Lin Luo was indifferent when he saw the head, only his tightly clenched hands replaced his emotions.

As for Xia Qian, her body was already trembling uncontrollably.

What he is holding is the head of her mentor Li Donglai.

Lin Luo raised his hand, and Billy Wei An threw it directly at this time.

The reason why this deal is said to be a deal is because the unlocking of Jade Immortal's Gate was decided by Lin Luo.

If Lin Luo attacked directly like Zhang San at the beginning, then he could kill such a group of people.

Lin Luo took Li Donglai's head firmly and handed it to Xia Qian at this time.

"Master...Master!" Xia Qian's eyes became more and more red. If it wasn't because this was a battlefield, she would have lost control.

However, she stands strong here.

Finally, she carefully packed him in a box and handed it to a soldier behind.

"It's such a deep feeling." Dawn laughed and said, "Actually, I really don't understand. Is it worth it to waste a wave of raid opportunities for the sake of one head?"

"Of course it's worth it." Lin Luo waved his hand, and at this time the secret appeared in his hands.

Dorn glanced at the secret, and said: "It seems that you have obtained the complete secret."

"You know it?" Lin Luo asked.

"Know that much." Dorn said: "It was a failure, but it was restarted later."

"What else?" Lin Luo asked.

"That's all I know. Many secrets of the ancient blue star can't be traced back to the source." Dawn waved his hand at this time, and a weapon slowly appeared.

This scene made Lin Luo slightly astonished, and even...


This is an axe.

And think of the distant ancient times, there is only one that can be famous in the form of an axe:

Pan Gu Axe!


Pan Gu, that is an indomitable figure.

There are too many legends about him.

Lin Luo had thought that the Pangu Ax might be the same as the Donghuang Bell, and it was set to be used only by Blue Star's descendants.

But now, the other party took it out.

Then it proved that his guess was wrong.

"Surprised?" Don said with a smile.

"I finally understand why those emperors are headed by you." Lin Luo said.

As soon as the words came out, than

Li Wei'an and the others changed their expressions, but Dawn said abruptly, "Stop sowing discord here."

"This is something you all have to face..." Lin Luo said coldly.

While speaking, Lin Luo and Donn fiercely launched a wave of confrontation.

Tianji and Pangu's ax collided across the sky.


At this moment, a huge elliptical ball of light formed between the sky and the earth.

Afterwards, the continuous energy formed an air current, setting off waves of energy gusts in the universe.

This scene caused everyone around to frown.

As for those soldiers, they hurriedly avoided them, and those who were unfortunately involved died on the spot.

Among these soldiers, there are aliens and blue stars...

Xia Qian watched this scene silently, what she didn't quite understand was that Lin Luo was not such a rough person.

If it was before, Lin Luo knew that this level of confrontation would happen, and would have kept those heavenly soldiers away in advance.

But this time Lin Luo didn't...

It seemed that Lin Luo suddenly became cold-blooded and ruthless.

Xia Qian has thought about it, maybe it is the influence of the fourth-order advanced...

Or maybe, Lin Luo really can't calculate so much, he is too tired.

"Little girl, this is not the time to be in a daze." Just as Xia Qian was meditating, a blue divine light descended across the sky.

Before Xia Qian could react, Lan Guang had already come to her side.

While the emperor was secretly delighted, a golden light suddenly appeared...

Then a golden divine bell covered Xia Qian, resisting this wave of attacks.

"It's interesting that he actually gave you the Eastern Emperor Bell..." The emperor held a long whip.

Damage magic whip.

The magic damage whip is also well-known in the ranking list of artifacts, and it is extremely aggressive.

However, in terms of popularity and description, it is not as good as the Donghuang Bell.

Xia Qian glanced at the long whip in the opponent's hand, and slowly raised her hand...


Lin Luo gave her the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Although she didn't understand why.

Logically speaking, Yang Jun's combat power is stronger than hers, so he should be the one to take it.

However, Lin Luo didn't explain much.

"Can you use it?" The emperor looked at Xia Qian jokingly, and said, "Do you want me to teach you?"


While speaking, he waved his long whip, and then a blue light flashed across the starry sky, rushing towards Xia Qian.


On top of the eastern and western battlefields, there is actually another battlefield.

However, this battlefield is rather special.

This is the southern battlefield.

Waiting here is the beast army led by Dabai.

Dabai really doesn't look like a leader, because its belly is too big and it lacks momentum.

On the contrary, Lin Yue's Candle Dragon has grown into an adult, exuding divine power...

However, in Blue Star, everyone knows that the strongest beast is not Lin Yue, the legendary dragon.

big white..

Such a simple and honest white bear is the strongest animal.

And what they have to face is the legion led by the three emperors.

"You should be Dabai. We have collected your information, and we are very curious about you." The leading emperor, named Barnett, greedily looked at the group of animals in front of him, with only one thought in his mind...

That is, these animals are all for their use.

Dabai looked at them expressionlessly, but Lin Yue said, "Uncle, can you stop talking so much? Uncle Dabai usually doesn't talk to people like you."

Barnett was taken aback for a moment. At this moment, Lin Yueshenlong swayed his tail, and his figure directly enlarged.

When the candle dragon's body became longer, it was thousands of meters long.

Her eyes twinkle..

One black and one white.

Candle Dragon's supernatural powers are here!

When Barnett saw that the starry sky was also divided into two sides, he took a step back.

But in the next second, the space stagnates...

Unexpectedly, Barnett was not afraid of being overjoyed, and said loudly:

"Sure enough, Candle Dragon is really the top talent owner of the Dragon Clan, hahaha, I never thought that I would still be able to capture one in my lifetime."

Lin Yue frowned, her temper was already violent, and at this moment all the power of the supernatural power was poured into it...

I only saw the moment when the supernatural power directly bound Barnett, and was about to shatter his divine form...

However, a burst of purple power suddenly burst out from his body, not only resisting this magical power, but also rebounding the magical power back.

Lin Yue soared into the starry sky, her original joy turned into astonishment and fear...

Because of this distance and her figure, she had no time to dodge.

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