"Just because of this?" Lin Luo asked.

"Isn't that enough?"

"Not enough." Lin Luo said.

The man walked up step by step. He touched the names on the monument and said, "Because...the result is what they got."

"So it should be more successful, shouldn't it?" Lin Luo said.

"If you get eternal life, but you need to watch them die one by one..." the man said, "Would you like it?"

Lin Luo was silent.


Eternal life is rare, but if a person starts to lose what he wants step by step...

Eventually, he will turn into a demon.

"My giving up made Chen Haotian very angry, because I confirmed the existence of this realm..." The man said: "I teamed up with Ye Su to destroy the main god space, but we didn't expect that Chen Haotian began to change. One step further, a plan to ascend to the gods was proposed."

Lin Luo thought for a while, and said: "The Ascension to God project cannot be successful, because although people who absorb the light of the soul can be strengthened, the power of the fifth level should be the difference of the realm."

"You underestimate Chen Haotian too much." The man said, "Yan Liren is only a small part of God's plan..."

"Chen Haotian's complete plan should be called: God's Complementary Plan...."

"And the person at the core of the whole plan is himself!"

Hearing this, Lin Luo couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

He suddenly remembered something, and said, "You mean, Yan Liren is just one of the thousands."

"That's right." The man said: "Chen Haotian does have special feelings for Yan Liren, because Yan Liren was the first person to die under his hands..."

"Ye Su and I teamed up with other god kings to launch an attack on him..."

"However, the Haotian Room is too powerful, because Chen Haotian has been secretly cultivating power, and Ye Su's unconditional trust before made all this happen."

"Is this the truth about Blue Star back then?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yes." The man said: "At the beginning, Ye Su proposed to divide and conquer, and the Eastern Emperor created the Heavenly Court by himself, dividing the world into four directions."

"In this case, it is impossible for Blue Star to cause chaos."

"However, Chen Haotian's plan to complement the gods is too crazy, so they teamed up to

Together, they stopped him, which led to the final result of being attacked by the galaxy in the universe. "

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "You dragged me here?"

"No." The man said, "It's the woman you saw last, that is... Nu Wa."

After hearing this, Lin Luo exhaled.

Cheng Susu is really a Nuwa.

"She didn't do anything at all," Lin Luo said.

"Actually, this ability is inherited. Your younger sister, Lin Xi, is the darling of heaven and earth. But..." The man looked at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo clenched his fist and said, "She...she's dead."

"Yes." The man said: "It is impossible to reverse the backlash of the Conferred God List. Lin Xi can only sense the existence of cause and effect, but she has to use it forcibly. There is only one result for her..."

"Silly sister." Lin Luo was a little annoyed.

He actually ignored such an important thing.

"You don't have to blame yourself. Many things are predestined. If you don't go, Lin Xi would have died by the time Lin Luo died." The man said, "It's your existence that made her live longer." A lot of time allowed Cheng Susu to acquire this power..."

Lin Luo was stunned.

It turned out that all of this was preordained long ago.

"So, will history leave my mark?" Lin Luo asked.

"No." The man said: "After you leave, everything will be cleared."

"Then the message I'm sending back..." Lin Luo was anxious.

"This won't disappear." The man said to Lin Luo, "Time is running out, Cheng Susu just sensed the petition and sent you to me in the time and space when you returned."

Lin Luo got serious.

"Tianji grew up from the space of the main god. As the real first cultivation weapon in official history, it has the function of continuous growth..."

"So, what you need to do is use it to win this war and... grow up."

"Growth?" Lin Luo was puzzled.

If he wins the whole universe, what's the use of growing up.

Lin Luo is an ambitious man, but he is not a man who likes to kill.

As long as the entire universe can be suppressed, Lin Luo feels that killing is a cowardly act.

"I suspect that Chen Haotian is not dead." The man said


Hearing this, Lin Luo frowned.

not dead?

How is it possible, how long has history passed.

"In the past, ten of us god kings went to prevent the gods from completing the plan. Although we finally witnessed Chen Haotian's death, but..." the man said: "Thinking about it now, all of this may be a bureau..."

"What game?"

"I don't know." The man said, "It's just my intuition."

Lin Luo was surprised when he heard this.

The other party didn't know anything, and found him here only by intuition.

Unexpectedly, the man waved his hand, and at this moment, the heavenly secret flew out and landed in his hands.

Before Lin Luo could move, he saw a man stabbing his hand suddenly...

"Senior..." Lin Luo was shocked, but saw a puff of white air disappear from the sky.

At the same time, there was a roar from the sky...

Today's secrets are very wild.

"You want to tame it and make it your partner..." the man said, throwing the knife to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo knows that this is the man who has terminated the contract with it...

The secrets of the past belonged to the owner.

Today's secrets have returned to their original divine light.

When Lin Luo held it, he felt that it was against him.

"Senior, is there anything else you want to say?" Lin Luo asked.

"Wait." The man sat down.

Lin Luo was puzzled.

He also sat down, without time, but suddenly felt a strange force appearing, and Lin Luo actually felt...

My memory is disappearing.

Lin Luo resisted desperately, but the light of his mind couldn't prevent the memory from disappearing.

Gods List...

Chen Haotian....

Lin Luo's pupils lit up, but he heard the man say: "He really didn't die..."

"Lin Luo, the future... depends on you!"



Lin Luo rushed to the bed and jumped up, feeling a pain in the back of his head.


Then an angry bear cry was heard.

Seeing Lin Luo, Dabai also covered his head and looked at Lin Luo resentfully.

"Why are you so close?" Lin Luo said.

When Dabai heard this, he was extremely angry...

If it hadn't been for its attack just now, Lin Luo would have died.

Has this man's conscience been eaten by a dog?

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