Blue star

In the blink of an eye five years, now this place is completely surrounded by aliens.

In the past five years, there have been reports about this place every day.

Since the day when the Blue Star was closed, there have been five changes here, and almost every change has attracted a large number of media to come and report.

Moreover, huge forces were used five times.

But unfortunately, every time they expected the light of the moon to disappear, nothing happened.

Basically, there are two emperors on duty every day.

Because no one can predict when the light of the moon will disappear.

However, Blue Star must die.

The eight major civilizations, in simple terms, can be divided into eight factions.

Back then, Saints Star held the Xuanyuan Sword and possessed a lot of oriental genetic achievements.

This is their foothold capital, and the faction is also derived from it.

Including the ruined Saints, there are nine, each of which is different.

The first one is the Western genetic system.

That is the divine system.

They are also known as Angel Genes, who are good at mastering the power of angels, and have a strong control over light and positive power.

The second is the demon system.

This kind of power also comes from the West, which is opposite to the genes of angels, and the source of power is also opposite.

The third is the power of the beast.

Similar to Gustav, they obtained high-intensity beast power on the blue star, which is the root of evolution.

Fourth, the artifact.

This is basically available in every galaxy. After all, there are too many weapons made by the ancient blue star.

Apart from these four, the power of Dongfang Gene is too much, and the classification is not the same.

Like getting the genetic source of the Xuanyuan family, they will be more ferocious in terms of strength and explosion.

To sum up, as long as one has stepped into the ranks of the ninth-level civilization, he must have the capital to crush other galaxies in all aspects.

However, even with the joint efforts of these eight galaxies, five years have not been able to break the envelope of the moon's light on the blue star.


Above the starry sky, Lin Luo flies beside, scanning the light of the moon.

Compared with when it was activated before, the color has indeed changed. When Lin Luo was about to reach out, Ye Yi hurriedly said: "Brother..."


Luo shook his head, indicating that it was okay.

He stretched his hand into the light, and before he got close, he felt his hand melt instantly.

Lin Luo retracted, looked at the bloody hand, waved it lightly, and then quickly healed under Ye Yi's surprised gaze.

"Brother, you..." Ye Yi was pleasantly surprised.

Now, because of the original data of ancient genes and the desperate impact of those veterans in China, there are already many fourth-order gene locks on Blue Star.

There are even quite a few mid-level fourth-level genes.

Just like Yang Jun, they plunged in with bored heads and almost died there.

However, at the fourth level, no one from Blue Star has ever reached it except Zhang San who is still evolving.

Ye Yi is very smart, it is impossible for Lin Luo to pass this time without gaining nothing.


Just as Ye Yi was thinking, he was overjoyed when he saw Lin Luo nodding his head.

"Brother, what does it feel like to be a fourth-level senior?" Ye Yi said.

"You can feel the pressure of heaven and earth," Lin Luo said.

"Ah? Really?" Ye Yi was very pleasantly surprised, and said, "Could it be that there is a way of heaven in this world?"

"No." Lin Luo said: "Let's put it this way, the power of the human body is limited. Once you unlock more gene locks, the explosive power in your body will be stronger, and you will be able to use the power of the environment better. powerful."

"The fifth-order gene, can it really be immortal?" Ye Yi asked. Biqu library

"Theoretically so." Lin Luo said: "Now my cell growth speed is about 10,000 times that of the fourth-order intermediate."

"Ten thousand times?" Ye Yi's mouth twitched.

I hope that the biological base has released data before, and the fourth-level intermediate level is about 100 million times that of the first-level gene lock.

If Lin Luo is 10,000 times stronger than the fourth-tier intermediate, it is...

A trillion times?

No wonder Lin Luo's injury can recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "So, if you want to kill me, your destructive power must be greater than the recovery speed of my genes."

Ye Yi said at this time: "After the fourth level is advanced, is it the fifth level?"

"It should be, or maybe not." Lin Luo said: "I entered this stage, I just felt a kind of suppression, but there is absolutely no talk about the way of heaven.

Law. "

Ye Yi laughed, and said, "Novels are indeed deceiving."

Lin Luo patted him on the shoulder, glanced at the light of the moon again, and said: "Do your best, but you don't have to obey the destiny." Pen Fun Library

The two returned to the blue star, and soon they saw Xu Han approaching.

"General Manager Lin." Xu Han was covered in dust and his skin was much darker.

"Just came back from Gray State?" Lin Luo smiled.

"No, it's on Zhu Feng's side." Xu Han said: "The altitude is higher there, and the ultraviolet rays are stronger."

Lin Luo motioned him to sit down, knowing that he had something to say.

According to Xu Han's personality, it is impossible to say that he would put down his work specifically for Lin Luo's return.

Because Xu Han knew very well that Lin Luo didn't care about this.

"Did you discover the information I sent back?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yeah." Xu Han said slowly, telling the situation at that time.

After hearing this, Lin Luo said, "Fortunately, I know that you like to dig things, otherwise I'm really afraid that they won't find them."

"Isn't it the same when you bring it back?" Xu Han said.

"Time is running out," Lin Luo said.

"Have you seen the moon?" Xu Han asked quickly.

Lin Luo glanced at the closed door in front of him, and said, "Don't tell them in advance, you are a non-combatant, I tell you it's okay, according to this strength, and the induction of the Gods List, it will not exceed two years at most..."

Xu Han swallowed when he heard this.

Two years later, is Blue Star going to fight to the death with the whole universe?

If he wins, then Blue Star will no longer have to face any enemies.

If you lose...

There will be no more blue stars in history.

It took Xu Han a long time to calm down, and Lin Luo said: "If you have something to say, just say it."

"After you sent back information about the structure of the Hongmeng system, I started to investigate the Western Huaxia Mountains and discovered an amazing thing..." Xu Han handed Lin Luo a topographic map as he spoke.

"Undercurrent?" Lin Luo was surprised.

"This is not a natural undercurrent, but artificial." Xu Han said.

"How do you know?" Lin Luo asked puzzled.

"Because all the undercurrents here are reversed." Xu Han said: "There is an undercurrent among them, and the height of the crossing even reached a thousand meters."

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