When he understood everything, Lin Luo gasped.

He began to understand that from the moment he got the list of gods, he had entered into Chen Haotian's calculations.

Of course, the list of gods did help Lin Luo and Blue Star solve the crisis of the universe.

However, everything is just Chen Haotian's tricks.

Lin Luo lowered his head, writing and drawing on the ground.

He knew some of Chen Haotian's plan, but it was not complete and needed to be deliberated.

It can already be known that the civil war in Blue Star should be the encirclement and suppression of Chen Haotian.

as well as...

Chen Haotian should be preparing to step into the fifth-order gene lock.


Whether it's Adam Locke or Su Chen, they've only touched the edge.

However, Chen Haotian can already enter.


Chen Haotian was sitting on the coffin, just as he got up, a ray of seven-colored divine light shone down from the sky.

Tracing the source, the ones emitting divine light come from the seven stones above the Haotian Room.

These stones irradiate the Haotian room, which seems to be a means of suppression.

"Cheng Susu..." Chen Haotian gritted his teeth and said, "Good method."

When speaking, Chen Haotian's face was full of hatred.

Lin Luo must be very surprised here.

What kind of person was Chen Haotian in the past?

Even the death of a small life will make a sound of regret.

Today's Chen Haotian is plotting to murder the entire universe.

He looked ahead, his thoughts gradually blurred...


ancient times.

Today, it is the pinnacle of Blue Star, the overlord of the universe, unmatched by anyone.

"Haotian, is it really possible?"

In the main hall of Honghuang Palace, Ye Su looked at the plan in front of him with a big belly.

This plan is the Lord God Space Plan.

"Yuwen Taiyi and the others have stayed at the fourth-level advanced level for too long." Chen Haotian said: "I think, if there is no other force to join, we will stay here forever."

Hearing this, Ye Su fell into deep thought.

It would be a lie to say that no one wants to know what the fifth level is like.

However, the greater the power, the more chaotic the world will be.

Today's Blue Star seems to be peaceful, but five large-scale wars have actually broken out.

The first war was the East-West war


This one is the war that Lin Luo has seen.

The second time was the internal war in the east, with Pangu and Donghuang Taiyi as the camps. This battle was a world-shattering battle, and finally ended the war with the establishment of the ancient heavenly court.

The third time is space war.

This war was the largest and the most dead.

However, most of the dead are people from the universe.

The fourth time is still the Eastern War.

With the increasing number of fourth-level seniors, the camp headed by Pangu and Donghuang Taiyi began to experience turmoil. This was the most chaotic period.

However, in such a chaotic period, all galaxies in the universe dare not move around.

Because it was a branch of the ancient heaven back then, capable of killing the entire universe.

After the Fourth War, Blue Star entered a long period of peace, also known as the Great Age of the Universe.

This period of prosperity lasted for eight thousand years.

Until, the fifth war.

The fifth war was a big melee between forces, very similar to that sentence.

For a long time, we must unite, and for a long time, we must divide.

The old forces such as Gu Tianting and the Pangu clan made a strong move against the major forces.

In the end, Blue Star was divided into nine major forces.

Among them, the western heaven occupies one power, and the other eight powers are all in the east.

The Haotian Room and the Honghuang Palace occupy two forces, the Ancient Heavenly Court, the Pangu Clan, the Nuwa Clan, the Xuanyuan Family and so on.

The division this time brought Blue Star into a long-term peace, and the major forces signed a never-war agreement.

There is a detailed description in it. Once the strength reaches the fourth-level advanced level, it needs to accept the supervision of major forces.

Once someone makes trouble, the major forces can unite to destroy it.

Contradictions and disputes above the fourth level, the major forces can join in the resolution.

Such an agreement is nothing more than that everyone knows a little bit...

The stronger the power, the greater the destructive power.

At this moment, Chen Haotian gave this plan to Ye Su, and it was already the 10,000th year after the Fifth World War.

These ten thousand years have been peaceful, and the Blue Star and the universe are developing rapidly. Biqu library

Ye Su glanced at it and said, "Do you need to report this to the Alliance?"

Chen Haotian didn't speak, tapped his finger on the table lightly, then raised his head and said: "Do you think Yuwen Taiyi and the others will agree?"

Ye Su was silent.

"We joined hands to create a blue star, but we are not the strongest now. Pangu, Nuwa, and Donghuang Taiyi are far beyond us."

"Even, they still want to check and balance us..."

"Ye Su, haven't you always wanted to develop a weapon that surpasses prehistoric technology?"

"This is an opportunity."

Chen Haotian's voice was sonorous and powerful, listening to Ye Su's heartbeat.

How Chen Haotian changed, Ye Su didn't know.

But Ye Su was a mad scientist from beginning to end.

He hopes to develop stronger weapons.

Even if this weapon was only researched, it was eventually destroyed.

"The Lord God Space will not be aggressive, it's just an experiment, when you set a switch, we can end him." Chen Haotian said.

Hearing this, Ye Su's heart was finally moved. He took the plan and said, "The problem is, we can't hide it from them."

"Who said that?" Chen Haotian took out a blueprint and handed it to Ye Su, who was startled when he saw it.

This is a detailed map of the underground palace, which is full of technological power.

According to the current construction capacity of Blue Star, this underground palace will take at least three months to build.

Three months is already a very exaggerated number.

"This matter, I only tell you." Chen Haotian said.

Ye Su was silent, he looked at the drawing, and finally only asked one question: "Haotian, what is your goal?"

"Of course I want to see a higher power." Chen Haotian said: "Our ideals are the same, don't you want to see what kind of existence is the most perfect gene combined with the most perfect weapon?"

Hearing this, Ye Su finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Don't worry, the Lord God Space has a destruction function..." Chen Haotian said: "We can restore everything inside with one click."


"Three million and eighty thousand." Chen An looked at the report to Ye Yi.

But at this moment, he clearly saw that Ye Yi was a little uneasy.

"What's the matter?" Chen An said with a smile: "We're all halfway done, shouldn't we be happy?"

"I was just thinking, if brother Lin Luo came back to life with a single cell, is it a new human being, or the old him..." Ye Yi said anxiously.

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