Lin Luo looked at the money in the account, and then at a pile of stocks.

A pile of green.

The financial crisis is no joke.

However, if the financial crisis was deliberately done by some financial predators, then there is an opportunity.

Lin Luo was optimistic about the three stocks, so he bet all his money directly.

"Are you sure?" the trader asked.

"Sure." Lin Luo said.

The trader pressed OK, at this moment Lin Luo smiled, thanked him, and led Lin Xi outside under the pitiful eyes of the trader.

"Let's go eat."

"Brother, do you still have money?"

"Yes, there are fifty."

"Then..." Lin Xi said weakly: "What about dinner? I'm not hungry, or..."

"It's okay." Lin Luo said, "Trust me."


At noon, the flow of people at the exchange was much less.

The technology in this world is actually okay, but the exchange is still a place with a good flow of people.

Many people come here, in fact, just want to feel the atmosphere of the scene.

Moreover, the world has rules.

If you want to play leverage, you must come to the exchange.

If you lose all your money, the trader will immediately sell all your stocks and get his money back.

Of course.

They still receive interest.

However, if you are sure that your capital chain is sufficient, these offline companies will also allow you to benefit from it.

The three stocks that Lin Luo bought fell crazily after buying them.

In just one hour, Lin Luo's money almost disappeared.

The trader couldn't help smiling, and was preparing to sell for Lin Luo, and at the same time notified Lin Luo.

At this time, two stocks began to rise. Biqu library

The trader was taken aback.

These two stocks did not rise much, but they just complemented another stock that was constantly falling.

Since the financial market in this world does not set a limit, the stock directly fell by more than 50% in the next three hours.

However, the other two stocks earned back just within the acceptable range.

"So weird?" The trader stared at the three stocks with interest.

Because today only Lin Luo came to play leverage.

For the next two hours, nothing much changed.

Until the third hour, Lin Luo appeared.

"How?" Lin Luo asked.

"Not bad," said the trader.

Lin Luo handed the order to the trader and said, "Sell these two, and buy all of this."

"Huh?" The trader paused.

"Need I repeat?" Lin Luo asked.

"No need." The trader immediately sold the program, and then bought it directly as Lin Luo ordered.

He thought to himself, these people are indeed gamblers...

Although the stock has fallen sharply, it does not mean that it has bottomed out.

However, less than ten minutes after Lin Luo bought it, the entire stock suddenly turned red.

The trader paused, then raised his head, and heard someone in the hall saying: "I heard that a super company in the Southern Continent wants to acquire the British Group."

Suddenly everyone was in an uproar.

But the trader saw an astonishing scene...

Because the stock that Lin Luo bought was the British Group.

"I want to buy it!" Someone rushed up quickly.

Suddenly, a group of people gathered around.

However, the trader glanced at the time and said, "Sorry, it's past 5 p.m. and buying is prohibited."

Those stockholders were immediately anxious when they heard this.

Instead, the trader looked at the stock and swallowed...

Because the stocks bought by Lin Luo are launching rockets...


On the fifth day, the trader handed the card to Lin Luo respectfully.

Lin Luo took it and just smiled.

In just five days, five million was won.

It's not a legend....

Thanks to Wall Street, thanks to the case of the 1997 financial crisis.

The tricks of these people are almost the same as back then.

Although Lin Luo is not good at doing finance, he still heard about it.

"Please go slowly." The trader stared at Lin Luo dumbfounded.

Lin Luo earned five million.

They also earned 100,000 from the exchange.

This is the interest that Lin Luo gives them.

"Remember, the information about me must be kept secret..." Lin Luo smiled and said; "You don't want some accidents to happen, right..."

"Understood, understood." The trader sweated.

He had guessed Lin Luo's identity.

Those who are victorious in all battles like this may have a great background.

In fact, he guessed right.

With Lin Luo's current strength, it should be possible to single out the entire world.

After all, he is a Tier 4 Intermediate.

The most powerful weapon on Blue Star is the electromagnetic explosion system.

This kind of thing can't hurt Lin Luo in the slightest.

"Brother, do we really have five million?" Lin

Xi followed him every day these days, for fear that one day Lin Luo would lose and jump off the building again.

She is anxious every day.

Until, Lin Luo sold it.

"What do you want to eat?" Lin Luo asked with a smile.

Lin Xi glanced at the bicycles on the side of the road and said, "How about..." Biquku

"What kind of bicycle do you want?" Lin Luo patted her face and said, "Let's go buy a luxury car."

Lin Xi rolled his eyes...

She thought to herself, if she bought a luxury car, her children wouldn't be able to drive it either.

As long as her big brother doesn't jump off the building though, it's fine.

As for the rest, she doesn't care.


Why doesn't Lin Luo earn 100 million?

very simple.

100 million will definitely change history.

Because, if it is 100 million, it will definitely attract the attention of all parties.

But Lin Luo didn't come to this world for this reason.

The first reason why he wants to make money is because in order to survive in this world, he needs to figure out how to obtain Karma Points and obtain things that are beneficial to the final war.

The second is to contact Chen Haotian.

He must know, is this Chen Haotian the same Haotian? !

Therefore, when Lin Luo smashed five million in front of Chen Haotian, the latter was dumbfounded.

"I said, I'm rich." Lin Luo said.

Chen Haotian touched the money, glanced at Lin Luo again, and said, "Then why did you jump off the building?"

"Um..." Lin Luo thought for a while, and it was hard to get past this answer. He just said, "These are not important. The important thing is that I want to invest in you."

Hearing this, Chen Haotian said: "Let's talk about it first, I can accept your investment, but I can't accept too many commercial things..."

"Yes." Lin Luo said, "Use the money first, and ask me if you don't have enough money."

When Chen Haotian heard this, he immediately stopped.

It's that easy, that simple?

Lin Luo looked at the dumbfounded Chen Haotian, but his mood became tense.

don't show up...

don't show up!


At this moment, making Lin Luo extremely desperate, the sound of the system rang.

Sure enough, he changed history again.

This time, shouldn't he be exiled directly?

"Ding! You have earned 85 karma points!"

"?" Lin Luo paused, completely confused by the sudden voice.

"Yes... the credit is not a deduction?"

"System, can you say it again?"

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