After the military parade ceremony, the Blue Star Alliance announced the General Instructions for the Space War.

With such a large military parade, coupled with the issued general instructions, everyone immediately understood what was about to happen.

At night, Lin Luo looked at the troop adjustment map in front of him and said, "Does anyone have any comments?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Chen An said: "So the final plan is..."

"King vs. King?!"

"Yes." Lin Luo said: "In terms of quantity, if we add ten blue stars, we can't compare with the other party."

"But the combat power at the top, we are not without a chance."

After a pause, Lin Luo continued: "I believe that all our previous difficulties have passed, and this time... we can also pass."

When the meeting dissipated, Zhang San stayed behind. He took off his military cap, looked at Lin Luo and said, "Although I don't know why, I always feel that you still have plans."

Lin Luo nodded.

"Even I can't tell?" Zhang San asked.

"Yes." Lin Luo nodded.

Zhang San thought for a while and didn't ask any more questions.

He turned around and walked outside. After walking a few steps, he suddenly paused and said, "General Manager Lin..."


"What do you think we will win this battle?" Zhang San asked.

"Thirty percent..." Lin Luo thought for a while and gave a number.

"Only..." Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief, and changed his words: "Is it really 30%?"


The moon is really a magical place. After six years of continuous exposure, the divine light here can accurately guide the sunlight in, and can isolate all living things and machines.

It seems that the moon is a place with life.

In the past six years, these astronomical galaxies have been waiting and studying the moon all the time.

As a certain king said...

The time to lift the seal may be the next second.

Therefore, a scientific research team composed of eight major civilizations is stationed here in adulthood.

The leader is a scientist named Dosages.

In addition to lifting the seal, the biggest purpose of their trip is to decipher the light of the moon and master the legendary weapon of causality.

It's a pity that after studying for so long, they couldn't even penetrate the interior of the moon.

"A few days ago, the stars moved, do you remember?" Dosa said

Gus spoke.

Everyone looked at him, and a green-skinned alien said, "Do you think the source of these powers is the power of the stars?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Dosages said: "Power is conserved, but it is not conserved. The real perpetual motion does not actually exist..."

Dosages was talking, and suddenly the ground trembled.

"What's wrong?" someone said.

Dosages saw a crack on the surface of the moon, so he flew up and shouted: "Be careful."

Everyone followed suit.

Then an amazing scene appeared...

All I could see was that the aura of divine light was clearly revealed above that gap, and one could look directly at the bottom of the moon.

Dosages saw that there was a huge ball of light...

However, the photosphere is gradually dimming.

Seeing this, Dosages became extremely excited and said: "The light of the moon is going to be untied, it must be untied."

When everyone heard this, they suddenly woke up.

"What are you still doing in a daze, pass it on quickly." Dosages shouted.

A soldier next to him hurriedly took out the call communicator and reported everything here.


On the blue star, Lin Luo was resting when he suddenly felt the ground shaking.

In fact, due to too many projects during this period, earthquakes often occurred, which is also commonplace.

However, Lin Luo obviously felt that this earthquake was a little different.

When he got up, Xia Qian hurried in.

Lin Luo also realized the seriousness of the matter, and said while walking: "Say."

Xia Qian said quickly: "Three minutes ago, there was a report from the Oceanic Department that the tide was going backward..."

While speaking, Lin Luo had already seen all this on the communicator.

"Moon." Lin Luo took a deep breath and said, "Where are Mr. Yang and the others?"

"I've rushed to plan the battlefield," Xia Qian said.

"Okay..." Lin Luo clenched his fists nervously.

At this moment, Xia Qian noticed that Lin Luo's back was completely soaked.

Everyone knows how strong Lin Luo's psychological endurance is.

Now it seems that his pressure should be very high.

Could it be...

Is there really no possibility of victory?

sink in her

Biqu library

While thinking, Lin Luo in front of her suddenly looked back at her, and Xia Qian realized that she was distracted.

"I'm sorry." Xia Qian said.

Lin Luo didn't mind and said, "Do you know what is the scariest part of war?"

"People will die." Xia Qian said.

"Yes." Lin Luo said: "Even if the war may be won, the dead cannot be brought back to life."

Xia Qian was silent.

The two flew directly to the Huaxia headquarters, and the staff here were already busy.

"You are here." Chen An watched Lin Luo walk in, stepped forward quickly, and said as he walked, "According to the data, the moon has not changed yet, but Ye Yi is sure that if the tide is reversed, it must be related to the moon." .”

Lin Luo glanced at the surveillance screen, then at the moon, and said, "Yes."

Chen An and Xia Qian had a meal.

"The seal is ready to be released." Lin Luo said.

Hearing this, the whole hall suddenly became silent.



Chen An and Xia Qian took a step back suddenly, Lin Luo glanced at the moon again, turned around and said: "Everyone has an order..."

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

"Raise the Blue Star crisis signal!"

"Execute the battle plan..."



The moment the command center sent out the signal, the thousands of troops above the blue star were ready and took off into the sky.

There are blacks, whites, and yellows here.

They used to have skin color and borders, but at this moment...

Many things have been eliminated.

Just like the name of Lin Luo's plan for this war:


"You want to come back, I can't raise the baby." A woman cried and sent a soldier away.

The soldier turned around, kissed his wife, then kissed the child.

In the end, he turned his head resolutely and flew towards space.

At this moment, Lin Luo is standing in the mountains, watching the army rise into the sky...

There is Blu-ray.

white light.

red light.

and many more.

These beams of light converge together to form an extremely beautiful landscape.

Lin Luo's mood was extremely complicated.

This era was his original dream.

However, he did not expect that the enemies he had to face were so many and so powerful.

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