The system naturally ignores Lin Luo, after all...

The bug was found.

"If I do this, will I be obliterated when I return to reality?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yes." The system said indifferently.

"Don't scare me." Lin Luo said, "It's definitely not like that."

The system said again: "Actually, your thoughts should not be spent here. What you should think about is, what can you do? Even if you can get countless geniuses from this system, what's the use?"

Hearing this, Lin Luo was not only not angry, but instead smiled and said, "Why, you got hit, you broke your defense?"

The system is silent.

"However, what you said is right." Lin Luo said bitterly: "If Chen Haotian's plan succeeds, how should I break the situation."

When Lin Luo spoke, he sighed.

Because, once Chen Haotian's plan is successful, then an extremely terrifying monster will be born...

The legendary fifth order.


"This is the data of the main god's space."

Ye Su handed a document to Chen Haotian, Chen Haotian picked it up and looked at it, and was taken aback for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Ye Su asked.

"Nothing." Chen Haotian smiled.

In fact, what he didn't tell Ye Su was that the main god's space seemed to be independent, and even Ye Su, the creator, couldn't control it.

However, Chen Haotian can.

This is a loophole in the main god space, that is to say...

In that world, Chen Haotian is the main god.

In his plan, the winner of the main god space, that is, Su Chen, finally accepts the power of the Creator God of the East and West, and walks towards the gate of the fifth level...

However, on the way to advance, Chen Haotian will make a move to seize the results.

Chen Haotian has calculated that the chances of obtaining this force are great.

"It's a bit strange." Ye Su glanced at the information and said, "It seems that the so-called causality weapon still needs to replace a system."

"What to replace?" Chen Haotian asked.

"The most powerful aspect of the law of causality is that you can use the energy generated by the dislocation of time and space to achieve certain effects..." Ye Su said: "For example, the secrets that we cannot complete can be completed in the space of the main god."

Oh Chen Haotian

Nodding his head, he felt a little guilty.

Because he thought Ye Su had found something.

Chen Haotian rewrote part of the data of the main god's space. In the last battle, what Ye Su saw was that all the people who entered the main god's space returned safely, but they only evolved to the fourth level.

Regarding these, Ye Su had no doubts, because the division of labor between them and Chen Haotian was very clear, Ye Su was in charge of research, and Chen Haotian was in charge of proofreading the data samples.

"Then, in reality, the secret is also completed." Ye Su said.

Chen Haotian smiled and just nodded.

In fact, he was very worried that Ye Su would ask him to find one or two participants in the main god space.

If that's the case, a bigger lie needs to be fabricated.

"Should we prepare for the second phase?" Ye Su asked again.

"No need." Chen Haotian said: "The result has already come out, so there is no need."

"It's a pity." Ye Su patted Chen Haotian on the shoulder and said, "Haotian, in fact, it may be a good thing that the fifth level has not been researched."

Chen Haotian smiled and said: "It's just a little regretful."

Ye Su smiled and continued to work, leaving only Chen Haotian there wondering what to think.


Why did Chen Haotian have to study it and get the fifth order?

It's not that Chen Haotian has any regrets. Biqu library

It's his growing desire, and...

He wants to rebuild the world.

Chen Haotian started as an unknown researcher, was questioned by the research institute, and was finally fired.

Subsequently, he spent ten years in a barren life.


In the time and space that Lin Luo traveled through the past, Chen Haotian's development was fairly smooth.

However, for Chen Haotian in real history, these ten years have been too dark.

Not every era has a bole like Lin Luo.

If we want to find a similar person in modern times, then this person is not Lin Luo, but Zhu Yihui.

Zhu Yihui is lucky, because in the darkest days, he met Lin Luo.

But the people who helped Chen Haotian at the beginning were thinking of using Chen Haotian.

After that time, Chen Haotian entered his second dark period.

During this period, Chen Haotian was completely blackened.

He wants to establish a real fair

In this world, everything is in his hands.

Of course, he also knew that all this was a bit unreal.

Therefore, he wants to master power.

He knows that only by mastering the power can he do what he wants to do.

What really made him change like this was because of one person...

a woman.

This person, even Lin Luo has seen it before, and he and Ding Jun went to deal with them.

She used to be someone Chen Haotian liked.

But, during his darkest period, she died.

Even after Chen Haotian saved many people, he gradually became stronger.

However, she couldn't come back.

Chen Haotian didn't think about how to revive her, because when she died, Chen Haotian didn't even keep a trace of her body.

For Chen Haotian, this was extremely painful.

He attributed this pain to the world's fault and his incompetence.


Another two months have passed, and the progress of the resurrection plan has reached an extremely rapid stage.

Ye Yi and his group of scientists were shocked by the news that the center of Starlink was actually the moon.

After the original moon's light disappeared, the moon became a dark satellite.

Even, from the side of the blue star, the moon is black.

So, again, the Moon became the center of everyone's research.

On the fifth day, a meeting that brought together all the top scientists was held in Huaxia.

This time, Zhang San also attended.

The debate at the meeting was very intense. Some people said that the ancestors were too powerful to predict such things.

However, this topic was rejected by an old scientist on the spot.

"I think that using coincidence to collide with this theory doesn't fit." The scientist stood up and said very excitedly.

He is an old academician of Huaxia, and he speaks very forcefully.

"I think a theory can be put forward..." He said slowly: "Whether this plan has been implemented. '

Hearing this, everyone paused.

At that time, Ye Yi and Zhang San looked up at the same time.

The so-called conjecture is to be bold.

"I don't think it's surprising if Blue Star has ever carried out a resurrection plan." The old scientist continued: "The moon was built from this."

Biqu library

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