"Could it be him?" Lin Luo thought so, seeing the list above, there were only a dozen or so.

It could be seen that Chen Haotian was much more cautious.

"Bring a copy of all their documents." Lin Luo said, "Be detailed."

"Okay." Although Ding Jun was surprised, he didn't ask further.

Three days later, Ding Jun walked in with a stack of materials.

Lin Luo was the first to read Yuwen Taiyi's.

Yuwen Taiyi came from a miserable background, because his family was poor and he did dangerous work.

Therefore, he hovered on the edge of life and death several times.

When Lin Luo saw this, he roughly believed that...

This should be the human version of Donghuang Taiyi.

"Has he started the genetic test now?" Lin Luo asked.

"It is said that in the past few days." Ding Jun said.

Lin Luo lowered his head, nodded, and continued to look.

However, the names of many god kings in later generations have been handed down.

Lin Luo barely recognized this kind of one after the Taiyi.

But Ding Jun was a little strange.

He has seen all these experimenters, there is nothing special, why Lin Luo pays so much attention to it.

However, if anyone in later generations knew what Ding Jun was thinking, he would just smile.

Lin Luo finally settled on the last person's name:

Cheng Su


18 years old

This is also the only woman on the list of more than ten.

"Could it be that she is Nuwa?" Lin Luo thought so.


Three days later, Lin Luo came to the scene.

This is the second test of Haotian Room.

This time, Chen Haotian was still nervous. When Lin Luo came, he saw that his hands and feet were trembling.

"Don't be nervous." Lin Luo said; "You have made so much preparation."

Chen Haotian exhaled: "Although I know that I am over-worried, it is very difficult to get past a person's psychological defense."

Lin Luo just patted him on the shoulder.

In fact, he was a little curious, why such a kind-hearted Chen Haotian proposed a plan to ascend to the gods later.

as well as...

All kinds of perverted plans.

Even later, he was restrained by the God King.

"Academician Chen, you are ready." Someone came in and said to Chen Haotian.

"Then let's get started." Chen Haotian turned his head and said carefully: "Ask them one last time. If anyone quits, let him quit immediately."


Yes. "The staff turned back. Pen Fun Library

Lin Luo also saw from the monitoring screen that the staff entered the room and began to check and inquire about the experimenters.

The atmosphere here also changed suddenly.

When it was about the same time, the injection started directly.

During this period, no one left.

Like the modern gene injection, after injecting the genetic agent, everyone fell into a deep sleep.

except for one person...

Cheng Su Su.

"What happened to number 006?" Chen Haotian asked.

"Let's go in and take a look." The staff said.

Chen Haotian was about to nod, but Lin Luo grabbed the microphone and said, "Don't go in."

When the staff heard this strange voice, they were slightly taken aback, but Chen Haotian said quickly: "Listen to Mr. Lin."

Hearing Chen Haotian's voice, everyone stopped moving.

Chen Haotian looked at Lin Luo with some surprise.

Generally speaking, Lin Luo is not interested in these.

Why did Lin Luo suddenly stop?

Lin Luo didn't speak.

He stared helplessly at Cheng Susu's room on the surveillance equipment.

Suddenly, Cheng Su looked up and looked at the camera....

This scene made Lin Luo astonished.

Because Cheng Susu's eyes are very bright.

it seems...

They are looking at each other and communicating.

In fact, this feels very strange, because this is the picture of a person staring at the camera seriously.

However, there is a premise to be added here.

This is Lin Luo.

A person with a fourth-order intermediate gene lock.

After a while, Chen Hao asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Observe for two days first." Lin Luo said to Chen Haotian: "Deliver food normally, and only communicate if you are sure everything is fine."

Chen Haotian was still puzzled, but still nodded.

Lin Luo exhaled.

Although he didn't want to interfere with the progress of this world, but this time he did not hesitate to expose something...

The reason is.


Cheng Su Su, most likely Nu Wa.


A few days later, Lin Luo came to the Haotian room again, because Chen Haotian told him that something unexpected happened today.

The reason is...

There was no change in Cheng Susu's body.

That is to say...

This is a failure.

For this reason, the Haotian Room conducted as many as 18 physical examinations on her.


If so...

Nothing unusual.

For this reason, Chen Haotian was a little anxious, because this batch of genetic reagents took a lot of time, and a lot of work was done on safety.

However, the result is still good.

Cheng Susu is fine.

"The money has already been sent to you." Chen Haotian handed her a gift, and at the same time urged: "In the future, if there is anything unusual, you must notify us as soon as possible."

“Okay.” Cheng Susu smiled slightly and nodded.

Chen Haotian was about to leave, when he discovered a strange scene...

Lin Luo is looking at Cheng Susu.

"Is there something wrong?" Cheng Susu still kept smiling.

"It's okay." Lin Luo also kept smiling...

What an unfathomable girl.

Lin Luo can be sure that Cheng Susu must have something.

Did the genetic reagent fail?


"Goodbye." Cheng Susu picked up his luggage, and finally left with a polite look.

Lin Luo also stayed in this Haotian room for a while before turning his head and leaving. Biqu library

However, when he went to the parking lot, he saw a man standing next to his car.

"Do you need to drive too?" Cheng Susu asked.

Lin Luo frowned...

Don't mess with this woman.

He didn't want to be deducted karma points.

Lin Luo pretended not to understand and said, "I only have two pairs of legs. Could it be that I need to run?"

Cheng Susu smiled and said: "You can't fool me..."

Lin Luo was sweating behind his back.


do not talk.

I'm really going to be charged with karma.

Seeing Lin Luo's anxious look, Cheng Susu smiled and said, "Why do I know this is your car if you don't ask me?"

"Because I'm rich." Lin Luo said Oh.

Cheng Susu rolled her eyes and said, "Would you mind giving me a ride?"

"Never mind." Lin Luo replied, "I have a family."

"You didn't." Cheng Susu looked into Lin Luo's eyes and said seriously, "You're lying."


Ten minutes later, Cheng Susu sat in the co-pilot and Lin Luo sat in the driver's seat. Lin Luo said, "Why are you hiding it?"

"Hiding what?"

"Conceal your abilities."

"They really have no effect on what I injected." Cheng Susu said.

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