Termes stood on the podium, he couldn't see what those people were saying.

However, he can guess.

At this moment, Owen next to him came up and said, "Mr. President, everything is ready."

Toms narrowed his eyes and smiled.

He cleared his voice, looked at the camera, and said, "Maybe everyone will have doubts in their hearts, what ability do we have to resist aliens?"

"I said, technological capabilities."

"Our Eagle Country is the country with the strongest technological strength in the world."

"We have been contributing to the development of mankind."

"Now, we have made a major breakthrough."

"Everyone, what you are about to see is not a sci-fi movie, it is real!"

"But everyone can also watch this live broadcast as a movie."

"Remember, my friends, this is a historic scene for mankind!"



"what happened?"

When people are wondering, the picture is everything, and people can directly see the starry sky.

"Is this... the universe?"

"Moon, this is the moon!"

Many people soon discovered that this was on the moon.

But, why does the picture appear here?

However, they soon discovered that there are many aircraft on the moon, and there is a huge machine there.

"Eagle Kingdom actually built a base on the moon?"

"Can we humans really set foot in space?"

They were thrilled and terrified at the same time.

Eagle Country...

Hidden so deeply.

But what is this for?

Although the camera cuts here, Temus' voice can still be heard.

"A month ago, our probe b-35 detected a meteorite flying from the constellation Vega."

"As you all know, ten years ago, a meteorite fell on our blue star..."

"We've already had one threat from outer space."

"They spread the virus on Blue Star."

"They're trying to degrade us, they're trying to enslave us!"

"That Dongfang Huaxia has mastered this secret, but he is unwilling to help the whole world."

"They are not willing, but our Eagle Country is willing!"

"Friends, let those outsiders

Star people, feel the strength of our blue star people! "

What Temes said made people all over the world angry.

This is undoubtedly throwing the pot to Huaxia.


Today's Huaxia is shutting down the country and will not come out to refute it.


Countries like the Eagle Country already like to engage in these crimes of framing.

While people were discussing it, a meteor flying with a raging fire appeared on the space scene.

At the same time, a trajectory map of a simulated meteorite is shown on the screen.

"Blue Star?!" Everyone paused.

"The impact force of this meteorite is equivalent to 30 nuclear bombs."

"Yes, you heard me right."

"If this meteorite falls into Eagle Country, then nearly half of our cities will be affected, and most of the cities will be destroyed."

"But don't be afraid, everyone, please look."

All I saw was that on the moon, those staff members were getting busy one after another, and the camera cut to the operating room of the planetary cannon.

"...meteorite path detected."

"start up!"

"The planetary cannon has been activated!"

"Gathering energy..."

"Lock on target."

"The target is too fast to lock on to."

"Lock again."

"The lock is complete!"


"The energy has been accumulated, please fire!"

"Fire!" Temus yelled angrily, and at the same time, the planetary cannon on the screen gathered a red light, and then the screen shook.


The picture became blurred, obviously the signal was disturbed.

However, people can still see from the blurry picture a burning giant shell, carrying an unknown number of nuclear bombs, slamming into the trajectory of the one flying towards the blue star!



boom! ! ! !

In the next second, a sound like a huge wave sounded, and the dark starry sky was completely lit up.

The sky full of sparks is flying in the universe, like a series of gorgeous fireworks, impacting people's cognition.

And that huge meteor was completely reduced to ashes in people's eyes.

People were shocked. Biqu library

Is this really not a sci-fi movie?

Eagle Country...

Really powerful.

"Long live Eagle Country!


"Long live Temus!"

This scene completely conquered many people, they shouted loudly, shouting the name of another country.


under the arctic

Mao Xiong Guo

Jonarev, the head of Maoxiong Kingdom, watched the video quietly, and the two assistants next to him didn't dare to speak.

All three were shocked.

Eagle Country...

It has indeed mastered a different technological power.

This force has surpassed this era.

"My lord, the mood outside is very high right now," the assistant said.

Jonarev didn't speak, his eyes were complicated.

In fact, this meteorite was also detected by the Ministry of Space of Maoxiong Kingdom, but according to the analysis:

This is just an ordinary meteorite, and it will be affected and split when it enters the atmosphere, so it will not have much impact on the world.

It's just that it was taken out and used as propaganda for the Eagle Kingdom.

"We...do we need to do something?" The assistant said cautiously: "The think tank, suggest that we make peace."

Upon hearing this, Jonarev slapped the table abruptly and said:

"Signing that agreement is like being a slave of the Eagle Kingdom."

"And...should it really be able to defeat the alien civilization?"

The two assistants did not speak.

Alien civilization, they have long known.

However, Mao Xiong's national strength is weak, the economy is in a recession, and he has never had the technology to research new weapons.

The assistant next to him boldly said, "Master Guochang, Huaxia is no longer reliable, we really have to start preparing."


At this moment, the people in Huaxia naturally don't know that the whole world except them knows about the alien civilization.

Instead, they are immersed in their own world.

"Look, I gained another muscle today."

"Excellent, my treasure."

"Don't tell me, after exercising, I extended it by dozens of minutes."

"Bragging you."

"You said, when can we really change ourselves."

"Don't worry, we have to trust the country and the chief engineer."

"Then who is the chief engineer?"

"Don't ask, trust the country!"


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