As A Temporary Worker, He Was Actually S Level Encrypted By The State

Chapter 452: The Painting On The Top Of The Mountain

Lin Luo and the others watched this scene expectantly, and a lot of reports came from time to time.

According to the data, a large number of plants died suddenly here, and the melting rate of glaciers is accelerating.

At the same time, from the position of the undercurrent, light continuously emerged.

Lin Luo and the others watched this scene from a high altitude, and they were very shocked.

Because the entire western part of China is shrouded in holy light.



beyond the blue star

The Cosmic United Army on patrol was originally working alternately, and now they have all confirmed that the day of Blue Star's restart is coming soon.

"What do you think that is?" Someone suddenly shouted.

Some people turned around and were surprised to find that there was another light shining from the light of the moon...

When everyone was watching, they suddenly felt a breath of suffocation.

"Hurry up, retreat quickly." A small leader of the combined army reacted very quickly and shouted loudly.

Immediately, everyone retreated.

The emperor on duty in the tent also heard the news, and when he came, he carefully checked the light.

Suddenly, someone from the rear quickly reported: " system..."

The emperor turned back.

"The stars of the solar system are moving!" said the man nervously.

"What did you say?" The emperor was stunned for a moment, then shocked.

That person hurriedly showed the dynamic map of the solar system to the emperor.

The emperor glanced at it, then swallowed his saliva, even a little anxious and frightened.

The movement of the stars is impossible even with a fourth-level advanced weapon and comprehension weapons.

"What are they doing?" The emperor clenched his fists.


Lin Luo and the others naturally didn't know that the stars outside had changed. He only saw the bronze door shrouded in pure white light.

Under everyone's gaze, only the bronze door was slowly closing...

Without even thinking about it, Lin Luo flew directly past the bronze gate, and Xu Han and the others quickly followed.

Fortunately, the closing speed of this door is not fast...


After a loud noise, Lin Luo and the others entered the white space again.

It's just that there is a huge ball of light above the white space.

Lin Luo glanced at it and suddenly felt

A strange force is checking me...

Lin Luo was shocked.

Suddenly, a voice sounded:

"Welcome to the Lord God Space!"

In the next second, a lot of information came from Lin Luo's head...

When Lin Luo finished sorting out the information thoroughly, his face was full of shock.

Sure enough, this main god space is not just as simple as the law of the forest.

It's more like a cage...

Trapping people here gives them unlimited power and a growth environment.

Here, they can get everything they want.

However, only if...


"General Manager Lin, this..." Xu Han and the others obviously received the message.

There are all kinds of weapons, evolution reagents...

Even exercises.

"Unfortunately, it's closed." Lin Luo said.

According to his understanding, this thing should be a space for communication, but it is obviously closed. The reason why he spoke just now is that the system is turned on normally.

Ye Yi, who was next to him, came over and said, "It's not completely fruitless."

Lin Luo looked at him and saw that he said excitedly: "There are many small worlds set up here, all for the purpose of forcing people to evolve. The entrances of these small worlds only need energy to open."

Lin Luo paused, and then Ye handed him some coordinates.

Lin Luo looked at it twice, suddenly realized, and said, "So, my plan can still be realized?"

"That's right." Ye Yi said, "And it's just right."

"If this space is still controlled by this so-called god of death, then those who enter here will inevitably fight to the death." Biqukuku

"Now we can use these little worlds that it creates to train soldiers and not pay that price."

Speaking of this, Ye Yi laughed directly.

Lin Luo frowned.

"Brother, did I say something wrong?" Ye Yi asked.

"No, you're right." Lin Luo said, "I was just thinking that perhaps Ye Su's purpose for creating this place was here."

"Brother thinks highly of him." Ye Yi asked curiously, "What kind of person is Ye Su?"

The reason why he is interested in Ye Su is that the other party

He is the founder of Honghuang Temple, and it is because the other party is also surnamed Ye.

He wondered if they would have anything to do with each other.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "A very principled person."

"Principle?" Ye Yi said, "I thought you would praise him very much."

"He doesn't need compliments from others, and neither do you." Lin Luo patted Ye Yi's shoulder and said.

Ye Yi was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something, smiled and nodded.


Three days later, a group of soldiers called the Lord God Legion was assembled.

This group of people will be sent to the Lord God's Dimension to undergo training.

Lin Luo also repeatedly confirmed the safety of this journey, and finally handed over this matter to Yang Jun to handle.

After staying here for three days, Lin Luo finally made another trip to the top of Zhufeng Mountain.

Standing here, he can look down on the earth.

He looked at the secret in front of him and felt the different atmosphere above.

Suddenly, a blank piece of paper flies in the sky...

Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, and then he noticed that there was a white paper-sized mark on the melted snow and ice on the ground.

Lin Luo flew over directly and took the white paper with one hand.

At first he thought it was some special paper, but when he picked it up, he realized it was an ordinary piece of paper.


It feels so familiar.

Lin Luo touched the ice cold, and when he put his eyes on the white paper, he couldn't leave it anymore.

This one has a big white bear painted on it, with a big belly...

"This is...."

Lin Luo looked at the handwriting on it again, and his pupils shrank involuntarily.

Lin Luo still vividly remembers the scene when Lin Xi asked her to paint.

And, this is the original!

"Lin Xi..."

Lin Luo's mood became somewhat depressed.

After he left that year, he had no way of knowing what happened to Lin Xi.

It's just that he could imagine how sad Lin Xi would cry when he left.

Lin Luo carefully put away the white paper, and when he was about to turn around, he suddenly opened the white paper quickly, looked at the silly big white bear on it, and suddenly thought of something.

Thinking of the end, Lin Luo couldn't help but tremble, and he said slowly: "Sure enough...everything is cause and effect!"

"The Conferred God List is really a good method!"

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