"Please be quiet, everyone."

"Please don't be nervous, this is just an experiment conducted by Blue Star."

"Don't worry, everyone will not be in any danger."

In the universe, the start of the resurrection plan caused the stars to surge, and people all over the universe panicked.

Even so, Blue Star has repeatedly guaranteed that nothing will happen.

However, human nature is like this.

It's as if the other party is a very powerful person, you are managed by them like an ant in front of him, and you will not believe what they say.

However, Zhang San and the others had already foreseen the occurrence of this kind of thing in advance, so they deployed a large number of defensive soldiers on the important interstellar stage.

At the same time, Blue Star's command center also received various reports.

"The current data is..."


The technician handed the report sheet to Ye Yi.

Ye Yi glanced at it and nodded in satisfaction.

The resurrection plan has been in preparation for so long, and there must be no accidents, otherwise, Lin Luo's resurrection will be a failure.

However, this cosmic star chain is indeed terrifying, relying on the energy system built between different galaxies, it is shocking.

The specific value is that just one second of start-up is equivalent to the energy emitted by ten thousand stars for ten thousand years.

That's how it is, that's why the entire space of the universe is slightly distorted.

"Do you want to activate the second level?" The technician asked Ye Yi.

"Activate." Ye Yi said.

The equipment of the resurrection plan is divided into five levels.

Because the energy is too huge, in order to avoid accidents such as explosions, it is necessary to upgrade the energy system step by step.

The first stage can be said to be extremely stable.

But at the second level, the energy factor is not as simple as doubling.

In the mode of secondary transmission, not only the energy has changed drastically, but also the channel of transmission has also changed.

Ye Yi looked at the big screen, the first-level mode switched to the second-level mode, the entire universe became more distorted at this time, and the reactors of some stars had a tendency to explode.

After a brief moment, the reactors began to calm down.

Seeing this, Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

The second level, the most dangerous is the constant

Star energy explosion.

A star explosion is equivalent to destroying a galaxy.

Ye Yi watched the data of all parties enter peace, and he was not in a hurry to enter the next stage.

For the resurrection plan, Blue Star has been preparing for so many years, and he is not in a hurry.


When Lin Luo was thinking, he suddenly saw that the distortion of space became larger again.

This time, he was really anxious.

If this energy continues to amplify, then everything that Chen Haotian carefully laid out will succeed.

Lin Luo walked back and forth, and suddenly he felt a pain in his head.

He froze for a moment, then covered his head, because he felt...

Someone was slapping him on the head.

"What the hell?" Lin Luo glanced around, but...

It's empty.

"System, did you do it?" Lin Luo asked.

The system ignored this guy.

Lin Luo thought it was all right, but suddenly Ah yelled again.

Because this time it was his own hand that was injured, and it was already bleeding.

Lin Luo looked at the marks on it and swept it lightly, but he didn't care because the wound had basically healed.

Now Lin Luo's recovery ability is extremely terrifying.

Just when Lin Luo wanted to concentrate on coping with the crisis that might arise next, Lin Luo woke up suddenly.

The traces that just appeared on my hands seem to be...

"Bear claws?!" Lin Luo remembered that Li Donglai and Yang Jun once ate Dabai's food secretly, but they were beaten by Dabai until they were covered in bear claws, and Lin Luo laughed for several days.

Lin Luo is too familiar with Dabai's clawing method where unintentional harm is just humiliation.

"Dabai?!" Lin Luo joyfully shouted to the sky, "Is that you? Dabai?"

However, still no response.

Lin Luo was not disappointed.

Intuition told him that the other party was Dabai.

"How did Dabai contact me?"

"It knows I'm in another world?"

Lin Luo was quite excited.

Dabai has always given people the feeling that it is reliable, if it is, maybe Lin Luo really has a chance to get out of the current predicament.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo calmed down and thought.

The first thing he needs to do is to contact Dabai.


On the white snow-capped mountain, a simple-minded bear looked at a straw man in front of him.

The straw man is very simple, but there are a few extra hairs on it.

These hairs were stolen by Dabai when Lin Luo and Dabai bandaged the wound.

It can't be said to be stealing, after all, Lin Luo also took Dabai's blood back then.

At this moment, Lin Xi has not disappeared, her phantom is still here, looking at Dabai and wanting to make a move, Lin Xi stopped him and said: "Lin Luo big brother is so smart, he will definitely react."

Dabai scratched his head, whimpered, and then sat down.

It can be seen that it also believes in Lin Luo.

However, when Dabai sat down, he didn't sit on the snowdrift, but on the surface of the water.


This snow-capped mountain has begun to melt.

Looking at the sky again, although it is dark at the moment, the sky has been covered by a huge ball.

The whole earth turned red.

The lunar device is activated.

As the core device of the resurrection plan, it is now continuously absorbing various energies and then transforming them.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xi and Dabai became a little anxious.

Once the resurrection plan is started, it will be irreversible.

The reason why Lin Xi appeared was because of the fluctuation of this force.

One person and one bear waited for a long time, but still did not hear any response.

And above the sky, the red color of the moon began to intensify, from light red to dark red.

Dabai couldn't hold back anymore, and was about to step forward to attack the straw man again.

At this time, Lin Xi stopped Dabai.

She looked up at the sky, and the next second, a voice sounded.

At this time, Dabai's pupils also became extremely excited.

"Dabai, is that you?" Lin Luo's voice was also a little more excited.

After thinking hard, he finally remembered the chain of spiritual power that Zhang San said.

Although the two spaces are completely separated, due to the problem of space distortion, some strange energy can be emitted.

Da Bai may not feel it, but Lin Xi can.

"Big brother, it's me." Lin Xi said.

On the other side, when Lin Luo heard this voice, he didn't react at first, but then he was very surprised and said, "Lin Xi?!"

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