Ding Jun saw this and believed it.

Ding Jun never mentioned these things to anyone.

The reason why Lin Luo knew it was because Lin Luo asked Ding Jun to tell him.

At that time, Ding Jun thought that Lin Luo was using this to threaten him or something, but he never thought that Lin Luo was using it here.

However, he doesn't have any memory anymore. Biqu library

"I think you are already very successful now. With your ability and skill, it is very simple to build an empire of your own in this place..."

"Everything I say next, you need to make a judgment yourself."

"I'm from the future."

"So, you won't remember me."

"However, it doesn't matter."

"You see the portrait behind the text, it is a piece of data."

"A piece of data that belongs to the future."

"You can give this piece of data to Honghuang Palace and Haotian Room..."

"Remember, don't get involved, it's for your safety."

When Ding Jun saw this, he couldn't help being a little shocked.

Cheng Su Su said, Lin Luo is not from this time and space...

Now it seems that this is actually true?

future people...

I actually came into contact with people from the future.

Ding Jun continued to read.

"Don't let Lin Xi know about this matter."

"For her, I'll leave it to you..."

"Lin Luo."

Seeing the back, Ding Jun was not calm anymore.

There is indeed a piece of data in front of me.

If this piece of data really comes from the future, it will have a huge impact on this era.

Thirty years have passed, but this era is still in the midst of constant separatist wars.

The Great Desolation Hall and the Haotian Room have become the pillars of the East, but the genetic power of other areas of Blue Star is also constantly improving.

"Come here." Ding Jun shouted.

At this time, the assistant came in.

"Contact the senior management of Honghuang Palace and Haotian Room..." Ding Jun said.

The assistant paused.

As Ding Jun once said before, don't have any interaction with them.

"I'll arrange it now," the assistant said.

Ding Jun added another sentence, saying: "Tell them, I want to see their top person in charge."


Ye Su and Chen Haotian didn't expect that it was because of a third party that they met again after a lapse of ten years.

These days, these two

Individuals began to have some estrangement.

Because Ye Su discovered that Chen Haotian's appetite was getting bigger and bigger, and the things he did were getting more and more crazy. Biqu library

Therefore, Ye Su began to subconsciously stay away from Chen Haotian.

Now, both of them are big figures in Blue Star, and most people really can't see them.

Of course...

Ding Jun is different.

He holds the most wealth in the world.

When the two of them saw Ding Jun, they still didn't show any good looks.

"Speak directly if you have something to say, I'm not free." Ye Su said coldly.

In fact, he once persuaded Chen Haotian.

However, Chen Haotian has already become obsessed with this road, becoming more and more crazy as he goes.

"You two, don't be so wary." When Ding Jun was speaking, he handed them two documents and said, "Someone asked me to give it to you."

When Chen Haotian and Ye Su heard this, they looked at the document.

Not long after, the pupils of the two changed at the same time.

The data and backups in front of the two people are different...,.

What Chen Haotian placed here was a new type of genetic data, including animals and fourth-order genes.

On Ye Su's side, there is a document on cultivation technology...

And, in a word.

"The future Haotian room will be crazy."

When Ye Su saw the last sentence, he already believed in the authenticity of this data.

He opened his mouth slowly and asked Ding Jun, "Who gave it to you?"

"I can't say." Ding Jun said.

Both Ye Su and Chen Haotian looked at Ding Jun unkindly.

If it is said that Ding Jun has such a powerful force, he must be the object of their fear.

Unexpectedly, Ding Jun continued: "My data has been handed over to you, I am just a businessman." '

"Next, what you are going to do has nothing to do with me."

Hearing this, Ye Su and Chen Haotian glanced at each other.

Because there is another sentence in the information of the two people:

The enemy of the future blue star is in the universe!


Half an hour later, Ding Jun stood on the tall building, watching Ye Su and Chen Haotian leave.

Suddenly, he saw his hands decaying rapidly....

And, white hair appeared.

"Boss Ding!" The assistant at the back was stunned when he saw this scene.

Ding Jun waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

Although he didn't understand what happened, there is a high probability that he helped Lin Luo.


However, Ding Jun did not regret it.

What he lost was at most a hundred years of life.

However, Lin Luo left such a handwriting, it must be because of some difficulties he encountered in the future.

"Hope, you can solve it." Ding Jun thought so, and breathed a sigh of relief.

For thirty years, he has always had a breath in his heart.

Now, it's a little more relaxed.

Because Ding Jun understands...

This man named Lin Luo had helped him a lot.

Ding Jun...

Is a grateful person.

But, does the Lin Xi he talks about really exist?

Why did Cheng Susu never mention it?


The stars move.

space warp.

This is not Lin Luo's handwriting...

Rather, it was on the list of gods.

Lin Luo stood there indifferently, but unexpectedly the system's voice rang out: "Are you trying to die?"

"I'm sorry..." Lin Luo said.

The system fell silent.

At this moment, what is shown above is that Lin Luo's system has begun to accumulate a large number of causal points...

ten thousand.

Twenty thousand.

Thirty thousand.


This number is constantly soaring.


Lin Luo once left such a big handwriting in ancient times, it must have rewritten history.

And the consequence of rewriting history is that he will get a lot of causal points.

as well as...


"Woo woo woo~~~"

Dabai suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Luo, tears of excitement appeared in his pupils.

Lin Luo smiled. He walked over slowly, hugged Dabai, and said, "Dabai, thank you for being with me all the way..." Pen Fun Library

Dabai whimpered and cried, and the whole bear's mood became wrong.

It can feel that Lin Luo's vitality is disappearing.

This time, there was no longer Lin Xi to help him resist the evil consequences of karma.

Lin Luo glanced around, and finally, he looked at Blue Star.

Suddenly, he smiled.

Compared with ancient times, the current Blue Star is much smaller.

The environment is also much worse.

However, in Lin Luo's eyes, Blue Star is the most beautiful planet.

He has fought for this planet for so many years, there are people he wants to protect....

Now, it's time to say goodbye.

Blue Star's future, without him.

However, Blue Star will have a future.

A different future.

When the causal points in the system reached a million, Lin Luo slowly poured it into the good fortune jade plate....

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