This star gate is not far away, it can even be said to be very close.

Wei An has been following behind, and after flying for about an hour, he finally saw the figure in front of him.

Li Donglai.

And next to it, there is an alien...

This alien is a person from Planet Dorenna.

"Finally found it."

Billy Wei An said so, and waved his hand violently, and the next moment, a powerful force leaned out.

And when Li Donglai sensed this power from the first perspective, he subconsciously protected the Dorona Starman behind his back...

At the same time, he looked up and looked at Billy Vian in horror.

"Are you surprised?" Billy Vian said with a smile: "You thought your plan was perfect, but in my opinion, it's stupid."

Li Donglai frowned.

"What's going on?" the Dorenna star said in horror.

Li Donglai gritted his teeth and said, "When did you follow me?"

"From the time you started." Billy Wei An said: "Don't you think it's ridiculous? A group of people with top combat effectiveness gathered together to break through you, and everyone can see some of the problems."

Li Donglai clenched his fists firmly when he heard this.

"Haha." Billy Wei An laughed and said, "I can feel your despair..."

Li Donglai's pupils suddenly dilated, and he said coldly: "As long as I kill you, all plans will be successful."

"It's just you?" Billy Wei An stood there, and the terrifying energy of the fourth-order advanced was fully displayed at this moment.

At this moment, Li Donglai found it difficult to stand up.

Is there such a big gap between intermediate and advanced levels?

What's more, Li Donglai didn't even have the courage to resist.

The Dorona star wanted to escape, but Billy Wei An just waved his hand, and the other party was restrained.

"Don't run around, you are still useful to me." When Billy Wei An said this, he felt that everything was under control.

he enjoys...

I really enjoy this feeling.

While speaking, he disappeared instantly, and at the same time, a pair of huge golden wings appeared behind him.

Seeing this scene, Li Donglai's instinctive reaction to survive made him burst out with unparalleled strength.

But in front of Billy Wei An, this kind of behavior is simply ridiculous.

Before Li Donglai had time to resist, he felt a chill on his neck...

He touched his neck.

He touched the liquid...

At this moment, the pain came spontaneously.

"Are you finally going to rest?"

"I'm very unwilling, the last battle can't be fought for my country and my planet on the frontal battlefield..."

Li Donglai felt his eyes getting more and more tired, he closed them slowly...

A picture appeared in front of his eyes.

That was when he was eighteen.

Standing under the national flag, he raised his hand and swore...

"I, Li Donglai, am willing to become a soldier and protect my motherland and people!"

He smiled and finally fell down slowly.

And Billy Wei An was slightly displeased when he saw his smile...

Because he saw the mockery of victory in Li Donglai's eyes.

"Illusion?" Billy Wei An thought so.


"All the data of the opposing army has been received."

Inside the communicator was Lin Luo's voice.

When Zhang San heard the voice in the communicator, bloodshot eyes immediately appeared in his pupils.

His emotions are complicated, because of this news, he really wants to hear it, but he doesn't want to hear it.

"I understand." Zhang San said.

"I'm sorry." Lin Luo said.

"You didn't feel sorry for anyone..." Zhang San said, "If you were the only one to carry out this plan, you would go too, right?"

Lin Luo didn't speak, he hung up the communication.

Zhang San also hung up the communication, silently looking at a photo on the table.

There is him, there is Lin Luo, there is Yang Jun, there is Li Donglai....

Unfortunately, Zhang San knew that he would never see Li Donglai again.

The reason why this plan is called the dead man plan is because...

Li Donglai is a dead man.

Generally speaking, the role of a dead man is to attract attention, or to serve others.

Li Donglai is such an existence.

The hundreds of people who broke through the army seemed to be serving Li Donglai.


Not so.

Lin Luo knew very well that these ninth-level civilizations must want to wipe out all the relevant forces on Blue Star as they did back then.

With the brains of Mark Carey and Doris, they should have evacuated early.


The other party may give a


Therefore, there is the Death Plan.

The appearance of Li Donglai will definitely attract everyone's attention.


The person who really passed on the news had just put on his clothes long ago and got mixed up in the alien army.

He even reached Neptune earlier than Li Donglai, and made contact with Mark Carey.

And, send this information back to Blue Star.

While Zhang San was silently mourning, footsteps came from outside the door, Zhang San quickly recovered his face and said, "Come in."

Yang Jun walked in, looked at Zhang San who was not in the right mood, and asked: 'What's wrong? '

After all, Zhang San is a normal person, Li Donglai is gone like this, he can't get back to normal immediately, he said: "It's nothing, just worried."

"It's useless to worry." Yang Jun said: "It's less than a day, we can only trust Lin Luo..."

"I believe him too." Zhang San smiled.

Yang Jun came over, patted Zhang San on the shoulder, took a step, and then he turned around and said, "Tell me, does Lin Luo have any hidden plans?"

Hearing this, Zhang San immediately said: "There must be. He will make plans for every war. You don't know this."

"That's true." Yang Jun heard this, and said with a smile: "You know him best, why don't you guess."

"I think..." Zhang San pondered for a moment, then smiled, and said: "Actually, there is nothing to guess, I think it should be related to the ancient Haotian Room."

"Haotian room?" Hearing this, Yang Jun leaned forward and asked, "Tell me in detail?"

"How can I guess what he's thinking?!" Zhang San said, "It's already pretty good to be able to guess this."

"It's really useless." Yang Jun said so, and Zhang San could only smile.

Actually, he didn't lie.

He suspected that Lin Luo had another plan, and even hid it from him.

Of course, this is just a hunch....

Because he knows Lin Luo too well.

Although Lin Luo is unscrupulous in doing things, what he values ​​most is human life.

This kind of behavior of letting Li Donglai die easily was not done by Lin Luo.


With the enemy at the head, Lin Luo had no choice at all.

Zhang San looked up at the time, at this moment...

There are still 18 hours until the countdown.

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