
Even you can't bear to see the world in ruins, can you?

Xia Qian thought so, watching the figure become clearer and clearer.

Finally, she smiled.

Because the figure in front of him was too familiar.

Her tears could no longer be suppressed.

"It's Lin Luo!!!" Xia Qian didn't know where the strength came from, she stood up and shouted loudly.

Everyone looked at the figure quietly, feeling incredible.

Lin Luo remained the same, the only thing that made them feel strange was his breath.

However, he didn't pay much attention to this breath now.

In contrast, Lin Luo was the one they focused on.

Lin Luo looked at the injured Dabai and frowned. He put one hand on Dabai's body, Dabai resisted a little because he didn't want Lin Luo to waste energy here. x.com

"Don't move." Lin Luo shouted.

Dabai frowned, but still obediently did not move.

Lin Luo directly injected a beam of energy, sealing its meridians, and at the same time turned his head and glanced at Chen Haotian.

Chen Haotian looked at Lin Luo with a bit of shock in his pupils.

It's a pity that Lin Luo turned his head immediately, and he fell to the ground with Dabai in one hand.

"Lin Luo!"

"Is...really you?"

Xia Qian was so excited that she stuttered.

Lin Luo patted her on the shoulder, looked at the scars all over her body, didn't speak, just patted her on the shoulder.

He turned his head and saw Yang Jun and Li Donglai behind him supporting the dying Zhang San. The three of them stood in place and said in unison: "Zhang San, come and report!"

"Yang Jun, come and report!"

"Li Donglai, come and report!"

Lin Luo couldn't help feeling hot when he looked into their eyes.

They are all comrades-in-arms, once fought for this piece of land, for survival.

In the end, can you blame them?

of course not.

If they are dead, Lin Luo knows the perfect human project, and he will do whatever it takes to realize it...

Nothing is more important than the life of your partner.

"General Manager Lin, I..." Zhang San gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Luo guiltily.

"I know everything." Lin Luo looked at him and said, "Good job, you have done a good job of what I finally entrusted to you."

Zhang San made a military salute directly.

"Lin Luo, you are..." Yang Jun looked at Lin Luo and felt

Somewhat unbelievable.

"Although it's a bit long, the guy above is still evolving, and we can't interrupt him now." Lin Luo actually sat down directly.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Why can't it be stopped?" Everyone was puzzled.

Instead, Ye Yi from behind came over and said, "Because if the power of the fifth-level stars cannot be absorbed by him, the entire universe will be destroyed..."

After speaking, he fixed his eyes on Lin Luo.

Lin Luo smiled, watching Ye Yi's runny nose and tears, he stepped forward.

"I'm sorry, Brother Lin Luo, it's all me..."

"It's all me, woo woo woo..."

Ye Yi's guilt can be imagined.

Today's Chen Haotian should have been raised by him alone.

Without him, Ye Yi, this plan would have been impossible to succeed.

Lin Luo put an arm around his shoulder and said, "Ye Yi, you have grown up, you should know that nothing is perfect."

"Chen Haotian has been arranging for so long, and he has already calculated everything."

After a while, Ye Yi's mood stabilized a bit, and he glanced at Dabai who had fallen into a coma.

Lin Luo said: "It's fine, it's just too tired. I can come back thanks to it, and..."

"Resurrection plan."

Everyone was taken aback.


"Because the huge energy of the resurrection plan changed the structure of all spaces and indirectly broke through the connection between spaces, I was able to get the chance to get out of it." Lin Luo said: "So, indirectly, you still have more help."

Everyone was silent.

Even so, they all knew that Lin Luo was trying to eliminate their guilt.

Lin Luo continued: "Dabai and I finally worked together to open the door of space, that's why we came out."

Afterwards, Lin Luo raised his head and said: "Now it seems that this monster is stronger than I imagined."

"What's going on?" Zhang San was puzzled.

Until now, he didn't know what kind of existence Chen Haotian was.

as well as...

The origin of the perfect human plan.

"If you want to talk about it in detail, you should start with the death of Ye Su...that is, the lord of the Honghuang Palace." Lin Luo said.

"...Su Chen had an insight into Chen Haotian's plan at the end, and he finally chose to die."


However, Su Chen never imagined that even if he died, the Lord God Space had already collected all his data. "

"Su Chen, is the perfect body?" Ye Yi suddenly realized.

"That's right." Lin Luo said: "The main god space was born to create a perfect body, but they need a higher device, and this device can only be completed by Ye Su...."

"So, Ye Su's death is a certainty, not an accident, is it?"

While speaking, Lin Luo looked up at Chen Haotian.

In the past, they also looked at each other like this.

It's just that Chen Haotian back then was kind and stubborn.

Today's Chen Haotian is full of indifference.

"Lin Luo, you are not qualified to judge us." Chen Haotian said.

Lin Luo ignored him and continued: "He killed Ye Su and obtained Ye Su's brain, which is also the basis for their research and development of the Gods List..."

"After making the list of gods, Chen Haotian has already understood the real method of the last five levels."

"But he is also keenly aware of the threat from Pangu and the others." m.x.com

"Back then Chen Haotian was very strong, but our ancestors..."

"Pangu, Nuwa and the others didn't build it."

"Even if Chen Haotian hides it very well, Nuwa still has an insight into his danger."

"One day, she announced to the world, summoned the king of gods, and encircled and suppressed him."

"This is also the reason why the ancient blue star civil war broke out."

Hearing this, Chen Haotian smiled disdainfully.

Then I was stunned, just because of Lin Luo's next sentence:

"You don't have to laugh, because Nuwa's discovery is also in your plan."

"You know, when the power reaches the so-called demigod domain, Nuwa will be able to know all this from the energy of the heaven and the earth..."

"So, you left behind the good fortune jade plate."

"Because you know that once someone cracks the secret inside, it will be your resurrection time."

"Is it right?"

Lin Luo looked up and smiled.

Chen Haotian couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

It's a bad feeling....

All the plans, all the deployments have been seen by people.


After a short while, Chen Haotian said: "I finally understand why I, in another timeline, choose to cooperate with you."

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