The little girl was about to make a move, but Chen Haotian waved his hand to stop her.

Chen Haotian looked at Ye Yi seriously and said, "Did Lin Luo tell you that you look like a person."

Ye Yi paused.

"His name is Ye Su, the founder of Honghuang Palace." Chen Haotian said.

"Thank you for your compliment, but Brother Lin Luo told me that I am who I am." Ye Yi said coldly: "Everyone is different."

"Really?" Chen Haotian said: "But I don't think you look like a human being. Do you feel that you are somewhat similar to those people outside?"

Ye Yi was taken aback again.

"Admit it, you also care about your background, but you don't want to disappoint Lin Luo." Chen Haotian said.

Ye Yi was silent.

Chen Haotian thought he was right, and smiled, but unexpectedly Ye Yi said: "Then you are wrong, I did care about my background, but I care more about my partners, my relatives..."

"Dear ones? What kind of relatives?" Chen Haotian laughed and said, "Do you know what a relative is?"

"Then do you understand?" Ye Yi said.

Both sides were silent.

At this time, Chen Haotian said: "You are indeed very similar to him, and what you do is also very similar to him."

Ye Yi frowned.

"Look at the list of gods, it's Ye Su's masterpiece. Although he can't see it, he came up with the concept and design. He is really a genius, just like you." Chen Haotian said.

After a pause, he continued: "However, when he found out that he was being used by me, he became angry, angry, and even refused to listen to persuasion..."

"Everyone has a dark side in their hearts, and you have it too."

"Ye Yi, join me. I need people like you. We can study more powerful forces. Didn't you always want to study the combination of cultivation weapons and the human body? But Lin Luo opposed your suggestion..."

Ye Yi gritted his teeth.

"Your genius, instead of being well utilized by Lin Luo, has become a stumbling block for you. Just imagine, maybe you have developed cultivation technology and human body technology, and you might be able to stop all of this." Chen Haotian laughed.

"You can pursue power, but if you forget your true heart, what's the use of power?" Ye Yi shouted.

"It seems that you are deeply influenced by Lin Luo, but you know

Do you? People like him will not end well in the end... Those people outside, Pangu, Xuanyuan, etc., aren't they very high-definition? The results of it? "

"They're dead, I'm alive."

"So is Lin Luo."

Chen Haotian said.

"Hahaha" Ye Da laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Haotian looked at him quite amusedly.

"You talk about them like this, about the ancestors, about Lin Luo, but in fact, you are afraid of them."

"Am I afraid of them?" Chen Haotian was speechless.

"Otherwise, you wouldn't know how to design and use the Conferred God List to destroy brother Lin Luo..."

"We can't see through your plan, but Brother Lin Luo can definitely."

"He can definitely stop you, too."

Ye Yi said coldly: "Chen Haotian, you are a coward."

Chen Haotian was a little angry when he heard this.

But in just three seconds, he suddenly smiled and said, "Even if you are right, so what."

"Today, I am about to step into the rumored level."

While speaking, the golden divine pattern on the Conferred God List suddenly bloomed, and then a steady stream of power radiated into Chen Haotian's body.

"here we go..."

Ye Yi was extremely uncomfortable.

time has come...

Five-level star energy, start!


"The last level of energy has been activated." Lin Xi said.

Lin Luo is still fighting in the air, he said: 'I already feel it. '

While shooting, he thought in his heart.

The biggest problem right now is...

Even if he goes out, can he really stop Chen Haotian?

Chen Haotian, in ancient times, stepped in with half a foot, but was stopped by Pangu and the others. Biqu library

He, Lin Luo, is not at that level yet.

"You finally figured it out." The system's voice sounded.

Lin Luo was stunned, and then asked: "System, do you have a solution?"

The system didn't speak.

Lin Luo said: 'I never asked you...'

"You asked, but I didn't say yes."

"?" Lin Luo gritted his teeth, thinking that your broken system will never end.

"However, this time the system intends to help you," the system said.

Lin Luo was overjoyed.

"If you want to defeat it, then absorb this system." The system said.

"Huh?" Lin Luo asked

Dun, then puzzled, said: "Aren't you always in my body?"

"In your opinion, what kind of existence is this system?"

"Karma weapon?" Lin Luo thought.

The system will assign various tasks, and rewards will be awarded for completion, which is also in line with the logic of causal weapons.

"You can understand it this way." The system said: "Chen Haotian's ultimate power is achieved by relying on the list of gods. Do you think this system will not be as good as a small list of gods?"

Lin Luo paused.

"It's just that this system really can't provide the power of stars..."

"Lin Luo."

Lin Luoton was there.

At this time, a white switch appeared in front of him.

There's a button on top.

Written in two lovely words:

start up.

Lin Luo picked it up.

"I can give you the qualification to fight with him, and the final battle is up to you," the system said.

Lin Luo was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "After that... you..."

Speaking of this, Lin Luo actually choked up a little.

This system accompanied him all the way.

Although there were occasional quarrels, Lin Luo never forgot the help and kindness he gave.

In Lin Luo's mind, the system...

Also his partner.

The system stopped talking.

Whether the system has feelings, Lin Luo didn't know before.

But now, Lin Luo knows, it must have...

Lin Luo looked at the switch in his hand, then at the strange space, and muttered to himself, "Thank you..."


When he was speaking, he suddenly shouted: "Dabai!"


Dabai roared, he felt Lin Luo's anger, and at the same time exhausted his last strength to fight towards the sky with all his strength.

However, the sky remained motionless.

Both of them were disappointed.

Until a few seconds, a trace of ups and downs...

The pupils of the two and one bear instantly became round, and the ripples of time and space floated again at this moment.

They are sure.


"Dabai." Lin Luo gritted his teeth, showing ecstasy.

"Wooooow." Dabai gritted his teeth and exhausted his last strength.

In the next second, in front of Lin Luo, a space hole that could hold a human body appeared.

Lin Luo came directly in front of it, and at this moment, he felt someone appearing from behind.

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