Soon, Ding Jun found out that this girl was called Xie Kexin. Biqu library

"How to say?" Ding Jun looked at Lin Luo and said, "Shall I create a chance meeting for you?"

"I checked, and the other party has a good personality and good looks."

Lin Luo froze for a moment when he heard this, and then smiled wryly: "This belongs to Chen Haotian."

"He is a scientist who shuts himself in the laboratory all day, so he is not qualified to fall in love." Ding Jun said: "He doesn't want to either."

"That is, he doesn't want to, so we need to help him even more." Lin Luo said.

"Think about yourself." Ding Jun said: "Find a woman to come back and cook for Lin Xi. You don't need to be a big boss to do it yourself."

Lin Luo glanced at him, and Ding Jun immediately said: "President Lin is the kindest, I'll arrange it right away."

Lin Luo smiled angrily, and warned: "Arrange this matter in a more secretive way."

"Okay." Ding Jun said with a smile: "Don't worry, Chen Haotian just wants to study, and he has too little experience in the world to see."

After finishing speaking, Ding Jun bowed slightly and left.

Lin Luo took a look at Lin Xi who was staring at the window in a daze. The little girl seemed to be thinking about something.

Suddenly feeling Lin Luo looking at her, she immediately recovered and continued to do her homework.


After wandering around at the crossroads, the progress of the Haotian Room started by leaps and bounds.

And, it's getting faster every day.

After six months, Lin Luo had heard about it and started recruiting for the test list.

Lin Luo was still quite uneasy.

Because the list of gods must be divided into a range...

When Lin Luo came, he spent so many karma points, so he must only stay for a certain period of time.

However, there must be regulations on how to divide this period.

According to Lin Luo's understanding, when the first genetic warrior is created, Lin Luo will most likely be sent back.

Lin Luo glanced at the list, it was a mess, because tens of thousands of people were invited.

It has to be said that due to the impact of the economic depression, this kind of human experiment still attracts a large number of people.

Lin Luo searched for a long time, but couldn't find the name of Donghuang Taiyi.

He searched carefully thirteen times, and was finally surprised by a name:

Yan Liren.



? " Lin Luo shuddered suddenly.

It was impossible for him to forget the name.

In the heart of the earth back then, the picture of Yan Liren is still like yesterday.

Lin Luo hurried to the Haotian room.

At this time, there are already many people in Haotian Room.

Lin Luo rushed over a few steps and said to Chen Haotian, "It's started?"

"Yes." Chen Haotian raised his head and said, "The first batch of experiments has already started."

Lin Luo looked at it again, and there were some life and death responsibilities on it.

Obviously, this kind of experiment is a human experiment.

Therefore, the risks of this experiment are considerable.

The reason why Lin Luo was able to avoid this risk at the beginning was because of the existence of the system.

However, today's Haotian Room, including Chen Haotian, cannot avoid...

Could it be...

Lin Luo suddenly thought of something, and his whole body became uneasy.

If his conjecture is true...

Then, Yan Liren will...

"Dead?!" Lin Luo suddenly opened his eyes wide.

At this moment, he has two choices, the first...

Stop this trial.

save him.

Then, he will not have the tragedy of becoming a beginner.

The second is to pretend nothing happened.

Lin Luo clenched his fist.

Seems like there are two options...

Actually, just one.

Lin Luo knew that Yan Liren had a great influence on later generations.

If Lin Luo really did this, then Lin Luo would definitely be erased.


Is this too cruel?

Lin Luo's eyes were bloodshot.

While he was meditating, the equipment in the Haotian Room rang loudly.

"What's wrong there?"

"Number 001, Yan Liren..."


"first aid!"



Lin Luo felt a little depressed when he heard the noise around him.

He wanted to save him.

But, he really can't do that.

Because behind him, there are countless blue star people.

They are all waiting for his return.

Lin Luo sat weakly on the ground, and after several hours, the news came...

Yan Liren is dead.

Lin Luo clenched his fist.

He had already guessed it.

At the beginning, Zhu Yihui said that Yan Liren might not exist.

However, Lin Luo saw his name here.

That is to say...

he died


He can only die.

Lin Luo exhaled, he stood up and asked, "Where is Chen Haotian?"

Ding Jun was silent.

A few minutes later, Lin Luo and Ding Jun saw him on the top floor of Haotian Room.

Lin Luo approached, but Chen Haotian didn't even notice.

"Want to jump?" Lin Luo asked.

"I killed someone." Chen Haotian said.

"You didn't kill them." Lin Luo said, "These people did it voluntarily."

"That is also a human life." Chen Haotian said.

Lin Luo hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Do you regret it?"

"Yes." Chen Haotian said: "I don't see the significance of this project."

Lin Luo couldn't help but sigh again.

If Chen Haotian knew that the future Blue Star would be attacked by alien planets without genetic evolution, he would definitely not think so.


Lin Luo couldn't tell him this.

"To give up now is to deny your past," he said.

"If you deny it, just deny it." Chen Haotian got up, walked down, and said, "I want to calm down..."



The birth of a human life is something no one wants.

But, it just happened.

Lin Luo finally sorted out all the logic.

If Yan Liren dies first.

Then Chen Haotian is very likely to restart the Ascension Project because of guilt...

That is the dark gene.

In this way, everything seems to make sense.


Lin Luo still couldn't bear to take another look at the history of this tragedy.

In this way, because of one human life, the entire genetic research was delayed.

If Chen Haotian doesn't come back, then everything will be in the foreseeable future.

Lin Luo actually knew that Chen Haotian would come back eventually.

But, why come back?

When Lin Luo was thinking this way, he saw the news station was broadcasting the report of the war.

For a moment, Lin Luo suddenly realized.


This piece of land will eventually be involved in the war?

Lin Luo remembered that he once saw Chen Haotian's appearance in middle age, and his eyes suddenly rounded.

Chen Haotian can afford to wait, but Lin Luo can't.

Get the capital to fight back earlier, then Blue Star will have more security.

Lin Luo decided to be the promoter of this history himself.

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