In the end, the height of the ancient Zhufeng was fixed at 40,000 meters.

Lin Luo was extremely surprised by this, because the whole process was too fast, and there were too few changes.

He went to find Ye Su, because he knew that Ye Su must be researching these things.

Sure enough, when he saw Ye Su, there was a research map of Zhu Feng's topography beside him.

Seeing Lin Luo appearing, the others were vigilant.

Because not everyone can come here.

And Lin Luo is a stranger to them.

Ye Su glanced at Lin Luo, and quickly said, "Don't be nervous, my own."

While talking, he even called Lin Luo over.

Lin Luo walked over and saw the academician who came back to his senses and continued: "These energies are the same as ordinary crustal energies, but..."

"The mountains and rivers in this place are different from the rivers."

While speaking, a larger terrain map came out.

"Bigger." The academician said.

The staff doubled the magnification again.

The academician added: "A little bigger."

The staff was stunned and said, "It's already more than 300,000 square kilometers."

What is the concept of 300,000...

You know, modern China has a land area of ​​only 9.6 million square kilometers.

And this terrain has reached 300,000.

Unexpectedly, Ye Su said very seriously: "Three hundred thousand...may not be enough."

"A force that can absorb and accommodate such a powerful energy invisibly must require an extremely wide area."

Ye Su directly drew a circle.

The staff next to it said: "We don't have enough manpower for such a large area."


The cultivation plan is very secretive.

So there are very few people.

Ye Su immediately gave a plan, saying: "We don't have to use us to investigate the terrain."

"However, in terms of funds..." the staff was embarrassed.

According to the current division of regions, at least more than 100,000 people should act together.

If you want to hire 100,000 people, that is a huge sum of money...

Ye Su turned around, pointed at Lin Luo and said, "Don't worry, money is never a problem, and...we don't need to come forward to survey the terrain."

Lin Luo smiled wryly, and said, "I'm just passing by, so don't blackmail me like this."


Lin Luo takes care of things

Leaving the matter to Ding Jun, Ye Su who was next to him asked, "Why did you come?"

"People are still curious, although I have no ambitions." Lin Luo said.

Ye Su thought for a while, and it seemed quite reasonable, and said, "In general, we have to wait until the survey is over before I can give you an accurate answer."

Lin Luo nodded, and then asked, "Have you seen any strange creatures here?"

"for example?"

"Bear." Lin Luo said, "The kind that looks silly."

But Ye Su said: "Aren't you talking about the things on the paper sent by your company?"

Lin Luo nodded.

Ye Su said curiously: "You usually don't pay much attention to anything, is there something special about this bear?"

Lin Luo was surprised when he heard this, and quickly said: "Just asking, I have often dreamed about this recently."

Hearing this, Ye Su said, "Then you can talk to Chen Haotian."


"Because Chen Haotian said that he felt that the power of human genes has an upper limit." Ye Su said: "However, the dream may be unraveled."

Lin Luo couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

This is still in the first stage of gene lock research, has Chen Haotian already started to sniff out the spiritual light of the fourth-order gene?

Lin Luo was surprised that Chen Haotian was indeed the founder of the Haotian Room.

From the moment Lin Luo walked out of the Honghuang Palace, a huge survey work began.

Ding Jun used the reputation of Lin's company to recruit a large number of people.

Moreover, the remuneration is extremely high.

At the same time, there was new news from Haotian Room that the model of the second-order gene lock had been exposed.

However, in the hands of Lin Luo, there is another document...

Western genes.


Lin Luo looked at what Ding Jun handed him.

Western genes can roughly be understood as magic genes.

Unlike the genes of the East, although they can also unlock the genes, their explosive power will be stronger and more powerful in the early stage.

Lin Luo knew that if this thing was true, Gu Huaxia might be in trouble.

after all....

Once a certain force on a planet has mastered super-first-line strength, it will attack the weaker people.

"Don't make this news public," Lin Luo said.

"it is good."

Biqu library

Although Ding Jun didn't understand, he didn't say much.

Only Lin Luo understood.

The war for this planet has begun.

The current internal war is inevitable.

However, there is such a theorem in the world.

The technology and power under the war is the fastest rising time.

Today's casualties are temporary.

Because once the power of the universe strikes, if the Blue Star at that time did not grow up, it would eventually be annihilated.

After thinking for a while, Lin Luo said again: "Go and copy another million bear images."

"Ah?" Hearing this, Ding Jun was stunned for a long time before he said, "Are you going to start throwing money into the sea again?"

Lin Luo just smiled.

Now that the samples of Western genes have been obtained, it is natural to send them back to modern times.

In this way, the United Army can also rise.

After all, by this period, the human beings on the blue star have long been regardless of national boundaries.

Now, they really do like the tagline they came up with:

one World, One Dream.

This dream is...



Twenty-six days later, Lin Luo received a message from Honghuang Temple.

"Is there a result?" Lin Luo asked.

Ye Su and the others were extremely serious at the moment, as if they didn't hear Lin Luo's words.

What was placed in front of them was an extremely complicated blueprint.

Including mountains and rivers.


And volcanoes and more.

In addition to these, the scope of the survey includes a range of 300 meters underground.

In the end, such a complex structural diagram was formed.

Even Lin Luo was dazzled when he saw it.

However, Ye Su and the others seemed to be looking at a baby. One tooth was a little crooked, and it was even exposed...

"Master Ye, I... we succeeded." An old man said excitedly.

"This is just the first step." Ye Su said: "We will completely reproduce this terrain and put it on the machine...."

Hearing this, everyone took a deep breath.

This project will be huge.

Lin Luo suddenly realized at this moment...

Could it be that this is the real origin of cultivation technology?

"Hongmeng!" Ye Su suddenly spoke again.

Everyone was stunned, and heard Ye Su say: "This will be our creation that crosses the new era, let's call it Hongmeng..."

"Hongmeng system!"

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