"But what?" Lin Luo asked.

"Because the energy is too great and the space is affected, these star gates must not be usable. Brother Ye Yi also ordered before that they are not allowed to approach the star gates." Lin Yue said.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "Lead the way."

When Lin Yue heard this, she didn't procrastinate, and flew over directly, with Lin Luo following behind.

Sure enough, as Lin Yue said, the star gate here has become distorted due to the influence of energy, and there is even the danger of turning into a black hole.

Lin Luo stepped over directly, Lin Yue just wanted to stop, Lin Luo said: "It's too late, we have to take a risk."

Lin Luo slammed a punch, and Lin Yue in the rear unexpectedly saw that the power of the stars was wiped out by Lin Luo's punch.

However, because of the energy collision, a huge storm eye actually appeared.

Lin Luo came directly in front of Lin Yue and said, "Hold on to me."

Lin Yue grabbed Lin Luo's neighbor directly, and Lin Luo took her and flew in directly.

Lin Yue subconsciously closed her eyes, but she unexpectedly found that although it was in an energy vortex, there was nothing going on here. Biqu library

"The eye of the storm is the quietest." Lin Luo smiled and said, "I told you to study more."

"If you don't come back, no one will supervise me." Lin Yue smiled.

"Where's Dabai?" Lin Luo said.

"Understand it..." Lin Yue's eyes dimmed.

Seeing her expression, Lin Luo's smile bloomed again, and he said, "Don't worry, brother is here, everything will be fine."

"Yeah." Lin Yue said happily: "My big brother is invincible."

Lin Luo's smile faded, and then he punched again and rushed out of the star gate.

The moment he walked out of the star gate, the star gate behind him immediately turned into a terrifying black hole due to the huge energy, absorbing the nearby planets.

"How far?" Lin Luo asked.

"A star gate is needed." Lin Yue said, leading the way quickly.


thirty minutes.

After thirty minutes, Ye Yi could already see that Chen Haotian's body was almost transparent.

Surprisingly, while his body is disappearing, it is rapidly repairing.

It's like the cells are constantly being renewed and replaced....

Ye Yi suddenly seemed to understand.

These cells are constantly dividing, constantly

Death, while constantly remembering, evolving...

Hundreds of millions of times.


countless times.

Because these cells need to be under high-intensity energy to do this.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to rely on manpower to complete the real fifth-order gene.

Ye Yi knew that he had to take action, he shouted, and rushed forward in a way that almost exploded, but just as he got up, he was suppressed by the little girl.

"You are too weak." The little girl said indifferently.


Ye Yi was directly fixed in place, and could only look at Chen Haotian quietly.

And Chen Haotian is still enjoying the pleasure brought by all these.

until a voice sounded...

"what about me?"

When the indifferent voice came, the little girl flew out directly and retreated hundreds of meters.

When Ye turned his head, he only saw the one-armed Zhang San walking towards him drenched in blood.

"Brother Zhang." Ye Yi was pleasantly surprised.

Zhang San's expression is full of exhaustion, and...m.x.com


"Brother Zhang, stop him quickly." Ye Yi shouted.

Zhang San flew over directly, but the little girl blocked his way again.

Zhang San frowned, but the little girl said with great interest: "In terms of combat power, you can't be Nuwa's opponent, even if this Nuwa is just a product of the causal point..."

Zhang San waved the Xuanyuan Sword with one arm, and said indifferently: "You also underestimated the predecessors of the past."

The little girl was taken aback for a moment, and a ray of light radiated from her eyes in an instant, and then the little girl was stunned.

All I saw was that on the screen, Nuwa actually turned around to help Yang Jun and the others.

"Nuwa is worthy of being called the God of Creation in the East." Zhang San shouted: "This is the ancestor, this is the god."

"As for you..."

"I don't deserve to live in this world!"


Although the little girl is on the list of gods, she is only a cultivation weapon, but her power is still extremely powerful.

What makes Zhang San feel overwhelmed is that...

Xuanyuan Sword has no effect on her.

"Your mental power is very special, but compared to Nuwa, it's still too weak." The little girl flashed light, and suddenly blocked the attack from behind.

Zhang San was extremely uncomfortable. This was his hidden move, but it was all discovered.

The little girl's body continuously exudes golden divine lines

, Zhang San finally said: "You are... the list of gods."

He was surprised.

Fengshenbang, actually conscious?

He remembered what happened before, and said, "This is a scam at all, starting from the time you deliberately induced us to look for the Jade Plate of Creation, right?"

"How do you say it's a scam? If you don't have the list of gods and the jade plate of fortune, how can you stop the attack of the nine major civilizations..." The little girl said, "You have to be grateful to us."

Zhang San didn't speak, he looked up at the moment when the list of gods expanded above his head, countless divine patterns began to tilt down.

"Xuanyuan is reborn!" Zhang San raised Xuanyuan sword high, ready to swing a sword, but his sword could not be effective against these active Conferred Gods.

Zhang San's eyes were a little desperate.

But the little girl laughed and said: "I am the leader of cultivation weapons, and even the secrets of heaven are from my hands. The little Xuanyuan sword can do nothing to me."

Just after she finished speaking, she suddenly heard a bang, and then saw that Xuanyuan Sword was shining with golden light...

Seeing this scene, Ye Yi suddenly realized.

The profound meaning of comprehension weapons lies in the structural diagram inside.

Like the Xuanyuan Sword, it uses hundreds of millions of structural diagrams.

If these working structural diagrams are destroyed, they can generate huge amounts of energy.


Can make the blue star explode.

"You are trying to die." The little girl panicked.

She couldn't stop Xuanyuanjian's self-destruction.

Zhang San laughed loudly, and said: "Although my generation is dead, Blue Star still has descendants..."

He didn't even think about it.

He, Zhang San, used to be very afraid of death.

But now, he is not afraid at all.

Because, someone told him...

Death is not the scariest thing in this world.

Being alive is the scariest thing.

"Sorry, I still ruined your favorite Blue Star in the end." Zhang San closed his eyes when he saw Xuanyuanjian was about to explode, but the next second, the picture changed suddenly.

All I saw was that the Xuanyuan Sword suddenly slapped and condensed...

Zhang San was stunned, and then he raised his head in horror.

At this moment, Chen Haotian opened his eyes. His two eyes, one black and one white, had two mysterious and ancient patterns in his pupils.

"He...did he succeed?" Zhang San felt his legs trembling uncontrollably.

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