The sun was setting.

Chen Haotian stood on the top of the mountain.

Ye Su was also standing there, and they watched the sunset together.

"It's been a long time since we came here." Chen Haotian said.

This is the place where he and Ye Su met for the first time.

That is, from the moment Honghuangdian and Haotianshi decided to join forces, Blue Star's fate was completely changed.

Yes, that's one small step for them, one giant leap for mankind.

"I don't remember." Ye Su said.

Chen Haotian said: "I still remember that it has been fifty-three thousand and eight years and seven days."

Ye Su frowned and said, "Time flies so fast."

"Yes." Chen Haotian said.

"People change really fast." Ye Su's voice changed.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew up.

The two were silent.

"If you have something to say, just say it." It was Chen Haotian who spoke.

"Do you really want to say something?" Ye Su said.

Chen Haotian took a deep breath and said, "I really treat you as a brother."

"I also regard you as a brother."

"It's the same now." Chen Haotian still said very seriously.

"Then why did you lie to me?" Ye Su threw a pile of documents directly in front of him.

This pile of information spread out in the air, and Chen Haotian didn't even read it.

The main god's space is still under his control, and he knows that Ye Su and the others have entered it.

"Li Xilai shouldn't have been responsible in the first place, otherwise there wouldn't be so many things." Chen Haotian said.

"You even know about Li Xi?" Ye Su was startled.

This means that the Great Desolate Palace...

There is his internal response from Chen Haotian.

He looked at Chen Haotian, and felt that he was very strange.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Su asked.

"It's just an experiment, about biochemical weapons experiments, I just want to create a group of puppets who obey my orders." Chen Haotian said.

Ye Su smiled miserably, and said: "This kind of plan is nothing. If you make it public, who will object?"

Chen Haotian paused.

"Haotian, I'm not a fool." Ye Su said.

Hearing this, Chen Haotian finally gave up.

Ye Su's words have reached this point, which means that there is no room for turning things around.

"Tell the truth." Ye Su said, "At least it proves that we are really brothers."

Chen Haotian looked at Ye Su's serious expression, and nodded.


He said: "What level of gene lock am I now?"

"Third level." Ye Su said: "You can only go to third level."

"That's right." Chen Haotian said: "A person's physique determines the height they can reach. I have done tests, and even if I can survive the fourth-order gene lock, my body can't."

"So, the main god's space is actually your body training plan?" Ye Su gritted his teeth.

"That's right." Chen Haotian said, "What should a human body have?"

"Sorrows, joys, sorrows and joys, that group of people made the Lord God strong..."

His eyes became crazy, and he said: "The power of the Lord God, you should understand."

"When all the light of the soul and human emotions are injected into this body, my addition will be the most perfect body..."

"It's sad." Ye Su sneered.

"What's so sad?"

"How are you doing at the third level now? Who dares to disrespect you? Who dares to disobey when you Chen Haotian gives an order? Even Blue Star, you have to shake three times." Ye Su said: "Isn't that enough?"

"Then what if this power is controlled by others?" Chen Haotian said coldly.

"You have me?" Ye Su said, "As long as I'm here, no one can bully you."

Chen Haotian looked at Ye Su's serious expression, and there was a touch of emotion in his eyes.

But there is only a hint of it, and it flickers past quickly.

Chen Haotian interrupted him at this moment, and said, "Ye Su, have you heard of a word?"

Ye Su frowned.

"Don't persuade others to be kind without knowing what others have done." Chen Haotian said.

The sound falls, the wind is together.


This time, the two were silent for a long time.

Ye Su understood that Chen Haotian couldn't turn back.

Chen Haotian also understood that he couldn't convince Ye Su.

After a long time, Ye Su was about to leave, and he walked down the mountain step by step.

Unexpectedly, Chen Haotian said: "I'm sorry, you can't go."

Ye Su turned his head abruptly and said, "You still want to do something to me?"

"After you leave, you will definitely tell all the forces..." Chen Haotian said.

"Your plan is not to make yourself stronger, right?" Ye Su said excitedly: "Everyone has demonstrated that the birth of the fifth level is not good news."

"That was before." Chen Haotian said

Said: "It is precisely because this world is so evil that it needs a person to rule..."

"You see, the world now is only superficially peaceful."

"Hahahaha." Ye Su laughed loudly, and said, "Stop making such rhetoric."

Chen Haotian didn't speak, and at this moment, Ye Su attacked suddenly.

However, a black shadow appeared and blocked Ye Su's attack with one hand.

Chen Haotian exhaled, and he said, "Ye Su, I'm sorry..."

Almost instantly, Ye Su was under control.

"Kill me if you have the ability." Ye Su shouted.

Chen Haotian didn't speak, just let the black shadow knock Ye Su out, and then carried him away.

Not long after, several black shadows appeared behind, and Chen Haotian asked, "Who was the last person Ye Su saw before coming here?"

"Li Xi." One of them said.

"Watch him."

"Yes." Several black shadows disappeared together.

Chen Haotian looked at the sky from a distance, and there was a bit of guilt in his eyes.

However, it was a little more firm.


"I announce that the resurrection plan has entered the final finishing stage..."

Chen An stood on the square, encouraging more than hundreds of millions of workers.

And all of this was clearly seen by Chen Haotian and the little girl under Shennongjia...

"Master, your wish is about to come true." The little girl said.

Chen Haotian smiled, but there was sadness in his expression...

He thought of his brother, Ye Su.

Over the long years, Ye Su was one of the few who treated him sincerely.

And Chen Haotian also believed what he said back then.

As long as he is...

Then no one dared to touch Chen Haotian.


he died.

He died in the hands of Chen Haotian.

Chen Haotian raised his hand, his hand was trembling slightly, and his eyes were moist.

In order to wait for this day, he paid too much...

Not to mention betrayal.

He killed a lot of people he didn't want to kill.

His heart is becoming cold and iron-blooded.

But Chen Haotian still firmly believes in what he pursues...


and new worlds.

"When I ascend the fifth step again, it will be the beginning of a new world." Chen Haotian shouted loudly, there was no wildness, no excitement in his voice...

Only, endless sadness.

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