The ice lake in the mountains, with fish in the lake, is a very shocking picture.

Lin Luo squatted down and stroked the ice gently.

There is no temperature.

Even, some high temperature.

This is not scientific.

However, this place is somewhat anti-science.

It's not just the ice problem, but the fish in this frozen lake are too bizarre.

Lin Luo waved his hand, and a gene can directly break the ice. He thought those fish would boil immediately, but unexpectedly, those fish continued to swim around as if they were all right.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being stunned, and Xu Han even called out: "Have you become a master?"

Lin Luo grabbed a fish casually.

This time, the fish finally resisted.

Lin Luo thought it was a mutated fish, but now it seems that it is not.

"Is there something else in this lake?" Xu Han asked in surprise.

"You'll know if you go in and have a look." Lin Luo jumped down directly, and the others followed behind.

Lin Luo didn't give any advice either.

Now that he has reached the fourth-level advanced level, he no longer needs to be like he used to be.

Many things on this blue star can no longer hurt him.

This lake is very deep, even reaching a depth of a thousand meters.

It's shocking...

Who would have thought that there is such an unfathomable ice lake under the world's highest peak.


Finally, Lin Luo came to the bottom of the lake. Although it was gloomy here, Lin Luo and the others were not afraid of this.

Looking under the bottom of the lake, I saw metal lines.

"Go out first." Lin Luo said.

Everyone was puzzled, but still kept up.

When everyone came out to the lake again, Lin Luo jumped away, clasping his hands at the same time...

"Could Commander Lin just want to..." A soldier swallowed his saliva.

And Lin Luo's energy has already slanted down towards the icy lake.

Everyone is surprised.

Lin Luo wanted to use energy to evaporate the entire ice lake alive.

You know, this is a lake thousands of meters deep, and...

Because it is under the mountain, there cannot be too much energy leaking out, otherwise accidents such as the collapse of the mountain will easily occur.

The whole process lasted only five minutes, and when everyone looked over, they only saw a huge deep pit.

that is

It is the bottom of the lake.

Above the bottom of the lake, there is a huge door...

It should be said that the entire lake is a gate.

"The Bronze Gate." Xu Han is an archaeologist, so he saw it at a glance and touched it.

Lin Luo said: "Professor Xu, take a look."

Xu Han flew up, looked down, and suddenly exclaimed: "Isn't this just..."

Lin Luo took a deep breath and said, "It seems that we have found the right place."

Looking at it, it is the same as the undercurrent dug out by Xu Han and the others in this area.

In other words, the entire undercurrent inside is providing energy for this door.

The working group spent a lot of time and it is finally documented.

"Are you sure there is no problem?" Xu Han asked several times seriously.

"Sure." Everyone nodded.

Any power that can be obtained now is a help for Blue Star and them.

At this time, Lin Luo went to check the door cracks that had been marked earlier.

Going deep into the lake, this door still maintains its original appearance, even a little brand new.

What is hidden here?

Could it be that the hidden Great Desolate Palace is here?

Lin Luo signaled the non-combatants to retreat. At this time, he raised his hand and slapped it directly on the bronze door.



An echo sounded, and Lin Luo felt a powerful force flow back.

Lin Luo frowned.

It actually feels like...

The breath of causality.

"Could it be that there is a second causality weapon in this world?" Lin Luo frowned.

While thinking this way, he seemed to recall his intuition.

He lost a memory.

It's just that this memory, he still doesn't recall it now.

Lin Luo took out the secret at this time and looked ahead...

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

Today's secret seems to have some spiritual communication with him.

"What's going on?" Lin Luo checked again, and found that he was not the link, and the secret had indeed undergone some changes.

"Is it because I broke through the fourth-order advanced?"

Lin Luo couldn't figure it out, but he didn't think too much if he couldn't figure it out. He raised his hand, and the power of Tianji exploded directly


This surprised Lin Luo, because Tianji's explosive power was much stronger than before.

When Lin Luo slashed out directly, the surrounding lines actually came alive....

I can only see that those lines protect the impact of the two energies.

"It should... be protecting this mountain." Xu Han thought so, everything is easy to understand.

The real reason why the enemies of the universe in the past could not destroy this mountain was because of the existence of this door.

It was it that protected Zhu Feng from falling.

Just when Xu Han was thinking like this, he suddenly heard the person standing next to him say: "The door is open."

Xu Han heard a bang, and then a dazzling light shot straight out...

Lin Luo looked at the door sitting on the ground, and there was a white flower in front of him.

"Be careful." Lin Luo instructed Xu Han and the others before stepping in.


When going in, Lin Luo went in upside down.

But once inside, everything is normal.

Even for Lin Luo, it is difficult to tell which is positive and which is negative.

Because here is a white space, without any landmarks, even...


"What is this place?" Xu Han asked as he glanced around.

Lin Luo patted his head....

In his memory, he felt that he had been here before.

But when I think about it, I can't remember it at all.

After flying for a long time, they finally saw a building...

There is a stele here with many names engraved on it.

"Central Continent Team..." Lin Luo whispered.

This feeling is very strange, he seems to feel that he has done such a thing before.

"Could it be that there are past and present lives in this world?" Deep down in Lin Luo's heart, he doesn't really believe in the fate of reincarnation.

"Could it be here..." Xu Han's eyes widened.

He had discussed this place with Lin Luo in detail.

Although at the beginning they only knew the name of this place.

"That's right, this should be the independent space created by the Haotian Room for the re-evolution plan: the main god space..." Lin Luo said: "Perhaps, the root of this place is a causal law weapon!"

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