"What happens if a device is stopped or destroyed?" Yang Jun asked.

"It's level four now, but it's enough to destroy half of the universe." Zhang San still knew this, so he said directly to avoid disturbing Ye Yi's thinking.

After a while, Ye Yi hammered his head vigorously, and said, "Even if I can make this kind of equipment, it will take time..."

"We only have an hour."

"It's too late."

Zhang San was anxious when he heard this, and said, "Then I'll try it."

"Brother Zhang." Ye Yi shouted: "This is the power of the stars, you can't stand it at all."

"If you can't stand it, you have to give it a try. If you stop him, maybe Lin Luo can live..." Zhang Sanyue became more excited, and said: "He can live, do you understand?"

Everyone was silent.

"I'll go too." Yang Jun stood up.

Behind Li Donglai and others also stood up.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yi gritted his teeth.

But at this time, Xia Qian, who hadn't spoken on the flanks and didn't come over, said, "Eastern Emperor Bell...is it okay?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Xia Qian.

In the final battle, Lin Luo chose to hand over the Eastern Emperor Bell to her.

Today's Xia Qian is really strong.

Ye Yi reacted quickly, and said, "The cover protection system of the Eastern Emperor Bell may really work."

After finishing speaking, Xia Qian took it out directly, and then zoomed in.

"I'll give it a try first," Xia Qian said.

Before they agreed, Xia Qian flew in under the cover of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Everyone was worried.

Finally, after a few minutes, the Eastern Emperor Bell was seen flying out.

Everyone was overjoyed.

Looking again, Xia Qian also returned safely.

"Quick." Zhang San flew up directly.

"I'll go too." Ye Yi followed.

Zhang San wanted to refuse at first, but they really need someone who understands technology, but even if they are irradiated by such a huge energy under the Donghuang Bell, they will be shocked.

Sure enough, when he approached, Ye Yi's seven orifices leaked blood, Zhang San gave him another strength in time, but Ye Yi still didn't feel well.

"I can hold on, I can't die." Ye Yi said in a daze.

Zhang San glanced at Xia Qian, who slapped the Donghuang Bell directly, accelerated to the central area, and flew down obliquely.

And below, Chen

Haotian sat there, watching the Conferred God List above the sky was lit up, and a steady stream of power radiated into his body. The little girl next to him smiled and said: "Master, someone is here."

"I feel it." Chen Haotian looked at the screen displayed on the list of gods, and said: "It's okay, the matter is irreversible, and no one can stop me."


"Such a great moment really needs someone to witness it."

"They are very good witnesses."


"Dabai, are you ready?" Lin Luo urged.

He could feel that time was running out.

The energy changed for the fourth time, and the space also began to become messy.

No one responded to him, but after a few seconds, two beeps were heard.

Dabai stood up in front of Lin Xi, and the light on his body changed from white to Lin Luo's gold at this moment.

"Woooooooooooo." Dabai said again, worried that Lin Luo wouldn't be able to hear him.

Lin Luo was overjoyed and said to Lin Xi: "Lin Xi, can you feel my position?"

"Probably can." Lin Xi said.

"How long can you survive?" Lin Luo asked.

"I don't know either." Lin Xi shook his head.

"I hit a force, see if you can sense it." Lin Luo said.

"Okay." Lin Xi replied.

At this time, Lin Luo used one-fifth of his strength to hit directly in one direction.

After a while, he asked, "How is it?"

"No." Lin Xi shook his head.

She's just a phantom...

If she is in her prime, she can do it.

Hearing this, Lin Luo was embarrassed.

There's only so much power he can use in a short amount of time...

Even if his recovery energy is fast.

"Come again." Lin Luo used it again.

After a while, he asked: 'How is it? '

Lin Xi closed her eyes and didn't say a word, she muttered to herself in her heart: "It must be possible, it must be possible..."

However, she still didn't feel it.

After hearing her answer, Lin Luo's expression changed.

He only has three chances, and if he doesn't succeed this time, he can only rest for more than an hour....

However, he still needs energy to break this space force.

"I'll think about it..." Lin Luo mused.

according to that

Personal thinking requires two equal forces to hit one position.

But, here in space, how to get in touch with the other side?

"Stupid!" Unexpectedly, at this time the system sounded: "You forgot, when you came here, who did you meet?"

Lin Luo paused, then suddenly remembered.

Cheng Su Su.


Cheng Su Su.

Since the powers of Lin Xi and Cheng Susu are from the same root, and both come from heaven and earth, maybe...

"Lin Xi, go and feel the same power as you." Lin Luo said.

Although Lin Xi didn't know what was going on, he still closed his eyes to feel it.

After a while, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and said, "Brother, I feel it. There is the same power as me in the northeast direction."

"That's it." Lin Luo was pleasantly surprised.

turn out to be...

The reason why Cheng Susu appeared here was actually this.

Nuwa's power is really unfathomable.

Lin Luo slammed a force and said to Lin Xi, "Did you feel it?"

"I feel it." Lin Xi was overjoyed and said quickly.

Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Dabai: "Dabai, I need to rest for an hour, and you should also rest."

"Woooo." Dabai nodded and sat on the ground.

While resting, Lin Luo asked, "Lin Xi, what's going on outside?"

Lin Xi looked at the southwest area. At this moment, the beam of energy light was getting bigger and bigger. She breathed out and said, "Brother, maybe...you are too late."


Zhang San and the others flew in directly.

To their surprise, after flying into Shennongjia, a protected area appeared here, and the Donghuang Bell was not even used.

Those energies turned into a small beam of light, injected into the most central area, but turned into a deep red, very terrifying.

With this level of energy, it is estimated that even the Eastern Emperor Bell can't resist it at all.

Zhang San said: "Hurry up."

Everyone flew towards the central area, but when they approached, several...

Some of these people are tall, some are upright, and some are extremely vicious...

However, their eyes are not bright.

And behind them was a little girl, she looked at Zhang San quietly and said, "Welcome!"

"When you see your ancestors, don't you kowtow first?"

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