The whole plan can be divided into three stages.

In the first stage, eradicate all enemies of Blue Star.

This enemy does not kill all the people in the hostile galaxy.

So, use the method of exclusion.

Zhang San's plan is that anyone who participated in the Blue Star War...

Direct reports, as well as anyone in affiliation, must be cleared.

If the galaxy takes the initiative to surrender, it can even avoid the destruction of the galaxy.

This point is the bottom line and the most basic principle of Blue Star.

This plan is considered.

The enemy is to be eliminated, but there must not be too many killings.

At present, there are five major ninth-level civilizations destroyed.

This is enough to shock all the galaxies in the universe, and let them weigh the fate of going against Blue Star.

The second stage is to establish the peaceful order of the universe.

Open the source of scientific and technological civilization for free, provide physical and technological knowledge support for backward galaxies, improve the environment of the universe, and establish an alliance between the east and the west of the universe.

The third stage is to implement the classification system.

It is basically the same as today's hierarchical civilization, but the difference is that Blue Star will block all knowledge about the fourth-order genes and news of cultivation weapons.

This is not because Zhang San has the idea of ​​ruling the universe.

But he knows that if he wants to kill the source of the war.

The first is to ensure that Blue Star is at the strongest center.

Second, weaken the power in the hands of the opponent.

As long as the senior management of Blue Star is not overwhelmed by power, the universe will always maintain a peaceful development.

When the Blue Star Center plan was announced, the entire universe boiled.

Some people lamented Lan Xing's kindness, because Lan Xing finally stopped killing and only targeted evil war fighters.

Some people also felt that maybe Blue Star wanted to rule the universe and started to kill the high-level power.


Zhang San looked at the report handed over by Mark Carey, and just nodded slightly.

During this process, Mark Carey kept watching Zhang San's expression changes, and when Zhang San raised his head, he hurriedly said, "How is it?"

Zhang San said: "As expected."

Mark Carey pondered, and heard Zhang San say again: "The question is, what do you think?"

Mark Carey laughed dryly immediately, and said: "I naturally know that Blue Star's grand strategy is to avoid war, but...


"Do you really think so?" Zhang San said.

Mark Carey dared not speak.

"I know what you think. Whether it's you or many people in Blue Star, they think that I want to sit in this position, so they want to compliment me and go to Lin Luohua." Zhang San looked at Mark Carey , said: "But do you know what Lin Luo means to me?"

Mark Carey was stunned, then lowered his head, and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to test, but..."

"Lin Luo told me about you." Zhang San said, "He said that Dorenna Star cannot be trusted, but you can."

Mark Carey paused.

"You don't have to trust me, but you must trust Lin Luo." Zhang San said, "Since Lin Luo entrusts me with this burden, then I won't be the kind of person you imagined."

Mark Carey suddenly realized, and then nodded again and again.

"On the other side of the universe, it's not convenient for us to come forward. There are many things that you need to deal with. You can take full control of some things, but some... I still hope you can report them." Zhang San said.

"I understand." Mark Carey said: "It's just that, if you don't do it, someone will push you to do it now that it's in the limelight."

Hearing this, Zhang San sighed and patted him on the shoulder.

Mark Carey would also agree, saying, "I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

"Yes." Zhang San nodded and watched him leave.

After Mark Carey left, Zhang San sat there and began to read the documents.

At this moment, Ye Yi and Xu Han walked in excitedly.

Since the end of the war, Great White has disappeared.

Ye Yi also disappeared.

However, Zhang San always knew why Ye Yi was there.

Ye Yi said to look for the wreckage of the list of gods.

When Lin Luo disappeared, the list of gods also disappeared.

It's a pity that they searched for a long time, but they couldn't find the shadow of the list of gods.

Now, they suddenly appeared, which surprised Zhang San.

"We found it!!" Ye Yi said extremely excitedly.

Zhang San jumped up from the chair and said excitedly, " it true?"


Lin Luo didn't know if the time here was equal to the time outside.

But Lin Luo feels like ten thousand years have passed here, every time

Every time Lin Luo had to exert his last bit of strength.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Lin Luo tried, it was difficult to break through the barriers of the sinking space.

Moreover, he has not had any promotion yet.

"This list of gods is amazing. Could it be that people are just locked here to die, and then called obliteration?" Thinking of this, Lin Luo couldn't help closing his eyes teasingly.

Now his daily life is to harden the space, and then rest and restore his body.

Every day.

Although there is no progress every day, Lin Luo is still confident.

As long as he can live and only have hope, that is enough for Lin Luo.

Cheng Susu disappeared, but fortunately, the system is still there.

Occasionally, Lin Luo can also tease the system a few words.

Days like this are not boring.

However, with the passage of time, Lin Luo's strength has not changed, but his memory is really slowly recovering.

On the thirty-eighth day here, Lin Luo finally remembered a name:

Lord God space.


"It's not the list of gods." Ye Yi said excitedly: "We traced the depths of the black hole of the universe and found this inside."

While talking, Ye Yi handed Zhang San a document.

Zhang San glanced at it, and then said pleasantly: "The good fortune jade plate?"

"Yes." Ye Yi said: "Ever since you got the Good Fortune Jade Disk from other galaxies, it has been in Brother Lin Luo's hands, and we only think it is a key to start the list of gods."

"However, it now appears that the truth is not the case."

Zhang San asked: "How is that?"

"Look at this." Ye Yi swiped lightly, and a large amount of data filled the projection screen in the entire conference room.

Zhang San glanced around, swallowed his saliva, and said, "Is this really something hidden in the good luck jade dish?"

"Yes." Ye Yi said pleasantly: "Here is the record of all the data about the main god's space, the data of human organisms, and..."

"A plan."

Ye Yi clapped his hands. At this time, the surrounding picture changed, and only a line of words appeared on it:

Perfect Human Project!

Zhang San frowned.

He has always believed that a perfect human being is impossible.

This is a scam.

He just wanted to speak, but Ye Yi's next sentence touched Zhang San's nerves.

"Brother Lin Luo, maybe you can come back to life!"

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