Luo just chuckled and said, "This is not for hitting you."

Don was taken aback.

At this moment, Lin Luo directly waved the list of gods...

The eight emperors stared at the list of gods, that is, under their gaze, the list of gods emitted a burst of golden light.

Just right, the Gate of Jade Immortals was activated.

The eight emperors all wanted to attack at the same time to resist Zhu Xian's gate.

However, they saw an incredible scene.

All I saw was that the attack from Zhuxian's Gate was heading towards Lin Luo, toward Blue Star.

They don't understand.

And the heavenly soldiers on the blue star watched the attack of Zhu Xian's Gate, and Lin Luo in the sky, also

I'm a little puzzled.

Is the Gate of Executioner under someone's control?

However, in the next second, the vision reappeared, and all I could see was a white divine light suddenly bursting out from above the moon...

The moon, set off again, turned into the original device!

The eight emperors looked at the moon and their expressions changed drastically.

"Tens of thousands of years have passed, and this thing is still there." Dawn changed drastically.

Compared with the past, today's moon has also changed so much that Donne and the others didn't recognize it at the first time.

However, when the moon showed its original appearance, they finally recognized it.

This thing was the chief culprit who prevented them from continuing to explore Blue Star!

"Stop them!" An emperor sensed something was wrong, but at this moment the golden light of the Gods List and the white light of the moon were intertwined.

All the attacks of Jade Immortal's Gate were swallowed by white light, forming a huge white protective shield around Blue Star.

An emperor tried to break through the white protective shield, but he retreated quickly in the next second.

Because at the moment he shot, the continuous breath of power almost made the breath in his body messy.

He turned his head, looked at the moon, and said fearfully, "What the hell is this?"


Everyone in Blue Star exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Only a small number of people inside have seen this situation, and as for those who know the secrets of the moon, even fewer.

Yang Jun and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, not expecting Lin Luo to have such a trick.

Zhang San even laughed wildly: "I just said, he must have a backup."

"However, this can only be solved for a while..." Yang Jun said: "The moon was protecting us before, and then it disappeared quickly."

"What if they continue to attack Blue Star?" Zhang San said.

"No... no way." Yang Jun and the others were taken aback for a moment, then looked at Lin Luo on the screen, and Li Dong said, "If it's him, there is really a possibility."

"It's not possible..." Before the words fell, Chen An came from the other side and said: "Ye Yi has drained a lot of energy in the past three months, I thought he was going to do some big research .”

"Now it seems that everything makes sense."

Everyone couldn't help but sweat.

Lin Luo's move was too great, he attacked himself and triggered the moon's device.

And now in the sky

Above, Lin Luo squinted and looked at the emperors separated by a wall.

Although separated by energy, they can speak.

You can compare the protection of the moon to a formation...

As long as this condition is maintained, this formation can be triggered.

"You can hide for a while, and you can hide for a lifetime?" Donne knew that he was being tricked, and he was very angry.

If the order was given at the beginning, it would certainly be able to prevent the army from retreating.

At this time, it is impossible for Lin Luo to realize this plan.

However, Lin Luo took everything seriously.

These emperors decided that Blue Star was desperate.

At the same time, he is also greedy for artifacts such as the list of gods.

In this way, everything will fall into Lin Luo's plan.

As Lin Luo once said, all seemingly miraculous plans are actually nothing more than familiarity with the human heart.

"At least, we are safe now," Lin Luo said.

Don laughed and said, "We have plenty of time, we can guard you here for a year, two years...or even ten thousand years."

Lin Luo said in a muffled voice: "You have to think about it clearly, what will happen to the current Blue Star after 10,000 years of development?" Pen Fun Library

Hearing this, Dawn couldn't stay calm anymore.

He checked Blue Star's rise route...

If calculated from the timeline, Blue Star's growth rate is too terrifying.

After 10,000 years, what will happen?

Who can know?

"Don't worry, it won't last ten thousand years." Dawn looked at the moon and said with a smile, "Unless it's a perpetual motion machine."

"If the blue star in the past really researched the energy of perpetual motion, then we would not be able to win."

Lin Luo was silent for a while, just looked at him, and said: "It depends on whether you guys came in first, or we grew up first."

While speaking, Lin Luo turned his head back and flew towards the blue star.

Seeing Lin Luo approaching, Ye Yi quickly stepped forward and asked worriedly, "Brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Lin Luo patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good job!"

Ye Yi smiled.

Lin Luo flew straight down, while Ye Yi turned his head, scanning the mighty alien army outside...

He knew very well that waiting for the day when Blue Star was born again would be a war between them and the entire universe.

this time...

They are a galaxy, singled out the entire universe.

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