Lin Luo felt that this was the only reasonable explanation.

If not, it's hard to explain.

However, even if Cheng Susu awakened the light of the soul, it shouldn't be to this point.

after all....

The opponent is on the list of gods.

Although I didn't understand it, I finally passed another catastrophe.

However, this also made it more difficult for Lin Luo.

If it is said that the birth of a super gene does not give Lin Luo something to help the future Blue Star.


Where can these be obtained?

For a moment, Lin Luo also fell into confusion.

However, Lin Luo's thinking is fairly fast.

Since the bet on the super genetic reagent failed.

"Then take another gamble..." Lin Luo finally decided, and set his target on Yuwen Taiyi.


Compared with Cheng Susu, Lin Luo thinks Yuwen Taiyi is much better.

If Lin Luo were asked to say what Donghuang Taiyi was like in his peak period, Lin Luo would definitely not be able to tell, but the young version of Donghuang Taiyi is simply another Li Donglai.

He gave people the feeling that he looked at the end and didn't have any thoughts.

"You mean, my power can be maintained forever, and even become stronger?" Yuwen Taiyi looked at Chen Haotian excitedly.

"Yes." Chen Haotian said to him excitedly: "The hidden genes in your body have been activated, and the potential power has been released. This is just the beginning."

Yuwen Taiyi clenched his fist and said, "But I think I'm already very strong..."

Lin Luo was sweating.

The future Yuwen Taiyi must be Blue Star's most powerful combat power.

Today's Yuwen Taiyi is too weak.

Chen Haotian noticed Lin Luo approaching, he turned his head happily and said, "Look..."

Yuwen Taiyi looked at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo also looked at him.

He thought to himself, Cheng Susu could see a little bit of Lin Luo, but Yuwen Taiyi might also have this ability.

Fortunately, Yuwen Taiyi didn't see anything about Lin Luo, but asked curiously, "Who are you?"

Chen Haotian briefly introduced Lin Luo, but Yuwen Taiyi was not too interested.

At this time, a group of soldiers rushed in.

These people all wore the symbols of ancient China. When they came in, Lin Luo saw that they had sealed the door.

Subsequently, outside

A person who walked in.

Lin Luo glanced at the opponent's head...

His hat is full of achievements and honors, this person is not low level.

"My name is Li Tao, and no one here is allowed to leave without permission."

He scanned the audience with a certain awe-inspiring vigor.

Lin Luo and Chen Haotian took a look and frowned.

Then, in the small conference room, three people sat at a table.

"not bad."

"I read the data and results of your research above, which shows that our choice is correct."

Li Tao glanced at them and said: "The higher-ups have also issued an order, and I hope you can mass-produce them."

"What is the batch size?"

"One thousand to five thousand." Li Tao said.

Hearing this, both Lin Luo and Chen Haotian heard something.

Li Tao didn't hide much, and said: "You don't have to guess, the higher-ups really don't want the scale of superhumans to become huge."

"Because it is a burden for ordinary residents, it may cause social unrest and chaos."

Chen Haotian said: "Then why did you let me study it?"

"Because this is a force, a potential force." Li Tao looked at Chen Haotian and said: "This is an order, and it is also for the sake of the overall situation of the country."

"Not negotiable?" Lin Luo asked.

"No." Li Tao said: "In addition, the people who manage these superhumans must be trustworthy, and a lot of background checks are required."

Chen Haotian wanted to say something else, but Lin Luo stopped him and interjected: "No problem, we will do well."

Li Tao nodded, and he didn't mean to be superior.

This time, I came here to announce the decision, that's all.

After they left, Chen Haotian was obviously disappointed.

Because the experiment was very successful, and Chen Haotian intends to extend it to the scope of all human beings.

Lin Luo naturally saw his disappointment, he thought for a while, and said: "You have to eat food bite by bite, and you have to change your conception bite by bite."

"It is really not a good thing that this piece of land has such a huge power now."

Chen Haotian said in surprise: "But isn't your purpose to protect this piece of land?"

"Anyone who masters the power of Xeon will only be an expedition.

.." Lin Luo said: "This generation will not, what about the next generation? "

Chen Haotian pondered for a long time on the spot before he nodded his head and said, "Although I don't understand much, I believe in you."

Lin Luo was astonished.

Chen Haotian said: "I have gone through so many storms, and now I have succeeded. I am not looking ahead, but should implement more safety measures as soon as possible."

Lin Luo couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

The Chen Haotian of the past certainly couldn't be like this.

He is growing.

Compared with strength, mental growth is more important.


So, after two months.

The Haotian Room was officially taken over by the army, and those who entered and exited were strictly checked.

And Yuwen Taiyi successfully became the captain of this team of super humans.

Currently, the size of this superhuman army is around 2,000 people.

Gu Huaxia's positioning should be similar to special forces.

But this is also in line with their ideas.

If an army of more than 100,000 is created, it will be too difficult to manage.

If it is only two thousand, it is within the acceptable range.

Lin Luo was not in a hurry when he heard this.

In ancient times, genetic human beings must have been promoted.

It's just that it's hard to say in what way.

Just when entering the fourth month, Lin Luo finally saw the so-called variable on TV in the morning...

War is coming.

"Brother, I'm going to school." Lin Xi got up early, ready to leave.

Lin Luo was about to nod when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Opening his eyes suddenly, he immediately hugged Lin Xi in his arms.

At this time, the building collapsed.

Lin Luo heard the sound of artillery fire, heard the sound of people crying out in grief....

Lin Xi grabbed Lin Luo's hand in horror, and the latter covered her eyes.

Not only because of Lin Luo's ability, but because the scene in front of him was too terrifying.

The sky is full of fighter planes and mechs.

And the tall building where Lin Luo lived fell down because of the bombing...

It's hard to imagine how many people will die this time.

Lin Luo knew that his guess had come true.

War is coming.

Came to the land of ancient China.

This also represents the official beginning of the glorious history of ancient times.

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