"Let's go!"

Qin Shu vomited blood and blocked the fatal attack for Lin Luo.

Lin Luo clutched his wound, his eyes full of unbearable...


I just can't bear it.

Qin Shu saw it, although he didn't know why.

With a loud shout, he rushed forward to stop A Dingshan, and at the same time shouted: "Cao Xinyue, take Lin Luo away, he can't die, hold on... until the captain returns."

When Qin Shu was speaking, Cao Xinyue, with a sad face, directly picked up the injured Lin Luo, and walked down the mountain tremblingly.

There was only one newcomer from the Zhongzhou team following behind.

Everyone knew that the Central Continent team staying there would all die.

In this battle, the Zhongzhou team also killed a lot of people from the Nanzhou team, but as I said before...

A Dingshan is invincible without Su Chen.

With Lin Luo and the others' strength, it's okay to barely deal with Antu Sheng.

Lin Luo's consciousness was almost blurred. He looked at Cao Xinyue and his breathing became short of breath.

"You... let's go." Lin Luo said.

"No... no, without you, we will still lose in the end." Cao Xinyue said.

While speaking, her steps became faster, and she said: "Hurry up, the captain must be back soon."

Lin Luo didn't speak, he closed his eyes, so...

No one saw the guilt in his eyes.



At the moment when Qin Shu died and the communicator was disconnected, Zhang Xiaodong was surprised to see Su Chen soaring into the air.

It's three days?

Isn't there still six hours?

When Zhang Xiaodong was surprised, Su Chen suddenly grabbed him with one hand.

At this moment, Su Chen is like a demon, with black and red energy surging from his body.

Then, they flew westward quickly.

Zhang Xiaodong thought for a long time before he understood...

Su Chen actually broke through the restrictions given to him by the Lord God?


Zhang Xiaodong suddenly remembered what Lin Luo had said to him before he came.

Every world has a protagonist.

The protagonist of Team Zhongzhou is Su Chen.

In fact, Zhang Xiaodong really wanted to tell Lin Luo at that time that if there was enough time, Lin Luo's future road must go further than Su Chen.

Without Su Chen, there would be no Zhongzhou team today.

But without Lin Luo, they couldn't get here.

To a certain extent, Lin Luo is still a newcomer.

After three months, they became the core of the team, and repeatedly relied on their ingenuity to win against teams stronger than them.

"Hold on..."

"You must hold on, Lin Luo."

Su Chen muttered to himself, and then the speed became unattainable.



Hoo hoo~~~

"Sister...I can't run anymore." The newcomer looked at his neck, where a lot of blood gushed out.

When Cao Xinyue heard this, she burst into tears.

This newcomer died to protect her.

"Sister, I..." The newcomer slowly fell to the ground, and said the sentence he most wanted to say after entering here: "I like you."

After speaking, he completely lost consciousness.

"No!!!!" Cao Xinyue shouted in despair, her eyes were already red.

However, there was nothing she could do.

She is a person with spiritual power genes, not a combatant.

She howled.

"You guys are at a loss." Adingshan approached them step by step with Antu Sheng and the remaining four Nanzhou players.

Lin Luo has completely lost his fighting power at this moment, and in their view, these two people are lambs to be slaughtered.

Enduring the pain, Lin Luo looked at him and said, "What are you waiting for?"

Adingshan said: "I was wondering if you could be of use to me."

Lin Luo panted, and said, "I said I can, will you believe me?"

When A Dingshan heard this, he finally became murderous. He walked over with one step, and the moment he swung the powerful spiritual power...

Suddenly, the ground cracked, and then Adingshan took a few steps back.

The desperate Cao Xinyue suddenly opened her eyes wide, and saw Su Chen flying towards Su Chen, pulling Zhang Xiaodong, and landing in front of her and Lin Luo. Biqu library

"Captain, captain, Brother Qin Shu and the others..." Cao Xinyue cried in despair, her nose mixed with blood.

Su Chen glanced at them, and said coldly: "I know everything..."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo looked into Su Chen's eyes and smiled wryly: "I'm sorry, it's still..."

Su Chen didn't speak, but just looked at Lin Luo's eyes with a little more shock.

Lin Luo didn't mind either, but Zhang Xiaodong hurried forward to support him, and at the same time asked Cao Xinyue, "Sister, are you okay?"

Cao Xinyue says

Said: "Go and help the captain."

Zhang Xiaodong was about to do what she said, but Lin Luo said, "It's not necessary."

The two were stunned.

But I heard Lin Luo continue to say: "Now Su Chen, one person...is equal to a Nanzhou team."


"He can fly?!" Adingshan and Antu Sheng realized something.

But by the time I wanted to say anything, it was already too late.

They only saw Su Chen in the blink of an eye, and came in front of them.

"What are you pretending to be?" Antu Sheng said coldly.

His previous victory against the Zhongzhou team made him full of confidence.

However, when his energy collided with Su Chen, he really realized what the gap is.


As soon as he touched it, his arm was directly severed, and then a lot of blood flowed out.

Adingshan hurriedly followed, but Su Chen turned around like a demon, and tore off Antu Sheng's head.

A Dingshan was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

However, what made him even more desperate was yet to come.

A Dingshan's blow with all his strength couldn't shake Su Chen at all.

"You..." A Dingshan swallowed, finally realizing that something was wrong.

And Su Chen was standing there, looking straight at A Dingshan. Biqu library

Finally, he made a move.

When Su Chen's hand pulled out A Dingshan's heart, there was not even a trace of emotion.

The remaining members of the Nanzhou team saw this scene and fled in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo got excited and shouted, "Don't let them get away."

While speaking, he even pushed Zhang Xiaodong.

Zhang Xiaodong hurriedly chased after a person.

And Su Chen didn't stop, and chased after him.

After about half an hour, Su Chen and Zhang Xiaodong rushed back with three heads and one head.

Afterwards, Su Chen threw Lin Luo off the ground while directly throwing his head away.

"Captain!! What are you doing?!" Cao Xinyue was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed.

Su Chen looked at Lin Luo with bloodshot pupils, and said, "Say, why?"

"What why?" Lin Luo asked.

"Don't let them pretend to be stupid with me!" Su Chen shouted: "Isn't all of this your plan? Are you human? They are all your comrades-in-arms!!"

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