The most advanced real-time equipment used in the ancient genetic instrument, but Lin Luo has never seen such a genetic map.

Generally speaking, the genes in the human body change, but only stereotyped changes occur, similar to metabolism.

To be reasonable, the two women killed by Dabai are already dead, let alone metabolism, it is unknown whether the cells can move.

Lin Luo and Zhu Yihui observed it carefully, and found that there was a special colored gene chain inside, which was the key factor leading to this scene.

"This paragraph should be the gene of Nuwa's descendants." Zhu Yihui said.

Lin Luo took a closer look and heard the system beep:

"Ding! Get a special constitution gene chain...."

"Special physique?" Lin Luo was taken aback.

The first thing he thought of was the Eucharist.

Sure enough, the system voice sounded again:

"...This gene belongs to the superhuman physique gene. This gene cannot evolve, and it has been determined at birth."

"This physical gene belongs to the spiritual category."

"Note that although this gene can be used for evolution, there is only one chance."

"After using this gene to evolve, there is a chance to unlock the next gene lock."

"Ding! The host has unlocked a new gene style, and got reward points: 600 million!"

"Six hundred million?" Lin Luo opened his mouth wide in surprise.

What is the concept of 600 million?

And this is just the gene chain of Nuwa's descendants...

What if it is Nuwa's pure genetic chain?

Lin Luo is unimaginable.

"How is it?" Zhu Yihui asked.

"Very good." Lin Luo smiled and said, "I think a god king will be born on our blue star!"



Zhang San was eating, and when he heard Lin Luo suddenly tell him about the fourth-level senior, he almost spit out the meal.

"Ahem..." Zhang San pulled out a tissue and said to the little girl next to him, "Go get dad a glass of water."

The girl ran away, and Zhang Sancai said, "You should come to this kind of opportunity."

In Zhang San's view, Lin Luo is Blue Star's most powerful force.

If there is an opportunity and resources, all should be given priority to Lin Luo.

But Lin Luo said: "This one belongs to the spiritual gene chain."

When Zhang San heard this, he paused.

for a moment.

"So, only you..." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San put down the tableware in his hand and said, "Do you really think I don't know?"

Lin Luo was astonished.

"After reaching the fourth level, there is actually not much difference. As long as you can break through the restriction of the gene lock, it will be a great improvement." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "Then how many god kings do you think you need to defeat them?"

Hearing this, Zhang San was silent.


If you want to defeat the eight ninth-level civilizations, relying on Lin Luo and them alone is not enough.

"So, we still want to look for it." Lin Luo said: "This time the genetic chain is about spirit, so it must be you."

Only then did Zhang San nod his head.

"When you injected the second and third-order gene samples before, you fell asleep for so long, and your mental power is also a very special existence, so this time I plan to wait until you have the injection." Lin Luo said.

"You really think you can go back to ancient times?" Zhang San was surprised.

"I don't think so." Lin Luo said, "I've confirmed this."

Zhang San was shocked when he heard that, but he said: "I'm afraid, there are some restrictions, right?"

Lin Luo smiled when he heard it.

Zhang San is indeed smart, unlike Li Donglai.

Lin Luo didn't hide anything, and told some things he knew from the system.

When Zhang San heard this, his face changed drastically, and he said, "If it's the time travel of consciousness, I can actually understand it."

"How to say?" Lin Luo was surprised, he didn't expect that Zhang San still had research on these things.

At this time, Zhang San's daughter came with two glasses of water, followed by a big dog.

"Thank you." Lin Luo smiled and held her in his arms. The little guy struggled to climb onto Lin Luo's shoulders.

This daughter was born to Zhang San three years ago.

But Zhang San pointed to the big dog and said, "My wife and I know each other because of this dog."

Lin Luo looked up.

"At the beginning we got married because of dogs, and gave birth to the eldest, the second, and her." Zhang San said: "Suppose that time and space change at this time, and this big dog is not adopted by me, does it mean that my three Will the children disappear?"

"Not necessarily." Lin Luo said, "Maybe you and your sister-in-law met in another place."

"No, you still don't understand

What am I talking about. Zhang San said: "Even if we get to know each other again, the ones born may not be them." "

"History, changed is changed."

"This is cause and effect."

Lin Luo suddenly realized, and he said: "You mean, maybe this is the real usage of the Conferred Gods List?"

"That's right." Zhang San said: "Intuition tells me that the person who created this artifact in the first place probably wanted to return his consciousness to the past, or even the future..."

Lin Luo fell into deep thought when he heard Zhang San's words.

It can be said that Zhang San's words are thought-provoking.

Those who can create the list of gods must hold great power and even have a lot of resources.

Then, why did he travel back and change after such a successful career?


It was already late at night when I left Zhang San's house.

Lin Luo walked in the night sky, looking at the 600 million points in the system.

600 million, only 60 can be bought.

According to the system, if you want to start the Conferred God List, you need at least over a hundred.

Now, there is still a shortfall of 400 million.

Lin Luo was not in a hurry, and when it was dawn, he gave the order to search for the genes that could be searched.

Lin Luo also thought that he might have to wait for a long time, but after eighteen days of waiting, Zhu Yihui brought good news. Biqu library

"We have successfully obtained the key gene for the evolution of the dragon family from the gene of the big snake."

"Also, we have compared it with Lin Yue's dragon body gene, and it basically matches."

When Zhu Yihui spoke, his eyes were shining.

Lin Luo looked up in surprise and said, "Does this mean that we can create many Lin Yues?"

"Eh..." Zhu Yihui sweated and said, "Lin Yue is still special, what we evolved may be just ordinary dragons."

Lin Luo was not disappointed, he just asked, he was looking at the genetic map, and suddenly heard the voice of the system again:

"Ding! You deciphered the genetic chain of animal evolution..."

"Ding! You have perfected the genetic map of animals!"

"...Every time you evolve an animal, you can get 100 million reward points."

Lin Luo couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

There are so many animals on Blue Star, doesn't that mean sending points to your door?

"System, you finally opened your eyes!"

At this moment, Lin Luo burst into tears.

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